Uff, yesterday's rant looks really snobbish when read in a not-murderous-
On a happier note, I'm going to (try) stay in Coventry to do my Masters. :) So another year (at least) of England. :) Heck, wouldn't mind doing a PhD around here somewhere ^^;
And then I'd feed it to my non-guiding stupid twat of a guidance councellor saying "thanks for all the bloomin' fish" xP
Long rant. Get offended, then get over it. Or go do my new poll. :)
Comment from a wiki
... however it makes me mad to see people that go to an airport turn on a jet engine have a giant canvas sittng behind it and then throw buckets of paint into the jet stream and turn around and sell it for a quarter million dollars!!! THAT is the sort of thing that makes me upset... because in about 30 mins they can have a completed mess they dub art while i sit for 7-10 hours or more and draw a pic that is life like with my pencils and cannot get ore than $40.00 for it! sad! *gets off soap box and tries to cool down*
I just love it when people fail to see the point. When people are so busy being a smart aleck that they don't stop to think.
Firstly, go to an airport with an empty canvas and a bucket of paint. Did they throw you out for being a terrorist? Thought as much. Let's try again. Arrange the thing before hand. Call up some big-wig airport person to ask permission to come do your piece of art in their jet engine. What, took you 3 days to reach the right person, and they said no? You had to find someone else to call? They also said no? Bummer isn't it? Another go, you need to convince them. Sit on your desk, thinking and planning this particular piece of art. What does it mean to you? Why are you making a painting this way, letting a jet engine blow the paint on the canvas? Do you know about the other artists in history who have worked with randomness, machinery-crea
In the end the entire process took over 3 months, a lot of talking and arranging with other people, communicating, thinking. And that means a lot more than when you sit in your cosy little bedroom and make a doodle.
The reason your scribble doesn't get more than 40 dollars is because it means nothing. People have scribbled on paper with pencil for hundreds of years. And they all did it better than you and had meaning. Yours is life-like? Fuck, I can take a digital picture of absolutely anything in less than 5 seconds and it's lifelike. Real art transforms us or the way we see our world or even the world itself. A pretty picture does nothing, it doesn't even make you think. Pretty pictures are like porn. Porn has its uses, prettu pictures have theirs. But neither is art. (They have potential to be art, but when they are made art, they cease to be porn/pretty pictures).
In the end, you, dear commentor, are not an artist, you are an illustrator. And there are five million professional illustrators who can do what you do, but they are better and they are professionals. What is the opposite of professional? Amateur. You are a sunday driver complaining about Ferrari not begging you to drive Formula 1 for them.
Did Marcel Duchamp smile or giggle when working on his hilarious picture, the Large Glass?
("The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, even" --> even = meme --> m'aime = loves me --> "the Bride, Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Loves Me")
What do I look like when working on my art?
Art transforms people. Does that apply to people making it as well as people looking at it, or only one or the other? If both, how has my work transformed me? (Duh, easy answer!)
Remember, the picture is not the end in itself, it is only a medium! What matters is my world communicated through that picture, so picture-making methods are irrelevant.
Biophilia. Pleasure of observing nature and it's quirks, unrepetitivene
Machinaphilia (to coin a term?). Pleasure of observing mechanical contraptions, perpetual motion machines (perpetuum mobile, ikiliikkuja), et cetera.
Is there a hierarchy? Which one is the greater pleasure? Which one is more divine? Which one is a more human pleasure: the pleasure or irregularity, or the pleasure of regularity?
From my point of view, it is of course machinaphilia that is greater, for the nature in all its intricate detail is not a work of art. A machine then is? It is at least man-made, and no other animal creates art. True enough, art can be created by natural means - a garden can be the work of art by its gardener, gardening is not a futile excercise in that sense. But a forest is not art. A garden created to appear forest-like is. It's intention that counts towards art, and nature has no intention, no meaning. It goes through its cycles without caring for anything it touches. It is aloof. Art is not, never. Art can't be made in a vacuum. If you create a masterpiece and put it in your closet and never show it to anyone, you are not an artist and it is not a work of art until it is seen. It doesn't exist before it is seen.
But the machine is not created for the sake of art, it is there to fill a purpose. It is not meant to be seen.Yet when it is seen, it can be observed, it can teach. It has distanced itself far enough from the world to have the kind of perfection that nature can never have. It works its way through its cycles with a sense of purpose, for it was created to do what it is doing. If no one sees it, it still has a purpose. If someone does see it and if awed by its workings, it has become a work of art.
If someone were to create a work of art that's purpose was to observe the sky (the viewer would lie down and observe the clouds or stars above him) - the sky in the context of art - would that be a greater piece of art than a machine? The sky would have the meaning of art, there for the viewer to receive if the he so pleases. And we accept that the machine inherently has this meaning. Which one would be the greater experience: the machine or the sky in context of art, sky that has meaning?
Duchamp meant his Large Glass to be viewed accompanied by his notes. My notes will accompany (or be part of) my work in the degree show (an idea thrown by a keen-eyed tutor). What kind of context does this give to my work?
Am I a futurist, raped by the ideal (of the) machine? And why do I keep bringing these sexual notions in to my work? Is it an aspect that's worth exploring? Are they sex machines, or is that Duchamp influencing my thinking?
What is the most important piece of furniture in a home?
"There are, for instance, the simple pleasures of watching the movement of clouds across a sky, the play of ripples in water or the movement of wind in leaves. There are examples from many societies of people going to some lengths to contrive situations in which such pleasures can be visited at will or even to cultivate a sort of connoisseurshi
Biophilia. :)
The new emotion thing makes it easier to tell which people are cool. A lot of people have already proved themselves uncool.
*dislikes the jittery loadage of pages even more now since it has to load all those stupid faces that could just as well be represented with ASCII that takes half the time to load*
Whatev, but I'll delete all comments with emoticons on the wikis I own.
19:28:27 ******: you can check The badge reward system (if correct) for the number you need as [Hedda] said they need to be good but [Sunrose] hates people competing against eachother so dont do that either just my experience on the matter
19:46:51 Sunrose: Err don't say things on my behalf please. Reporting and badges are not about my personal preferences. If someone made enough good reports they will receive the badge because they earned it.
As for my personal preferences, I dislike it when members just do stuff to get the badges. Trying to make a competition out of who reported the most members also completely misses the point of reporting.
I don't think that that is what this member is doing though, that was you actually.
Owned! XD
(Sorry, couldn't resist it :P)
This isn't a me-wiki, but if it's a you-wiki, join it! :D
The Legion of not Being Eat'n
There's a brand new game, but I don't know it's name (ooooh-dup, Fashion!)
So. When you're uber-bored in ET, play this:
Go to your house and look at the last visitor's list. Pick a name you recognice and go to their house. From their house pick another name from last visitors you recognice and go there, and on and on, navigating through people's last visitors lists. Catch: each username may be used only once, only click names you know (not personally necessarely, but you generally recognice the name or have seen the user about in wiki or forums or such), and no going back after you go into a dead-end.
Look. [Dint] drew me in artpad. o.O Without knowing me.
All my geeky friends are cordially invited to the Forum at the End of the Universe:
I changed my password on Wednesday. Times attempted to log in with old password on Tuesday, by 5 pm: 11.
*prods and pokes Silvie, and glomps*
You might just see the "return of the dictionary"... :3
Footage from near where I live in Finland, filmed from an emergency vehicle trying to get to an accident site (involving an animal transport and school bus - no one was badly hurt this time) on the road to Vaalimaa, which is the border crossing site to Russia. 2nd of November, 2006. Those queues of trucks you see there have existed for years now. Will they wait for an accident with real casualties before fixing up that road with truck parking and highway-qualit
(And no, Silvie and Draug, we won't have to drive around that place in December to get to my house, don't worry. Although the roads will look a lot like that most likely >_>)