Duredhel], real name Juan Diego Dianderas a.k.a. JD, is a 19 year old illustrator and graphic designer. Whether he lives in the USA or in Peru depends on the time of the year.
His hobbies are drawing, computer games, soccer, reading, writing and role-playing.
About two years ago, when Elfwood crashed, Duredhel discovered Elftown and with hobbies like the aforementioned it's no wonder he liked what he saw.
Being a game-master lots of his time here is spent in one of his Role Playing wikis. Further he likes looking at art and chatting with other members.
[Duredhel]'s favourites
Favourite wiki
Realms of Lemire! What?! I can like my own wiki can't I? Kidding :), just thought I'd plug in some advertisement. Truth is
Realms of Lemire and
Realms of Lemire Arena are the wikis that consume most of my time, but I'm also very fond of [
Adaman]'s awesome
Noir-Griezelig for example, and lately [
Critique Board and [
Evilmonk vs. Elftown have become part of my usual tour 'round the town.
Favourite house
Much of my love for Elftown comes from the idea of being able to meet other RPG makers and fantasy artists online. Hence I usually frequent the houses of great artists such as [
Sunny Silverunicorn], [
Adaman], [
TheRogue], [
Asrun], amongst others. Even if their house layout was horrible (it is not) the art alone would make it worth it.
Critique/comments/suggestions on ET
I must say its truly become my online home, it's almost like a reflex, you turn on the computer and log into Elftown, don't even have to think about it. Haven't seen many decent new role-plays lately though, I want to think it’s more because the ones that are popping up aren't getting much exposure in ET, maybe that's something we need, more exposure for good role-plays.
Message to all Elftowners
Have fun kids! Draw, write, RP!
(oh and lay off the emo! it'll rot yer bains)
Featured Members Interviews - Dûredhel for the full interview.
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