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Member #134024 created: 2005-05-01 18:57:40Simple URL:   




[cheesecake lovers]

-- [Name:] Joe
-- [Nickname:] Joe
-- [Birthdate:] 30/10/05
-- [Birthplace:] bournmouth
-- [Hair color:] brown/black
-- [Height:] 167
-- [Righty or lefty:] righty

[Layer two]
-- [Your heritage:] english
-- [The shoes you wore today:] lonsdale-white
-- [Your weakness:] hit in da bollocks
-- [Your fears:] heights
-- [Your perfect pizza:] crust
-- [Goal you'd like to achieve:] footballer

-- [Your most overused phrase:] my bad
-- [Your thoughts first waking up:] Fuck off please
-- [Your best physical feature:] all for me
-- [Your bedtime:] between- when i fall a sleep
-- [Your most missed memory:] bein young

-- [Soda:] pepsi
-- [Fast food joint:] mcdonalds
-- [Single or group dates:] group/ single if i am with a girl
-- [Adidas or Nike:] nike
-- [Chocolate or vanilla:] chocolate
-- [Cappuccino or coffee:] neither
-- [Favourite football club] norwich city fc

-- [Smoke:] no
-- [Sing:] no
-- [Take a shower every day:] yup
-- [Have a crush(es):] no
-- [Do you think you've been in love:] dunno
-- [Want to go to college:] yup
-- [Like school:] no
-- [Want to get married:] no
-- [Believe in yourself:] yup
-- [Get motion sickness:] no
-- [Think you're attractive:] yup
-- [Think you're a health freak:] no
-- [Get along with your parents:] try
-- [Like thunderstorms:] yup
-- [Play an instrument:] no

In the past 6 months...
-- [Drank alcohol:] yup
-- [Smoked:] yep
-- [Done a drug:] yep
-- [Made out:] y
-- [Gone on a date:] y
-- [Gone to the mall:] yup
-- [Eaten an entire box of Oreos:      -- [Eaten sushi:] no
-- [Been on stage:] no
-- [Gone skating:] no
-- [Made homemade cookies:] no
-- [Gone skinny-dipping:] no
-- [Dyed your hair:] y
-- [Stolen anything:] y

-- [Played a game that required removal of clothing:] yup
-- [Been trashed or extremely intoxicated:] y
-- [Been caught doing something:] y
-- [Been called a tease:] y
-- [Gotten beaten up:] y
-- [Shoplifted:] y
-- [Changed who you were to fit in:] n

-- [Numbers and names of children:] ????
-- [Describe your dream wedding:] not yet!
-- [How you want to die:] stop breathing!
-- [Where do you want to go to college:] gloscat
-- [What do you want to be when you grow up:] plumber
-- [What country would you most like to visit:] ibiza

In the preferred sex...
-- [Best eye color:] blue
-- [Best hair color:] blonde
-- [Short or long hair:] long
-- [Best height:] medium
-- [Best weight:] medium
-- [Best articles of clothing:] hot pants
-- [Best first date location:] bed
-- [Best first kiss location:] bed

-- [Number of drugs taken illegally:] none
-- [Number of people I could trust with my life:] none
-- [Number of CDs that I own:] 35
-- [Number of piercings:] none
-- [Number of tattoes:] none
-- [Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper:] sum!
-- [Number of scars on my body:] 7
-- [Number of things in my past that I regret:] a lot of fings!

this is so funny he he he ha ha ha
This is this cat
This is is cat
This is how cat
This is to cat
This is keep cat
This is a cat
This is dumbass cat
This is busy cat
This is for cat
This is forty cat
This is seconds cat

Now go back and read the THIRD word in
each line...

here are some of my friends on elftown

[$ Rich $] Poll Please do m8s 
[☆☆*living *DEAD* girl*☆☆
[ant iz fit
[BCHS Girl
[blond_4eva (stil frezin nd no1 is tlkn!]
[~Sensuous Amour~
[Yours Truly
[JeNnA BuB88
[One Million Dollar Baby
[sexy alex 14
[sumthing you should love
[Deleted :)
[xxxvixxie babiexxx]
[Xx sαяαн-ιоυιѕε мαч..x
[Xx SadisticFairy xX
[Xx SeXi PlAyBoI xX]
[Little Miss Heartbreaker

Age: 17Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 10Day of birth: 30

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Human

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: United Kingdom-England

Town: Tewkesbury

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
action gameschatmusic

Other interests
beercarschasing the preferred sex

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 163

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