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Born and raised in Boston. So yeah I'm a Masshole driver.
Big reader, impatiently waiting for Dance Of the Dragon, by GRR Martin. Hopefully, HBO will pick up the pilot and make it a TV series. In the meantime, I've found some a pair of livejournals that vent my frustration, The Slovenly Author and the aptly titled, Finish the Book, George. FTR, I understand why JK Rowling didn't finish a book every 2 years since she was too busy popping out babies, being a mother, and getting married.
Beyond Harry and Song of Ice and Fire, I love the usual suspects, Star Wars, Star Trek, and LoTRs. I'm also a big Zombies fan. I would love a zombie game where you find a lightsaber; yeah copyright is a pain.
As for tv, I currently am watching Heroes, Pushing Daisies, Legend of the Seeker, and Battlestar: Galictica.
Beyond TV, movies and books, I'm a big foodie. I'll try anything, but I especially love Indian, French and Italian. Who doesn't like cannolis?
I work out 5 days a week, 3 with a personal trainer. That's a lot of pain, but it gets results.
World view: Here's one small part of my view. People who say things can't get worse suffer from a lack of imagination.
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