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Keru (It's been awhile ^^)

Member #171078 created: 2005-12-24 15:43:36Simple URL:    Bookmark and Share

Name: Angie Tucker

one of the most beautiful things on the west coast


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Dear Wizard Community,
It has come to our attention that a Dark Wizard has made a Inferi of Cedric Diggory, now going by the name of Edward Cullen. He is known to be running around with an unregistered Animagus, Jacob Black. If you have any information about their whereabouts, contact the Ministry of Magic.
Sincerely, Minister of Magic.                                   

"The tears of today wash clean the path for tomorrow."
                                                                   ~Angie Tucker


I am about 5'7" with short black and red hair. actually... the hair color varies from time to time considering that I am currently in beauty school. I am about average size i guess, nothing really special but hey, looks aren't everything right?

animal instinct lol

I am a pretty down to earth person, I am totally all for going green and such but I'm not gonna lie, I love my video games!I have been described as anything between flirty, quirky, and fun. But then again that is probably depending on who I am with.

I am an avid actress, theatre is my passion. I will hopefully soon be the director of the local theatre troupe where I live. I have recently quit my job as a waitress to pursue cosmetology for awhile. I will be working at a salon called high voltage that is totally rad. I have currently left my fiancee for 3 months while I am in beauty school and it is very interesting not having him there when I come home every night. Aside from the above, I love just about anything active. I love the thrill of rock climbing, partying, swimming, role-playing, and probably just about anything that you can throw at me. I have no favorite bands because I like almost everything.

And yes, I know, I'm a hopeless romantic...

Dance the Night Away

Dancing in the moonlight
As it slowly fades away
I look into your eyes
And the darkness turns to day

Wrap your arms around my waist
And kiss me on the lips
Take my love and all my faith
For that's all I have to give

Your warmth is so amazing
Your breath is oh so sweet
Your love is so unchanging
You sweep me off my feet

Dancing in the moonlight
Before it turns to day
Look into my eyes
And let's dance the night away

(c) Angie Tucker

Oh and BTW I finally found that certain somebody who is as crazy, annoying, and easily entertained as I am, yay me! <3 Josh

Keru's Random things of Randomness

Age: 24Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 12Day of birth: 12

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 44°1.722'N 122°6.258'W

Place of living: USA-Oregon

Town: thats for me to know and you.....well.....not to

Known languages

Elfwood artist: Yes

Elfwood writer: Yes

Elftown crew wannabe: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
action gamesartBasic
musicstrategy gamesvideo

adult popalternativeblues
folk musicgothgrunge
heavy metalhip hophouse
jazznew ageopera
popprogressive metalpunk

Other interests
beerboard gamesbooks
card gamescarscats
chasing the preferred sexchesscooking
role playingsingingslacking
watching sportwhiskywriting

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 170

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