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Rest In Peace Dustin 10-3-1993/1-24-2009] I Miss You Lil Brudder
"Call your name everyday when I feel so helpless. I've Fallen down but I'll rise above this...I'll mend myself before it gets me." -Seether
Roses are red. Lemons are sour. Open your legs and give me an hour. -Kissing is a habit. Fucking is a game. Guys get all the pleasure. Girls get all the pain. -10 minutes of pleasure. 9 months of pain. 3 days in the hospital. A baby without a name.The baby is a bastard.The mother is a whore.This would have never happened, if the rubber hadnt tore!! -Sex is like math.You subtract the clothes, add the bed, divide the legs and pray to god u dont multiply. -Roses are red. Grass is green. Open ur legs and i'll fill you with cream. -Sex is evil, sex is a sin, sins are forgiven so stick it in.
-Roses R nice violets R fine i'll be the six if u be the nine. -Eat me, beat me, bite me, blow me, fuck me, suck me very slowly. If u like it, dont be sassy. Use your tongue and make it nasty!!]
IF WE HAD SEX.... (Reply in a message and Repost so others can fill it out)
1. Would you be in control?
3. Would you whisper freaky shit in my ear?
4. Would you talk dirty to me?
5. Would you kiss me with a little tongue or a lot of tongue?
6. Would you go down on me?
7. Would you give me a hickie?
8. How many rounds would we go?
9. What would you wanna do afterwards?
10. Would you take off all ur clothes for me?
11. Would you lick and bite me all over?
12. Would you like 4play or get straight to the point?
13. Would you take ur time if I told you to?
14. Would u fall asleep when we were done?
15. Would u want to go fast or slow?
16. Where would u wanna "do it" at?
17. Would u be loud or quiet?
18. Do u think u could make me have an orgasm?
19. Are u gonna re-post these so I can answer them for you?
I've been let down a lot so if you are trying to give me your heart and i dont believe you im sorry give me some time. Its not easy to trust when you get fucked over so often :*(
Home Depot Condoms: More Saving More Doing, That's The Power Of Home Depot.
Fuckin A!!!!!!!!!!! My shit on here keeps getting Moved and deleated :(......
To flat out tell the truth I'm crazy! I hate people because they are asshats and I don't think I'lll Change...EVER!
!! Stop Hating me because it's only going to eat away at your soul, not mine hun. Leave Me The Hell ALONE when I tell you too! I'm going to do what I want and if you are worried about me, I'll Be OK, I Will Make that Promise to you.![<img:>]()
"Life is hard, it's harder if you're stupid." John Wayne
wow ...what a good friend she is.....NOT!!!!!!!!!......i feel like i was just trown out of a car and left for dead.... She Lies, She's Fake, She Thinks everything She Does Is ....Hunky-Dori....Just Jump Off A Bridge, because HE DOESN"T REALLY LOVE YOU.....You just SCARE the shit out of him so he'll say it so you don't KILL him... He only Wants To Save His ASS...can someone hold me and make me feel better? please?
Every Disaster, Was Caused By Someone's Good Intentions [I'm Gonna Crash And Burn For This]
[Watch Me Fail, Fall, and Be Defeated..... Just Know That He Was The One That Cheated]
I have to say that with all of the things that happen you have to push your self forward so that you know that you did all that you could to make everything work.
"Every normal person must be tempted at times to spit upon thier hands hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats" (Pirate Quote)
Everyone should see that peace is not just a word, it is a lifestyle, and a way to be happy. Please for the love of Jimmy Hendrix, don't tell me your issues and expect me to be ok with you talking shit about people. I will not deal with it. If you have a problem then you should sort it out on your own, sadly i won't be here forever (I wish I could). If you are an ass to someone I'm friends with and I know about it I will tell 'em, so don't think this is a haven for douch-bagery.
[A real man calls you beautiful instead of sexy or hot.He calls you back when you hang up on him.He stays awake to whatch you sleep.He kisses you on the forehead and shows you to the world.He holds your hands infront of his friends.He is constantly reminding you of how lucky he is to have you.Heturns to his friends and says this is my baby.]
If i asked you to shave would you?If i asked you to read a romance novel...would you?
If I for any reason ran away, and I needed a place to stay would you let me stay with you?
Can You Say You Love Me?
Do you think of me ever?
1. Give me your number?
2. Have sex with me?
3. Let me kiss you?
4. Watch a movie with me?
5. Let me take you out to dinner?
6. Drive me somewhere/anywhere?
7. Take a shower with me?
8. Be my bf/gf?
9. Have a fling with me?
10. Buy me a drink if i didnt have money?
11. Take me home for the night?
12. Would you let me sleep in your bed?
13. Sing car kareoke w/ me?
14. Re-post this for me to answer your questions?
15. Do you think im attractive, sexy, or hot?
16. Do you like my style?
17. Do you think im funny?
18. Do you care about me?
19. Would you dance with me?
20. Would you sing happy birthday to me?
[Girls at are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good,but easy.So the apples up top think something wrong with them. When in reality they're amazing. They justhave to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all theway to thetop of the tree.]
Ok i'm Heather... What else would you like you know about me?
1.) How many times a day would you let me kiss u??
2.) Would you let me hold you?
3.) Would you make me have sex with u?
4.) Would you let me take you places?
5.) Would you let me love you ?
6.) Would you lie to me?
7.) If I was sick what would you do?
8.) Would you leave me for one of my friends?
9.) Do u Want to have a future with me?
10.) Would you listen to all my problems and help me solve them?
11.) Would you introduce me to your mom/dad?
12.) Would you care about what I wore when we go out?
13.) Would you hang out with me AND my friends?
14.) If your friend tried to get with me what would you do?
15.) Would you give me your myspace password?
16.) If I gave you mine would you read all my mail?
17.) If I said I loved you would you say it back?
18.) How good do i look from 1-10?
19.) How do you feel about me?
20.) Have i ever made you smile?
21.) Do you Want to spend the night with me?
22.) Would we still be friends if we broke up form a relationship?
23.) If you had an empty house would you call me to come over?
24.) Are you gonna repost this so i can reply
25.) Would you ever brake up with me cuz i said NO!!! for anything??
Cheezitz! Life