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This month's featured members is one of Elftown's role-playing and art loving patrons: [Artsy]!

What all do you do on Elftown?
Well, mostly I rp, but I like to admire other people's art and study it for techniques I'd like to pick up. I've really improved since I joined the site, or so I like to think. I was the daily poet a long time ago, so long ago I forget what I wrote. I also really like helping other people too, if I know how to help them anyway, with how to draw something, or who they might look at to learn, or play a filler character in a roleplay. It's so great to know so many talented artists, especially before they became so well known.

So.. I roleplay, try to contribute when I can, help others (though I don't have an ET title), show art, and learn from others' art.

As an artist, what mediums do you use?
I love charcoal, when I have the space and the desire to clean up after myself. It's just so fast and smooth.

I also work a lot with just sketch pencils to practice my control and I'm so spoiled now. I can't stand trying to draw with a mechanical. I guess that happens to everyone though.

Recently I've been using photoshop because it seems to be pretty standard for artists after they become full fledged artists (or beginners who are ahead of the learning curve). I really love how it keeps up with me better. I'm one of those people that just wants the image to exist on the page right away so I can show people what I'm thinking, but unfortunately I don't practice enough so it still takes me hours and careful thinking to get even the basically good drawing down, and days at least to get up to my full potential on a drawing, and that's assuming I had a strong concept to begin with.

I just got CS5 on my computer though so I can try Illustrator. A friend told me it kind of corrects your lines because the program understands what you are trying to do. I'm looking forward trying that intuitiveness. If I can find mediums that understand quicker, hopefully I'll become less antsy. I'll get faster, and eventually, I should be able to have a much faster work flow. Wouldn't that be nice?

OH! haha, i almost forgot. I'm a trained Printmaker. I recently got my degree in Fine Arts, with an emphasis in Printmaking, so I can do lithography, intaglio processes, silk screening, such things. I work for a company called SustainU where they make 100% American recycled shirts using silk screening, and I absolutely love it. I don't have the supplies myself, so I can't do that just yet, but if I did have them, I would probably silkscreen too.

What are your interests and hobbies outside of Elftown?
Well... I don't really have any hobbies as of yet, besides making up art projects in my head (if that counts?). My interests though are bowling, crafts, mechanics, screen printing, doodling/sketching, and, vaguely, animation. I also like looking into 'how to draw' stuff, but only occasionally.


To view the complete interview with this member go to fmi artsy
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About the featured members
Date: 2012-10-20 23:36:23 Featured member #: 119 Mod: wicked fae mage

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