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Member #129457 created: 2005-04-11 12:33:38Simple URL:    Bookmark and Share


The w00kie:) in action!


one way to go... or deciding to kill and drown

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InterpreterStreet childAdventurer
Travelling bard

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Abstract object not afraid to face the breath of insanity!



-- >    [w00kie:)]    < --

reason & life.
the streets.


Prophet without prophecy!

I'm the animal that's tasting your flavour to drink your fears away.


If you have nothing else to do but to pull up some weirdo loving remarks about my abs and/or other body parts you might just as well consider leaving me the fuck alone! Because I won't get back on you, unless you happen to have a point that I find interesting enough to respond to.

So now that we straightened this out - welcome to my site and enjoy the ride!

The humanitarian dream has perished.
Winners were: the others.

It sucks big time that all you seem to be able to do is either fight for your own survival and future or spend some quality time thinking about others. Whereas time and personal limitations won't allow you to do both.
The world certainly won't become a nicer place to be in if incapable to fulfil its more and more challenging demands. So what do you gonna do big shot? Living into the day becomes quite the impossible task and yet, living into the day combined with some rigid straight forward attitude is all that I can bear to do.

And then, on a fatal morning I figured... everybody is trying to save the world - until one runs out of money! Are we all nothing but fair weather saviours? Fair weather pirates of the other kind that we used to be disgusted by? Saving the world always seems to finish last - most certainly following the saving of oneself.

I've entered my first final stage in school.

Simultaneously working on a seminar on Game Theory in electronic marketplace agents AND my bachelor thesis about the definition of behavioral networks for financial market projections/simulations.

THIS is why I L.O.V.E. GAME THEORY, it totally kicks ass! It is my religion... my reason to live. Har!

Other philosophical issues that I'm interested in:

* Insaparabilty of private personality and collective responsabilty within the context of limited expansion (dt.: "Untrennbarkeit von privater Persönlichkeit und gemeinschaftlicher Verpflichtung unter Berücksichtigung beschränkter Ausbreitung")

* Individual's society vs. society's individuals

Some random thoughts of mine...


The following page/wiki is dedicated to a new philosophical movement... it's still somewhat incomplete, but I hope I'll keep you somewhat updated for a few things. Hopefully this will help to join our efforts in a certain way.


Feel free to spread the word and post any kind of comment that will help to bring back reason onto this planet!

-= : NOT FOR SALE : =-


Peter is an object,
Einstein is subject,
Your cat is an object,
Your glory is subject
The moon is an object,
But you are not immortal - so what are you trying to be?

Humanity is a project of nature at the end of its testing stage... now it's gonna be decided whether we'll be sorted out as a malfunctioning beta version of some pseudo-intellectuals or whether we're gonna advance in time, space and character!

I'm just playing my part within this game...

And in this matter:

"Irony! *smile* Come on in and be my guest for life! For I can't get enough of your occurence..."

See my eyes shine at your sight!
Without any doubts am I fighting my way through the abyss. Memories of you reerect my powers - strengthen my senses - snatch my fears - fill my dreams!
The hand that fondled you once is guiding todays sword of destiny!
Watch it, the time has come... future ways meet the here and now of our presence!

"Give me time and inspiration and you'll get a fistfull of sparkling diamonds."

-- The Nameless

I moved my poems to a place less home flooding!

aka - w00kies poems

holiday pics from Greece -> Crete

My image palace...

spooky w00kie:)

Age: 41Year of birth: 1983Month of birth: 5Day of birth: 3

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Dwarf
Elftownworldmap 49°21.996'N 7°12.000'E

Place of living: Travelling around

Town: New York/Berlin

Known languages

Elfwood artist: Yes

Elfwood writer: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
information seekingLinuxmusic
Perlprogrammingstrategy games
system administrationuse communitiesvideo
web design

classicalhip hoppop

Other interests
artboard gamesbooks
travellingwatching sportwriting

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: muscular

Height: 184

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