Page name: squee(vork) [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-01-29 14:38:02
Last author: Jitter
Owner: sequeena_rae
# of watchers: 7
Fans: 0
D20: 2
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Welcome to squee(vork)!

this is for all you people who have gotten addicted to our twisted, kinky and rather perversive sense of humour! :D

for you just know... you love us.... you adore us.... we make you want more! and to take Squee up the ass (since she loves that)
I do not like it up the arse *glares and spanks* So you all know, I'm the pimp, she's the whore and the only thing I like humping is her caps lock XP

she's just the pimp because it makes me horny, she has no further power whatsoever XP
Wanna bet? *stabs repeatedly and ties to bed*

*pokes squee in the eye* bring it on, babe XP ....right now I'm occupied though... *is clipping toenails*
*steps away* XD
want a bite? :P
*glare* Do I look like I want a bite?
*is collecting the nails to send them to you in an envelope* talking bout, where's Maria?! x_O
*mutters* Up my arse, and turn left ¬_¬ She's on my bedside table, waiting to be sent back tomorrow *sigh* Stupid, stupid weather.
*dives in*<img:>
*in a state of shock*
*humps your state of shock*
>.> <.< Woohoo!
I knew you would like it :P
Evil bitch XP
you definatly know how to turn me on :P
Rawr x)


both [sequeena_rae] and [Teufelsweib] are braindead right now, so we're not arsed enough (since we're both taking it from there, I suppose, through the diary) to add something more...

so here, add your name if you're our... uhmm... fans? :P

- [Teufelsweib]! (zomg I'm my own fan XP)

- [sequeena_rae] Just because >.> <.<

- [Linderel] They make my days (and nights) by their sick, twisted, pervy humour. :P *humps both*

- [evil beavle] not that I'm proud of it, or anything, but I'm Slavorks fan... beu - zurt

-[starry_bellend] for my mod!! :P (I cant believe you like bum sex)

- [Firenze], I didn't know the ET Prossy gave out lesson? Gawd, I am surprised she ain't rich yet *lubs t3h Squee*

- [Iuna] I'm Slavork's fan! whieeej ^^ *hugs slavork*

- [someelf], what can I say? XD they're kinky :P Like moi! >X3 *humps and pets both* You two should be ashamed :P *pokes b00bs*

- [Tableau Vivant], well.. you do know how to make my dayxD

-[Jitter] Zomg scary xD

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2007-01-28 [sequeena_rae]: You are so insulting tonight XD

2007-01-28 [Linderel]: *stalk* >:D~

2007-01-28 [sequeena_rae]: Zomg!

2007-01-28 [Teufelsweib]: yaaayyy!!! we actually have a fan! :D

2007-01-28 [sequeena_rae]: Omg *is humped* hubba hubba :3

2007-01-28 [Teufelsweib]: HA!!! I got a fan that you don't haaaaveee!! XP

2007-01-28 [evil beavle]: hihi!!!

2007-01-28 [sequeena_rae]: Om isi now??

2007-01-28 [sequeena_rae]: AVE IT!

Omg. I can't believe you managed to praise me and insult me at the same time ¬_¬ Mod, we are THROUGH! *stalks off*

2007-01-28 [starry_bellend]: Fuck it lmaooo! I though it was funny :P

2007-01-28 [sequeena_rae]: Yeess!! Thankee [Firenze]! *lubs*

2007-01-28 [Teufelsweib]: WHOA!

2007-01-28 [sequeena_rae]: Boom chica boom boom XD Lmaoooo!

2007-01-28 [Teufelsweib]: zomg people don't understand this is a squee and vork fanclub ;_;

2007-01-28 [sequeena_rae]: You crossed the line with 19:24:44 Slavork: HA!!! I got a fan that you don't haaaaveee!! XP XD!!!!

2007-01-28 [evil beavle]: I know this is a fan club :P

2007-01-28 [Teufelsweib]: I know!! but I didn't knew that this would turn out to be a contest, just because I know that [evil beavle] is too stupid to realize this is a wiki for us both XD

2007-01-28 [evil beavle]: I know it is a wiki for you both! but I thought, well I'm a fan of Slavork... sort of, so why shouldn't I just join!?

2007-01-28 [sequeena_rae]: Lmao! :o Insulting your friend! How very dare you!

[starry_bellend], you slag!

2007-01-28 [starry_bellend]: Om fucking japping me again!!! I am the victim here!

2007-01-28 [Teufelsweib]: because it's a friend of mine? XD
omg beavle, you should be a fan of squee too! :O

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