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Jad3n (College...sigh)

Member #146939 created: 2005-07-08 01:36:40Simple URL:   

Name: Ng Huynh


Me at Charles River in Boston. Isn't it pretty?


Morgan, another one of my M collection. 

Elftown work

Elftown titles and orders
Travelling bard

I'm Ng, or Ms. Huynh to my students on Elftown. They were the one who got me onto Elftown in the first place. I feel a little out of place. I'm probably older than most residents here. However, it's fine. I like the new experience and people. I have a speical interest in writting and drawing, especially anime as you can see. I always enjoy traveling, my personal goal is to visit all 50 states. As of today, I only visited 13 of those 50, so I have a way to go.  Currently, I'm working on my thesis. I hope to have in wrap up within this year. Cross your fingers. Remember to sigh my guestbook and left a message. Thanks. 

// series one - your status
---> Name: Legally= Ng, Nickname= Jaden

---> Birthdate: August 5th, 1985
---> Birthplace: Nhat Trang, Vietman

---> Current Location: Connecticut

---> Eye Color: dark brown
---> Hair Color: Brownish black

---> Height:
---> Righty or Lefty: righty
---> Zodiac Sign: Leo
---> Innie or Outtie: innie

// series two - describe
---> Your heritage: vietnamese
---> The shoes you wore today: nope, i'm in my room. I havent gone anyhere yet

---> Your hair: shoulder length, parted at one side

---> Your eyes: dark brown
---> Your weakness?: food, eat too much....sigh

---> Your fears: failure!!!
---> Your perfect pizza: deep dish, with lots of veggie
---> One thing you'd like to achieve: get my MA/PhD

// series three - what is
---> Your most overused phrase on aol\aim: brb
---> Your thoughts first waking up: it's still early
---> The first feature you notice in the opposite (or same) sex: face
---> Your best physical features: hands
---> Your usual bedtime: 3am
---> Your greatest accomplishment: preformed in three 'World of Dance Concert' w/o totally embarrassing myself
---> Your best memory: way too many

// series four - do you
---> Smoke turkey? no but i've had it!

---> Cuss: very rarely
---> Sing well: no
---> Take a shower every day: yep!
---> Want to go to college: already there
---> Like high school: i like it better than college...

---> Want to get married: no
---> Type with your fingers on the right keys: yeah
---> Believe in yourself: usually

---> Get motion sickness: sort of, only on bus that smell

---> Think you're attractive: no
---> Think you're a health freak: no, but i try to eat healthy
---> Get along with your parents: yes, most of the time, esp. now that i'm not home

---> Like thunderstorms: yes but only if i'm in where is nice and warm
---> Play an instrument: i took a pino class in middle school

// series five - in the past month, did/have you
---> Drank alcohol: no
---> Smoke(d): no
---> Done a drug: no
---> Made Out: yes
---> Gone on a date: yes
---> Gone to the mall?: yes

---> Been on stage: yes
---> Been dumped: no
---> Gone skating: no
---> Made homemade cookies: no

---> Been in love: idk?!

---> Gone skinny dipping: never

---> Dyed your hair: no

---> Stolen anything: no

// series six - have you ever?
---> Played a game that required removal of clothing?: no

---> If so, was it mixed company:
---> Been caught "doing something": yes
---> Been called a tease: yes by my best friend who have strange ideas abt my sexuality
---> Gotten beaten up: no.
---> Shoplifted: when i was little

---> If so, did you get caught: no

---> Changed who you were to fit in: i have change over the years, however, if it for me or other i'm not certain...maybe both..

// series seven - the future
---> Age you hope to be married: ____
---> Numbers and Names of Children: ___
---> Describe your dream wedding: ___
---> What age do you want to die: 57
---> What do you want to be when you grow up: rich..kaka

---> What country would you most like to visit: Hong Kong, yes i know it's part of CHina..anyway, i'm addicted to their movies...
---> Current Clothes: towel just got out of the shower..................

---> Current Mood: anxious and restless
---> Current Hair: down and messy

---> Current Annoyance: a certain someone who always calling

---> Current Smell: swt pea from bath&body work
---> Current thing you ought to be doing: sleep
---> Current Desktop Picture: "Japan Graden" abstract art by Karin Kulmann

---> Current Favorite Groups: idk??

---> Current Book: none
---> Current DVD In Player: none
---> Current Worry: junior year

---> Current Crush: can't tell...
for the sake of randomness

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the sentence in your journal...along with these instructions.

"...did you do that anyway? You didn't..."


Age: 20

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: USA-Connecticut

Known languages

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
information seekingmusic

hip hoppop

Other interests
animeboard gamesbooks
card gamesdancingeating

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: none

Body shape: normal

Height: 152

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