Why hello there, this house is the house of [Alexander Johnson]
Avast. This be the house of Cap'n Sharkbait.
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Fact About Alex #18
My band is recording another 3 tracks this month. Soon we'll have enough for an EP.
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If you ever need anyone to talk to, you can talk to me ^__^ I'm a good listener and I can help you solve your problem ^__^. And Hey, the odds are, I don't know you, who am I gonna tell? So talk, don't go and kill yourself or whatever, talk to me ^__^ let someone help
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I support the fight for Elftown!

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Before I welcome you, I need to tell you something,
if you don't like it, please don't bother reading on ^__^.
don't really care much about things like
"Thats not good for you, "You cant do that" or "your breaking the Law"... they get in the way of living how I want to live, and most likely, I'll go ahead and do it anyway, for example, signs such as
"No food purchased outside this building may be taken into the screen." Well, I'm just tempted to take stuff in ^__^, it's not stupid, or me thinking I'm funny, I just don't like being told what to do. Or another sign,
"It is a criminal offence to walk on this grass" my reaction will always be
Fuck off. Then I'll walk away
on the grass.
That's just
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[Hello and welcome]
sooo here is the teeny tiny corner of Elftown that is mine.
Enjoy =]
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Don't you just
hate the
rules people have in their houses? Well
I do! I don't really care what you do to be honest, I probably don't even know you, just
be nice to me and i'll be nice back ^__^
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For a list of my friends CLICK
where it [fucking tells you to.]
Don't label me I label myself
WARNING!Highly Flammable
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Don't ever say
you are random it
totally negates the randomness you are...
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Hey, not much here and i'm
skiving off working so i'll add a bit now =] so yeah, my name's
Alex i'm
about 5"10 i play
bass guitar, have done for about 5-6 years and i'm [
pretty darn good] if i do say so myself, i do karate too, started valentines day about
6 years ago, i'm a
brown belt now,yes that is nearly
black w00t!! *any
GKR people out there, message me!* i
like love my computer and my online games!!! *add me on Xfire "inmate274"...
* I can't think of much else to write, but i do despise it when people write something like "ummm" or "hmmmm" in their houses, it's like, delete that when you figured out what else to write twat... But hey thats just my opinion, do what you want ^__^ right then... i guess thats it, the end of Alex's introduction to his house... The End, or is it just the beginning?
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This house isn't guarded by anyone
that doesn't mean I don't have any friends
it just means [I can take care of my own business....]
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Guess what i can do now! *ahem* *reads off official email*
As an ordained member of the clergy, you are hereby authorized by the CSH to
officiate religious rites and ceremonies, including marriage, baby naming,
funeral services, invocations, and holiday ceremonies, as permitted and subject
to the laws and regulations of your country, state, and municipality. It is
important that before you officiate any civil ceremony (such as marriages), you
know and comply with all laws governing your locality.
Alllllllllright ^__^
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♪[♪][M]Y [C]U[R]R[E]N[T] A[N]T[H]E[M]♪[♪]
[SONG:] Kickstart My Heart
[ARTIST:] Motley Crue
[ALBUM:] Loud as Fuck
♪[♪][M]Y [C]U[R]R[E]N[T] A[N]T[H]E[M]♪[♪]
Download it ^___^Music piracy is wrong!
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Devil went down to
Georgia. He was looking for a
to steal, he bet his
golden fiddle against Johnny's soul, in a fiddle duel,
[withmesofar?] so, the Devil jumped up onto this slope, right, then like, played this FUCKINGAMAZING riff with a PWN bassline, and Johnny played his bit. Anyway, long story short, Johnny won the golden fiddle and said "Devil just come back if you ever wanna try again, I told you once you son of a bitch I'm the best theres ever been!"
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[ <3 </3 <3 </3 <3 </3 ]
Alex Likes:
My Bass Guitars
Biting *bites*
My Mobile
My Friends
Go-Kan-Ryu Karate
My Computer
Daydreaming in lessons
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
NOT working
Watching Films with my friends
Partying w00t
My lovely Ally
War an' that
In fact, school in general
Bum notes
Running out of credit
most things...
The fact that I can’t sing = (
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As a general rule
[don't read out books on demon summoning]not even as a joke...
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she rocksorz more than you rockorz
since 20-9-06
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Cap'n Sharkbait's Art! Yupp, I do art now ^___^ it's getting fuller now, but it's still pretty empty have a look anyway. [* * * * * * * * * *]
Oh and for you lazy people, have a free ride to the top =]
Who would win in a fight between me and my alter ego?
If water was vodka and I was a duck,
[I'd swim to the bottom and never come up.]
But since water isnt vodka and I'm not a duck,
[hand me a bottle and shut the fuck up.]
You know your face?
I'm gonna punch you in it
cuding is fun [F]U[C]K[I]N[G]AWESOME ^___^
HA!! You read this little bit at the end so now you have to message me, it's like a written contract except not ^__^