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Elftowners, meet Aliz! She is one of Elftown's most prolific and creative artists and role-players!

What's the story behind your user name?
It's a shortening of my name, actually. My name is often inconvenient, particularly when I go abroad (it's a bit long and strange to pronounce), so I figured I needed a nickname. Aliz is pronounced exactly like Alice, but back when I was 15 I thought it was way cooler with a "z", since it's a letter we don't use very often in Norwegian.

You are very prolific with your drawings.
What inspires you to draw and so often at that?

A lot of things inspire me. Other artists for one thing, because I love looking at art too, but also music, books, movies, nature, people, fashion and feelings. No matter what kind of mood I'm in, drawing makes me happy and calm. It's like I can be in my own little world, and nothing else matters. Browsing through my drawings, it's probably not hard to see I'm very inspired by anime and manga, but I do enjoy all sorts of styles and using all sorts of mediums, really.

Do you every worry about what people think of your work on Elftown or otherwise?
Well, yeah. I mostly draw because I think it's fun, but I want other people to like it too, of course. Though, I think it's important to get critiques; both good and bad. It's often very hard to see my own errors, so it's nice to have others point it out so I can improve. That said, if I can create some sort of positive feeling in others when they look at my drawings, I'm very happy.

What is your favorite Elftown pass time?
Just talking to people, checking wikis and roleplaying. The usual, I suppose. Sometimes I try to find interesting houses or interesting polls.

How did you stumble onto Elftown?
I don't remember exactly, it was during high school and I think I found Elfwood first. Stumble is a very fitting word, though, seeing as I was super confused in the beginning and I didn't understand what a wiki was and how to do anything at all. It was quite a failure. Luckily I figured it out!

Do you have a favorite wiki/Elftown house/person/ect?
Well, my friends are my favourite persons. They're what makes it worth being here. Usually I sneak around on uncountable wikis and houses, but some examples of places I find interesting are art wikis of elftown, what ttotm can mean, house zapper, maze of guile, Creative minds of elftown.

Do you have any suggestions for Elftown?
Not that I can think of. I hope Elftown and Elftowners keep up the good work and continue being awesome, crazy and create wonderful art, stories, RP's and strange wikis forever :D



To view the complete interview with this member go to Aliz-FMI


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Date: 2011-05-02 16:30:52 Featured member #: 99 Mod: wicked fae mage

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