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Member #186619 created: 2008-11-17 10:08:13Simple URL:   

Name: richard

Photo missing.

Drawing missing.

Elftown work
Building worker

Elftown titles and orders
Travelling bard

body modifications
(DIY=do it yourself)
:update: 31/07/07

- each ear stretched 9/16 inch
- CBR above each stretch
- DIY tonguesplitting
- DIY brand of ukit on left leg
- DIY brand of <3 on right wrist
- DIY frenumladder
- DIY labret 4 gauge(5mm)
- Tongue Frenectomy
- tattoo of cursed seal of heaven on left shoulder
- tattoo of borneo star on leftside chest
- Mantra chestpiece
- cheeckpiercings

- Tonguepiercing
- DIY Branding of meditating buddha on back(faded)
- DIY Eyebrowpiercing

- septum
- Crusifix suspension (probably august or with the tattoo in july)
- Eyebrowpiercing shall return
- random tattootest for my equiptment


the Wiki's

the normal info about me my heavenly hellish kingdom
wanna know what wiki i'm in my tribute
Life is nothing without music so here are my showtunes
and its not only the ear that wants somethig also there are moving Pictures
i draw to creations on paper
some randomly. things about me


Last Info
read this before messaging me terms

Age: 22

Elftownworldmap missing.

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