# of watchers: 10
Fans: 0
| D20: 2 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Number of voters: 6
* a) 1 - If only I could tear you in twain with my bare hands
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* b) 2
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* c) 3
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* d) 4
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* e) 5 - If only I could care about your existence
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* f) 6
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* g) 7
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* h) 8
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* i) 9
Number of votes: 3 (50%) Voters: [Lucy-Lou], [The all powerful Midori], [sky fox]
* j) 10 - If only I could ravish you in the dark, away from prying eyes and the morals of the outside world
Number of votes: 3 (50%) Voters: [Little Victories], [Angels Of San-Angelus], [Random Pavarotti Disease]
Number of voters: 7
* a) A cucumber
Number of votes: 1 (14%) Voters: [Lucy-Lou]
* b) A tree
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* c) A horse
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* d) A Unicycle
Number of votes: 1 (14%) Voters: [sky fox]
* e) A croissant
Number of votes: 1 (14%) Voters: [Angels Of San-Angelus]
* f) A bomb
Number of votes: 3 (43%) Voters: [Random Pavarotti Disease], [Mitsuharu], [tuff ghost]
* g) A ravine
Number of votes: 1 (14%) Voters: [Little Victories]
2007-04-04 [Mitsuharu]: yes, yes I do.
2007-04-04 [Random Pavarotti Disease]: I've been watching them on YouTube :D
2007-04-05 [Mitsuharu]: cool, they are very funny!
2007-04-05 [Random Pavarotti Disease]: When Vince said "Yowser!" in episode 10, it was the highlight of my life. Sheer genius.
2007-04-14 [Angels Of San-Angelus]: I personally like the "Sghetti" moment of the last episode...
2007-05-21 [Random Pavarotti Disease]: Where has everyone gone? I'm all alone on my lonesome. I'm also very bored, and when I get bored small furry things die.
2007-05-31 [sky fox]: in an attempt to make you less bored, why is the greatest verb of all not on the favourite verb section? i speak of course of the illustrious verb - Defenestration
2007-06-01 [Random Pavarotti Disease]: I'm not even going to ask.
2007-06-01 [sky fox]: what? you don't know what defenestration means? it's from the latin words de - from, or out of, and fenere (not sure of the spelling) - window
basicaly to defenestrate someone, is to throw them out of a window. look it up if you don't believe me.
2007-06-01 [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: lol
2007-06-01 [Random Pavarotti Disease]: I think I'd find it much easier to say "I threw him out of a window".
2007-06-02 [sky fox]: well yeah, but it's just a fantastically weird verb!
the spanish have a verb to hit someone in the face with a frying pan too, but i don't know the word.
2007-06-03 [Random Pavarotti Disease]: I still think 'do' is the most useful verb there is.
2007-06-03 [sky fox]: well yeah, it's useful, but does that make a favourite verb?
sorry, i have a mild obsession with defenestration
2007-07-13 [Random Pavarotti Disease]: ROAD TRIP USA!!! WOOOOOOO!!!
Sorry. In Chicago. Bored. You're all asleep now, but it's lunchtime here.
2007-08-06 [Random Pavarotti Disease]: Back in England. Still bored.
2007-08-13 [Little Victories]: my favourite verb is ejaculate. When Rowling used it in HP6 and got away with it, that basically made my mind up for me that I would be a writer.
2007-09-14 [Little Victories]: can't remember the page; but I do remember it was Slughorn. He barged into a room and 'ejaculated' something; which I assume means he shouted or proclaimed loudly. Not that he barged into a room, wopped his member out and proceeded to eject semen furiously over the inhabitants of said room.
2007-09-28 [Random Pavarotti Disease]: Right.
2007-10-01 [The all powerful Midori]: though it would have been more amusing if he had...
Number of comments: 343
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