Page name: We miss you Mr. Sneakers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-06 22:54:34
Last author: Crescent Moon Faerie
Owner: Neya
# of watchers: 2
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This wiki page was set up, because [Mister Sneakers] passed away at 4 am. on september the 24th.
We miss you so much little kitten!!!!

If you want to, you can add your name to the list, and say something about this sweet, strong kitty :(



1.[Neya] - When I read that mister sneakers had passed away, I truley was sad.. I had been watching his improvements for quite a while, and he was so strong! it's just... not fair :( We miss you so much kitty!! you were so strong and brave.. love you!!

2.[Kelaria] - I was truly devastated when I learned that Mr. Sneakers had passed away. I had come to love him as if he were my own, and it hurt me so much that he has died.... but at least he is suffering no more.... I love you Mr. Sneakers! Watch over us all!

3.[moira hawthorne] - Mr Sneakers was a truely amazing little kitten, who inspired much love and brought out the best in so many! His short life was a true trail filled with difficult challenges but also much love! To all who knew him he shall be missed. [Archeress of Mirkwood] was a wonderful caring Mom to this little champ! Her love for him was unsurpassed! He is with the Goddess now taking a well earn rest in her lap but will be back shortly Im sure! Such a brave soul as his can not be still forever!

4.[Aurora7865] - *schnoogles for Mister Sneakers*

5.[spongemonkey] it was so sad when that kafuggly lil' kitty died, it made me cry, he was such a strong cute brave little kitten, I wish the archress the best and I wish mr. sneakers the best to. :( WE LOVE YOU MISTER SNEAKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6.[if i followed you home would you keep me] oh man thats so sad...i have my own kittens and ya...that just really really sux

7.[Tolmeni] ...Kitty? Kitty? Where are you, kitty?...

8.[Leelo] *cries* I miss you!

9.[Keii] Goodybye Mr.Sneakers, you'll always be remembered. *tear*

10.[Ironballs "the Preposterous One"] My best wishes to Archeress... we all miss the little guy...

11.[Grrt] Hey Im Really Sorry To Hear About Mr. Snickers I Had A Cat Like That Too So I Know What Its Like and My Dad Died Of Emphezima so Once Again Sorry About Him R.I.P Mr. Sneakers

12.[crikey o'reilly] A very cute cat, and i'm very sorry to hear about his passing away, i was nearly in tears when i read what has happend, R.I.P to one of the cutest cats in the world

13.[Raziel Ahnara] We all know how extremely adorable Mr. Sneakers was, none more so than [Archeress of Mirkwood]. He was probably the sweetest kitty ever (even if I never did meet him in person) and I miss him just as much as anyone. My deepest sympathies go to Archeress.

14.[I dribble on people] I never knew the little fella but I hope he's gon to a better place with his precious ring!

15.[Little Red Riding Hoodrat] Why is it always the best ones that get taken first? *sniffles*

16.[Chynadoll] poor poor mr sneakers ... i barely knew ye! *sniff sniff* theres something in my eye ok!?!?

17.[Lycaon pictus] I don't know why the best things in life always get to be the shortest experience. I saw how Mr. Sneaker improved and followed his progress, and everything seemed to be so good and that he was getting better. I must say that I admire this kitty for his strength, there isn't anything close to the strength he had. I hope he is in the kitty-heaven where he get to meet alot of other kittens. We miss you Mr. sneakers!

18.[Mythical Angel] I just read this story today December 29, 2004, this is the saddest story I have ever heard in my life *tears* It made me cry, and cried even more when I saw the pictures of Mr. Sneakers after having read the story. I can't believe something so horrible could happen to something soooo precious. I will never forget this story, it will always be remembered. We will all miss you Mr. Sneakers.

19.[Fireheart2233] We love you Mr. Sneakers, and we live with the knowledge that you live with the kitty angels and now truly have wings.

20. [Snuggy Buggy] Mr. Sneakers... *Sniffles* I miss you... *Stares at her front paws* alot... *Looks up at the ceiling* We used to play together so much... *Gulps and paws uneasily at the floor* But now we can't...*Sniffles louder* I love you. I got to go now. *Bolts out of room sniffling*

21. [Babe-a -lious me!]- MR.Sneakers Was and still is the bravest and cutest kitten I have ever heard of! RIP I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

22. [Shishiru]- I just read the story, and i know how you feel...i had a small kitten nammed Kaze, and my dad stepped on him, and he died instantly, but then my dog, Chablis, died of a heart condition...i really sympathize with you... RIP Mr.Sneakers, even if ive never met you, i admire your strength, and I love you.

23. [amandalynn77] I just read the entire story, it was so sad. I am so sorry. That story truley touched me. I have 6 of my own cats, I can't imagine what you had to go through, I couldn't imagine loosing any of my cats. I wish you the best. And once again I am so sorry.

24. [SatansAngel] im so sorry to hear that you lost Mr. Sneakers it seem likje he was a wonderful cat and i hope that he is resting in peace

25. [Sad Lonely Angel] i miss Mr. his soul rest in peace, and that he is catching plenty of mice!!!! *sniffles* i love you Mr. Sneakers!!!!!

26. [Crescent Moon Faerie] I never knew Mr. Sneakers personally but I do know what it's like to lost a kitten and a cat after they've seemed to recover so well *cries* everytime I think of Mr. Sneakers he reminds me of my lost cats which makes me cry even more...*sniff* cats shouldn't have to die, especially when they've done so well


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2004-09-25 [Neya]: I just had to make a wiki like this.. it's so.. hm :(

2004-10-05 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: There is another one that another friend made... Memory book I will put this one and that one both up on the front page, and maybe on his front page

2004-12-30 [Neya]: people are still adding their names to this day.. I really miss him, I think about the story of his life almost every single day

2004-12-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yep, that last entry on this page was just put up there yesterday.

2005-01-25 [Neya]: 19 people.. a lot of people read the story.. I still feel sad when I think about it:(

2005-01-25 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yep... I still get messages from people everynow and then saying that they just found and read his story... and how sad it was or inspiring or... however they felt towards it.

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