Page name: Various Comics [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-02-05 03:42:01
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Various (old) Comics by [Mortified Penguin]/[Sagacious Turkey]/[spitfire_35121]


Bob's Diner

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2009-04-12 [Chaotix Palidien]: hholy crap thats alot of reading XD

2009-04-12 [Sunrose]: wow :P

2009-04-12 [Mortified Penguin]: That's just a very small portion of all the crap I have in my folder(s)...

2009-04-12 [Sunrose]: You should perhaps transform them into digital art comics :P

2009-04-12 [Mortified Penguin]: Never!

2009-04-12 [Mortified Penguin]: ...most of this stuff is from 05/06... and most of it is unfunny...

2009-04-12 [Sunrose]: Why did you send us here, in that case? :P

2009-04-12 [Mortified Penguin]: Boredom... *eats ramen*... also to take this opportunity to tell you all to eat at Bob's Diner!

2009-04-12 [Chaotix Palidien]: =/

2009-04-12 [Imperator]: Mort, you amuse me. :D

2009-04-12 [organicparadox]: indeed and truly, for your own amusement you amuse others. i like it. be you homie. if you ever want to take some ideas into a more finished format, you really could. some interesting sequential ideas in your stuff. good luck!

2009-04-12 [Captain Rachel Black]: *haunts* so I can come back later and give it a more deserving look-see XD

2009-04-12 [Calico Tiger]: Same here. Will watch this page and read it later (got lots of Easter events to do today! Yeah, digital, not real life. i r video game nerd). I definitely didn't expect this many! :D

2009-04-12 [Sunrose]: I tried to read it, but that damned hand writing makes it awfully difficult :P
Like totally warped my mind..

2009-04-12 [Imperator]: Your face warped my eyes. Oooooo! BURN! XD

2009-04-12 [Sunrose]: I haz ze powarz..

2009-04-12 [Imperator]: Yikes! <img:44166_1164903241.gif>

2009-04-12 [Sunrose]: Run weenydog :P

2009-04-12 [Imperator]: *looks back* Gah! My eyes! My eyes!!

2009-04-12 [Sunrose]: Them eyes have already burnt too much to see anything :P

2009-04-12 [Imperator]: I'm melting! Nooooooooooo! DX

2009-04-12 [Sunrose]: *walks away from the puddle of death*

2009-04-12 [Mortified Penguin]: *sips the puddle through a straw*

2009-04-12 [Sunrose]: eww that's disgusting :p

2009-04-13 [Imperator]: Kinda like your face... *flows away*

2009-04-13 [Mortified Penguin]: *snap*

2009-04-13 [Imperator]: *clap*

2009-04-13 [Mortified Penguin]: *crap*

2009-04-13 [Mortified Penguin]: ...I'm thinking about uploading the other 200+ pages of various comics in my large binders... but that would take a lot of time... and I'm really lazy...

2009-04-13 [Imperator]: Did you just scan all of those or what?

2009-04-13 [Mortified Penguin]: No... I haven't scanned any others... yet...

2009-04-13 [Imperator]: Are these the product of a boring school day?

2009-04-13 [Mortified Penguin]: They suuure are... while all the stupid kids were finishing their work, we would draw stuff! ...not quality stuff, but... stuff... *eats ramen*...

2009-04-13 [Mortified Penguin]: Next, I'll probably upload some non-stickman stuff...

2009-04-13 [Lothuriel]: Awesome! Thanks for the invite!

2009-04-14 [Chaotix Palidien]: hmmmmmm <_<;

2009-04-14 [organicparadox]: how much ramen do you eat? that's alot of msg

2009-04-14 [Mortified Penguin]: I love MSG! ...It's great! ...*snorts MSG*...

2009-04-14 [Mortified Penguin]: Mmm... it burns so good!

2009-04-14 [Chaotix Palidien]: .............. wtf you bunch of msg snorters <_<;

2009-04-14 [Lothuriel]: Mort...

That explains sooooo much.

2009-06-03 [Mortified Penguin]: ...*eats ramen*...

2009-06-04 [Pillowthief]: Oh. My. God.

We definitely have some anger issues here, but props to the curiously expressive use of Bob's Diner advertisement.

I think I will go somewhere warm and fuzzy for few hours to try and cleanse myself from all the stick death.

2009-06-04 [Mortified Penguin]: Yes... these things happen... but more importantly, eat at Bob's Diner!

2009-06-05 [Chaotix Palidien]: lmfao

2009-06-08 [Pillowthief]: I work at Bob's Diner! Thats why I choose to eat elsewhere...

2009-06-08 [Mortified Penguin]: So i c.

2009-07-17 [drakkar]: *chuckles a bit and lurks moar*

2009-10-31 [Dead_Alewives]: Hey man, not a bad job on the comics. Haha, they remind me a lot of my own...only yours has better artwork, believe it or not.

2009-10-31 [Mortified Penguin]: But... it's stick people! How could that be better?!

2009-11-02 [Dead_Alewives]: hahaha! Well, the difference is you hand-draw yours, while I useeither microsoft paint or the paint feature in photoshop for mine. Drawing with a mouse can result in some ugly stuff.

2011-02-05 [Pillowthief]: I don't know. I'd have to see it to believe it.

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