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K. A. K. A. (Let's stop doing the most uncool things.)

Member #171129 created: 2005-12-21 23:27:02Simple URL:   

Name: Eiram




This is Sep.
I drew him.
He prefers to be called a him.
Every once in a while a her.
He's a Hermaphrodite, and it took a lot for him to show his face on here, so please be nice to him.

Kekekeke, silly Koreans.

My mothers ex has five kids. And they came over the other night. Steven was spending the night.
And the next morning the ten year old came upstairs to talk to me.
Johanna: Hi. Who's that?
Me: This is Steven.
Steven: Hey.
Johanna: ... He's gay.

"So. Tell me more about this mystery love, Axel. I wanna know who captured your non-existant heart."

RatedEForEvryone (5:28 P.M.): Be right back.
RatedEForEvryone (5:28 P.M.): I gotta poop.
Oni Haruka (5:29 P.M.): ew...
RatedEForEvryone (5:30 P.M.): Okay back!
Oni Haruka (5:30 P.M.): ew
Oni Haruka (5:30 P.M.): that was fast
Oni Haruka (5:30 P.M.): I hope you wipped yourself
RatedEForEvryone (5:30 P.M.): I said poop.
RatedEForEvryone (5:30 P.M.): Not take a dump
RatedEForEvryone (5:31 P.M.): I'm a fast pooper.
RatedEForEvryone (5:31 P.M.): I just force it all out at once.

The other day we had to fit five people into a small 4 seat Saturn. It was my sister, her boyfriend, Erin, me and my mother.
Siri: I can't fit!
My Mother: You have to press your body in with his.
Erin: That's probably the only time she's ever going to tell you that.
And I was the only one that got it.

Mario Party 4 + Steven, Haley, Sara and I. Those three vs me. I'd never been the one against everyone else on a certain game.
Haley: Money Belts.
Me: Ooh! I've never been on the top before!
Steven: HAH!
Me: Shit. No that's not what I meant.
-15 minutes later, still playing Mario Party.-
Me: God dammit! I can't get it in!
Steven: No wonder you're never on top.

[twisted-insanity] Nut job.

Her: here just the next guy on my hit list
Me: Aaaalrighty. I really can't understand what you're saying.
Her: what are you japanese or something
Me: Do I look Asian?
Her: are you blind to i said japenese
Me: The Japanese ARE Asian.
Her: no there not there Japanese
Me: Uh, lady. Japan is in Asia. Therefore, they're Asian. China is in Asia. They're Asian. Japanese are Asian.
Her: asians are from china





I have a name, if you ask for it, chances are I'll give you something fake.
I use to be one of those people that sat around and said that they were fat, but never did anything about it.
196 lbs is now 132 lbs.
I did something about it.
I sleep a lot.
And eat WAY less.
The only thing I've ever smoked in my life is second-hand smoke.
I've been doing it since I was born.
Cigarettes are disgusting.
And so are drugs.
I don't care what your excuse is for doing them.
I watch a lot of Anime.
And read a lot of Manga.
I could care less if you don't like it.
Chances are you know more about reality then I do.
Most of the time I have no idea what people are talking about.
I don't watch Television.
I don't listen to the radio.
Or any of the stupid bands that you listen to.
I like Japanese music, soundtracks, jazz, techno, keltic and orchestra.
I don't understand why people list the bands they listen to.
Or why they feel they have to.
I can't stand that stupid story about the boy and the girl on the motorcycle.
Sometimes people can't tell if I'm a guy or a girl.
But that's okay.
Either one's fine.
I don't go to concerts.
Or wear band t-shirts.
I usually sit home and play video games.
Yeah, I'm sure that's not what you expected.
DDR = the best creation ever made. I don't care if you disagree.
I think it's funny how most people are shocked that I've never dated anyone.
Most don't believe me.
I'm a virgin.
And I could care less what other people think about it.
I can lie about anything.
And get away with it.
I'm a 'petty' thief that steals from cheap stores like Hot Topic, Metro Park and local grocery stores.
I know it's not healthy.
Okay, so I have yet to get past Metro Park's security.
But I will someday.
One of my worst fears is sitting around the dinner table with my friends' family.
I never do that with mine.
So it's extremely uncomfortable.
I never scream and cuss at people unless I have a good reason.
Unfortunately, those good reasons don't come up enough.
Another one of my worst fears is riding in other people's cars.
They all talk like a family, and I never know what to say, or what they're talking about.
And people buy into the things I say and do way too easily.

I've never smoked, taken, injected, sniffed, snorted anything, gotten drunk, kissed, had sex, touched, felt anyone, been touched or felt, had a girlfriend or boyfriend. So I must be a fat, ugly person, who sits at home every-day gorging down pounds and pounds of food each day, not even bothering to shower or attempt to treat my acne or hide it with makeup. I must have no friends, and my family must be ashamed to have me as their child/sibling. Everyone at school makes fun of me, and all my teachers pity me. I must get perfect grades, because I have nothing else to do other then gorge myself with food because of my self-pity. I cannot go on certain rides or sit in certain seats because I am too large to fit. I look at all the skinny people and wish that I too, was that attractive. I must fart all the time, and smell awful. My interests, dreams, and personality don't matter, because only the people that have done/tried any of these things are important.

B I B B I D Y  B O B B I D Y  B U U

Age: 16Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 1Day of birth: 30

Gender: both
Elftownworldmap 33°59.568'S 92°46.434'E

Town: The 7even Seas

Known languages

Favorite URL:

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests


Other interests
crime storiesdancingdisco
role playingsingingscifi

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: big breasted

Height: 172

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