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Lenore the House Elf (innsbruck)

Member #177225 created: 2006-04-27 11:18:27Simple URL:   



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Hey there, this is Ceylan. I am a normal girl with a normal life,or at least that is what can be observed at the first look. With a deeper sight you can learn more about my "normality", which is,uhhm,not normal at all.I mean for most people.I talk with my books,I dont step on the lines while I am walking, I value chivalric code A LOT, I enjoy drawing,writing and reading a lot, I talk to myself as if I was a part of a story(do you ever do that?Thinking like a book:She walked slowly down from the street ,as if she was fighting with the idea.She didnt want to go,for that meant leaving every little thing that reminded her of him...etc,etc:D),I tend to get extremely emotional,I believe that I will die when I am 35 years and 16 days old, I day dream almost always, I love scuba diving(it feels magical and extremely free), people say that I sometimes tend to exaggrate and dramatize things,which is a lie that I hate and despise(if you look from a narrow perspective,is it my fault?!),I am a nihillist and I am in love with a memory...
If you wanna talk,I dont mind.I am friendly and I will defenately answer you.

So many words hidden
In the darknesse of silence
So many lies underneath
A lofty vagueness
Lost and deep are my thoughts
In timeless questions
But not as much
Lost as me in you,
Or in the deeps of possibilities...
O for me!
Let those who care cry and griefe!
Let those who care dig my grave so deep!
and bury me-alive
For much more breaths can I take
Than in this vague silence
Covering all but one
And the last:
The sting of your sluggish ignorance,
And my anniliation...
**A poem by me**^_^
Was she in love with him
Or with the phantom of his sorrowful love?
Or with the nihillity of his existance?
Her leaden sky?
The state where there was no truth,no lie?
Just the words must have it been,
There she was now, there she was...
With nights unlived,
Days unfelt,
fears,hopes,failures attached to her dreams,untold,
Tears untasted...
And the fever inside her chest,
Was left to dry out--

Complete darkness and silence
Rule my room tonight
All needs are well met
For me to sleep all night
But I cannot;
Despite my burning eyes, tired mind and aching heart,
Sleep takes me not,
And leaves me here,
lying awake
All through the night...

I am Eowyn!Passionate, couragous, beautiful!^_^

I am a high elf.I love peace, knowlege, magic and law. magic is my best weapon. I tend to dislike humans. very few people are allowed into my city. I am more then likely a mage. My alignment is lawful good.

I am a A Crimson Dragon!
Hey, I took the online Inner Dragon quiz and found out I am a Crimson Dragon on the inside.

In the war between good and evil, Crimson Dragons take the side of the noble and good....[hehehee:D
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order,my inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos....
As far as magical tendancies, a Crimson Dragon's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic....
During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, my inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done....[hmm,that must be why i get creepy sometimes!!lol]
Crimson dragons are closely related to red dragons. They are nearly identical in appearance to reds. Aside from the brighter red scales and some minor facial differences, the only appreciable difference is the black throat of the crimson dragon.'
They stay a bright crimson red from birth to old age.'
While crimson dragons resemble red dragons in appearance, their temperament and outlook on life are quite different. Crimson dragons take the side of good during conflicts between good and evil. A crimson dragon's worst enemy is the evil red dragon, who give them a bad reputation. Combat between the two types are relatively common, and, assuming the combatants are of roughly the same age, these fights are usually quite evenly matched.

This Dragons favorite elements are: Roses, Emeralds, and Bravery

I have passed the test.I am a sorceress I have attuned to theelemental plane of Water!
  A Sorceress creates magic the way a poet creates poems, with inborn talent honed by practice. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Some Sorceress' claim that the blood of dragons courses through their veins. It may even be true-it is common knowledge that certain powerful dragons can take humanoid form and even have humanoid lovers, and it’s difficult to prove that a given a Sorceress does
not have a dragon ancestor. A Sorceress often has striking good looks, usually with a touch of the exotic that hints at an unusual heritage. Still, the claim that a Sorceress is partially draconic is either an unsubstantiated boast on the part of a certain Sorceress or envious gossip on the part of those who lack the Sorceress's gift.

  You are attuned to the elemental plane of water. You may find yourself often drawn to places where your given element can be found in abundance, such as lakes, rivers, oceans, or sometimes even swamps. As part of your powers, you may move through your element freely, being able to swim to the deepest depths, and breathe under the waves. Some mages of the plane of water have been known to build great fortresses under the waves. Ever heard of Atlantis? Yep, that was definitely built by a water mage. It is well within your powers, to cause a tsunami, a storm of ice shards, or to cause a person unprotected by magic to spontaneously drown.

Find out what kind of Wizard/Wizardess you are at: "http://WizardSoul.Com"

Age: 20Year of birth: 1987Month of birth: 8Day of birth: 6

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 47°35.394'N 9°0.000'E

Known languages
EnglishQuenya (Tolkien language)

Elfwood artist: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
action gamesartchat
emailinformation seekingmusic
strategy gamesvideo

gothheavy metalnew age
progressive metalrock

Other interests
role playingsingingshopping

Civil status: strange

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 164

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