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waloomeloo (rock'n'roll man)

Member #134355 created: 2005-05-03 12:26:55Simple URL:   


oja vegi..zna zadovolit :)


what's that smell??

Elftown titles and orders
Town DrunkStreet childTravelling bard

Bridget: I will not fuck it up again, Mum.
Mum: Bridget! Language!
Bridget: Sorry. I will not fuck it up again... mother.

Dan: Didn't fancy my sandwiches?
Alice: Don't eat fish.
Dan: Why not?
Alice: Fish piss in the sea.
Dan: So do children.
Alice: Don't eat children either.

"Candyland"! Oh, what could be better than a place, no – a whole country – filled with candy! Eric said there was no real land, that it was just a game someone made up, but this is foolishness. Why would they name the game that if it did not really exist? "Chutes and Ladders" are real! I've seen a "Twister"! And who hasn't said "Sorry"? Eric continued to deny the land existed, and the others did too – but I know they are hiding the truth. Somewhere, this Candyland exists and I will find it if it is the last thing I do!

Uh-oh. They sent me to the hotel room and told me to think about what I just said. So I did and let me tell you... my imagination is one crazy character.

Year of birth: 1987Month of birth: 10
Elftownworldmap 46°56.544'N 13°31.662'E

Place of living: Malawi

Town: extraordinary

alternativegrungeprogressive metal

Other interests

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

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