I am a simple, nerdy girl next door
I love the ocean, wind and trees
Art and music are fascinating explorations into the expression of the human experience
Learning and gaining knowledge is the route to growth
College student studying psychology and sociology
Favorite pieces of literature: Lolita, 1984, Brave New World,
Siddharta and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Pro-choice and Pro gay marriage
For top free equality
Nudity can and does exist without being sexualized.
I wish breastfeeding was not treated as an abomination to society. It makes me deeply sad to see how much shame, disgust and embarrassment erupts when a women decides to nurse an infant in a public setting.
I am a water child...love to swim, the ocean, lakes etc
While I hold a general belief in a Supreme Being/Life Force somewhat along the lines of deism, I do not believe any religion has truly discovered the truth of existence nor ever will. It is too limiting and I believe is a man made construction across time and cross culturally. I suppose I am an odd mix of deist/agnostic.
Along the same lines, I believe children should be brought up from an early age to think freely, be open to all different viewpoints, develop critical thinking skills and not be indoctrinated with any one strict religious thought. It is important they figure out what they believe through themselves.
A brisk Autumn day, the first snowfall of the year and the shoreline at night are beautiful
Simple things make me smile
I love to go on walks
I wish money didn't control people as much as it does. Money only has as much potential as one chooses to use it.
Abstinence only education programs are harmful and inefficient.
I am very loyal to those I love. Hurt them and I will be forced against my nature to hurt you.
I play the flute and piccolo
I love most forms of music whether it be rock, j-pop or traditional Irish music.
I am a complete sappy romantic girl and little sweet things will make my day
Traveling through Europe is a must.
The Unknown Man
The Unknown Man
Stumbling upon rock after rock and britle to the bone
Drowning in a plethora of affliction
Running from his inner demons
That suck out any aim or attempt at life
A once promising future not far across that bridge
If only his london bridge didn't fall down
The man he could have been dried and charred
To the obscure haze that remains
Rising and falling from plateau to rock bottom
Embraced by the arms of hope and possibilities
To be left plagued by grief, animosity and self hate
So many aspirations plusated through his veins
When did the blood stop flowing?
When did the world force him into exile?
Or was he the cause of such alienation?
Questions remain unknown
To a man just the same
An unknown man
To the world
To everyone around him
To the dreams and potential that once rang his doorbell
To family members
To his daughter
And to himself most of all
And unknown he remains
And forever he will stay
"We are the recorders and reporters of facts - not the judges of the behaviors we describe."
Alfred Kinsey
“It is difficult for some people to accept that love is a choice. This seems to run counter to the generally accepted theory of romantic love which expounds that love is inborn and as such requires no more than to accept it.”
-Leo Buscaglia
"All the voices, all the goals, all the yearnings, all the sorrows, all the pleasures, all the good and evil, all of them together was the world. All of them together was the stream of events, the music of life...then the great song of a thousand voices consisted of one word: Om - perfection."-S
iddharta Chapter 11 110-111