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Im Ginny.
Im pretty selfish, but I do care about others more than I do myself. More than the average person too. Im never satisfied. If I get a B, Im like why could I not get an A. You know that kinda thing. Im creative. Im pretty smart. Im nice. Im pretty emo, but not for attention. I laugh & smile alot. Im not perfect and I dont wanna be. I think everything happens for a reason and everything will work out the way its meant to. I dont judge too harshly, and I try to get to know people. Im a flirt, but Im not slutty. Im a closed off, but Ill tell you anything you wanna know if you bug me enough. I try not to make the same mistake twice. Im in love with love. Scared of being alone. I give pretty good advice. I dont trust easily, and noone trusts me anymore, because of it. Im honest, but sometimes Im afraid to say how I really feel. Does that even make sense?Most people online call me Rain, because of my avatar on gaias name, so you can call me that too if you like.Im boy-crazy. Too boycrazy. People say Im too hard on myself. But I dont think so really. Im pretty mature. I get hyper sometimes and when Im hyper Im really random. I have a short attention span. I value God, my family, and friends over everything. Im a little touchy and sensitive. Ok alot. Sometimes can be dramatic. Sometimes I laugh at things that arent funny and dont laugh at stuff that is to everyone else. Sometimes people dont get my jokes or sarcasm. I suck at comebacks. Im complictaed but Im simple.
Check out my short story on amazon.
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