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Erika J ( I will eat you all mwahaha)

Member #149476 created: 2005-07-21 14:48:35Simple URL:   

Name: Erika Garcia


Me *YAY* :D


Me,and my puppy giving everyone hello kisses.:D I look like a retard!!! YAY

Elftown titles and orders
Town DrunkAdventurer

I am 14. I am 5"7.I have brown hair,and brown eyes.I'm Puerto Rican (but does it really matter???) .I'm an army brat, it you don't like the people in the army then your an ass hole. yeah nobody likes this dumb ass war but the soldiers still have to go. Anyways I have been living in Texas now for 2 years. It sucks. But I have met some awesome friends here. To bad there parents are in the army to so they are always leaving:( ..(sniff)...(Sniff).I like to do crazy things with my friends.Definetly my greatest companion Desiree.I hate people who always talk about how ther life sucks when noone else's is much fuckin better. I am nice though. I love dudes that will be able to talk to me no matter what stupid shit we are talking about.I love punk and skater dudes. (they are freakin hot)

001: Name: Erika
002: Nickname: Nena(nickname I got from my parents when I was a little girl)
003: Country of living:USA-Texas
004: Shoe Size:10
005: Birthday: 03-01-91
006: Hair Color: brown
007: Eye Color: brown
008: School/Work: school
009: Smoke: sometimes
010: Hobbies:Being stupid with me buddies, read,, draw, listen to music,etc.
011: Brothers/Sisters: 1 sisters 1 brother
012: Relationship: Nope, the person I like is dating right now.:(*Sobs*
013: piercing: yea both ears, want 2 one my lips, one under my lower lip,and all up my ears. ( so I will make metal detectors go off)
014: Tattoos: no
015: Dream travel place: Puerto Rico
016: Are there people you won't reply to: No,unless they are ass holes
017: Nicest person you met this year: i dont even no the answer to that
018: Person you rather not meet this year/ever: My best friend Desiree's neighboor. She is a fat whore.
019:Who would you like to meet: Anyone who like so have fun.
020: Who do you admire most: My mom becuase she is in the army.
021: Most sexy person(s):That's hard
023: Favorite vehicle: DOn't really know??
024: Favorite Movie: All the Harry Potter movies,Nightmare Before Christmas, and war of the worlds.
025: Favorite City:Mahatten aka New York City
026: Favorite Music:alternate rock, rock,agrresive nooo rap i dont like it anymore...
027: Favorite Stuffed Toy: My Oscar the Grouch.
028: Favorite Perfume: I don't know I wear whatever I like.
029: Favorite Magazine: I really do not like magazines anymore becuase I don't care what they say.
030: Favorite sound: thunder although im afraid of it i can have that special guy hold me.
031: Favorite TV Shows: South Park,Family Guy,Everybody loves Raymond,Anime shows, Etc...
032: Favorite writer: J.K. Rowling but of course she made the wonderfull world of Harry Potter.
033: Favorite Nickname:Crack Head (OTFLMAO)034: What is on your mouse pad:A cow thing from Gateway (lol)
035: What is under your bed: boyz jk, and some art supplies.
036: Favorite Color: Black and red
037: Favorite song: Violent Pornagraphy By System of a Down.
038: Favorite song at this moment: The one above is my favorite song right now.
039: Favorite Food:New York Pizza
040: Favorite class in school:Science
041: Favorite Drink: Sprite
042: Lucky Number: 2
043: What do you think is the greatest about yourself: who cares
044: What deodorant do you use: why do u care
045: Favorite Shoes: convers, and other046: What time do you go to bed on weekdays: whenever im sleepy
047: What word do you use most: Dumbass
048: Most romantic moment in your life:Won't tell you
049: Most embarrassing moment in your life: I am a clumsy person so I don't know.
050: You spend your time outside or inside: both
051: What do you do in the weekends:Whatever I can do I guess I really don't do the same thing every weekend.
052: What class in school do/did you dislike most: hmmm...Social Studies
053: You're Breakfast: whatever i feel like eating...
054: What do you really, really dislike to eat: A lot of things
055: Pets: My puppy Ruxie I love
056: Laugh or dream: both
057: Serious or funny: funny
058: Fast or slow: fast
059: You prefer being alone or have relationship with someone: being alone
060: Simple or complicated?: simple
061: Cremate or Buried when you die: i dont no would it matter
063: Stay up late or go to bed early: stay up late...well depends on how sleepy i am
64: Light or dark?:Both
065: Speak or Silence: soeak
066: So you like tall or small guys: Doesn't matter. As long as you are not 10 feet shorter than me.
067: Newspaper or Television: television
068: Hug or kiss: well
069: Happy or Sad: Happy
070: Life or Death: life
071: Gig or Disco: neither
072: Left or Right: well i like being on the left side of a guy so u guess left lol but im right handed lol
073: Sausages on top, or on the side:???
074: Blacks or Blondes: Black heads.
075: What would you ask God if you could ask him 1 single question: can i have another question?
076: You believe in reincarnation:No
077: You believe in Aliens: Well my sister says she is one
078: When you die, what will be your last words?: I murdered Desiree.
079: Does true love exist: i dont no... no one has actually ever said "i truly love u" to me be4
080: How many kids would you like to have: I want to have 4,and adopt 4.
081: What is the one thing you can't stand: preppy faggots
082: Best feeling: excited butterflies
083: Worst feeling in the world: scared or rejected
084: What are you afraid of: Clowns
085: Are you an emotional person: on occasions
086: Do you ever cry during a movie: Maybe
087: Your goal in life: To have fun before I die.
088: What was the promise you made to yourself at New Years Eve: promise? to have a good time.
089: Favorite art-artist: dont have one
090: As what animal would you like to come back as:A tiger,or wolf. They are both kewl.
091: What is the most beautiful part on the male body: Everything
092: Most romantic place for ur love to ask u to marry him:At a beach
093:What do you think of Elftown:I Meet dillon here so i love it hehe
094: Is there something you miss about Elftown: huh?
095: Where did you get this question list: from some gurl I was looking at her profile.
096: Besides Elftown, what do you do most on your PC: music,chat with friends,etc..
097:What religion are you?:Roman-Catholic
098: Is there a question you missed in this all: not yet...
099:Age? 14
100: Favorite Song? Did I not just answer that question already?
101. Which finger is your favorite? Middle
102. When did you last cry? When my mom left.
103. What is your favorite lunch meat? What kind of dumbass questions are these?
104. Any bad habits? to many
105. Are you a daredevil? yea i do anything and everthing
106. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? no! not me!!
107. How do you release your anger?Listen to music, and yell. alot.
108. Where is your second home? In my first homewhich is my room.No seriously it is my best friends Desi's house.
109. Do you trust others easily? It depends.
110. What was your favorite toy as a child? I dont no i cant remember that long ago
111. What class do you think is totally pointless? every single one
112. Do you have a journal? no
113. Do you use sarcasm alot? yea
114. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? yeah at a school dance.But I plan to be in one at a concert.
115. Who is you favorite singer? ????
116. Would you bungee jump? yea
117. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off? i don't tie them
118. Do you think you are strong? Sort of NO
119. Whats your favorite icecream flavor? Chocolate
120. How many people have a crush on you right now? how am i supposed to know? more than enough though
121. Who do you miss most right now? my mom
122. What color pants are you wearing right now? Black,and red
123. What are you listening to right now? About to listen to System of a Down.
124. Last thing you ate? Pizza
125. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Im not a crayon...but Black
126. What is the weather like right now? it is night time so I don't really care.
127. Last person you talked to on the phone? my best friend...talkin bout guyz
128. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? face and hair.

Age: 14Year of birth: 1991Month of birth: 3Day of birth: 1

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Human

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: USA-New York

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Elftown crew wannabe: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
graphicsmusicstrategy games
use communitiesvideowebcam


Other interests
crime storiesdancingdogs
travellingwatching sportwriting

Civil status: single

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