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<small>Im not gonna blabber on about myself.
Get to know me! :]
Im 13 years old, get over it.
I like to stick out from the crowd.
I'm generally a very friendly person,
so talk to meee :DD
I like jamming away on my guitarrrrrr,
playing along to whatever.
I loooooove Winter; raiiin (L)
I don't act my age AT ALL.
I like change. That's why i get a haircut at least
once every 3 months.. mm.
I have a bad temper, it gets me into
trouble a lot of the time.
Don't get on my wrong side; you're bound to cry.
I get attached to people too easily.
I have MSN, ask for adddy + add me.
I loooove my friends, don't ever doubt that.
I'm pretty much still a little kid at heart,
cos call me weird but I still LOVE Teletubbies,
Loony Tunes, Pingu, and all those little things <3
yeahhhhhhhhhhh ^_^ </small>
Elftownworldmap missing.