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Odoad (miysis)

Member #182664 created: 2007-04-10 22:13:41Simple URL:   

Name: Daniël Joram Fransiscus Vernooy

Photo missing.

Drawing missing.

Elftown titles and orders
Fastfood worker

okay, basically I'm tricked into this whole thing by me gf... cool...

Anywyas, I'm Daniel Joram Fransiscus Vernooy. That last name (suprisingly my lastname as well!) means something like pain, suffering, war, violence, death, murder, desease, hate and bad luck. I thought u might be intrested...

But your stupid intrests lead me away from my mission in this text, as i`m supposed to give a description of myself.... cool...

Note, A General Description. I shouldnt go in depth. I shouldnt mention that my sis' half cousin's bf unkel has a big mouth. He has though, he really has.

That said I think i`m gonna fail in my mission of a general description, maby later i`ll change this bit to something decent, as at the moment my gf keeps asking if i`m ready with this elftown membership...

Age: 18Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 9Day of birth: 13

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Human

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: Netherlands

Town: Breda

Known languages
GermanAncient GreekLatin
Quenya (Tolkien language)

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
chatemailinformation seeking
strategy gamesvideo

classicalfolk musicheavy metal

Other interests
physicspoliticsrole playing

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: sumo

Height: 193

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