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a n n i e ~ Cupcake (
Happy ^^,)
Name: Annalese Maz
Elftown titles and orders
Adventurer | Travelling bard |
My Name is Annalese but you can call me Annie
I'm 17 years young, and currently studying A Level Art, Music and English.
I know what I want to do in life, it's simple. I plan to go to Brighton Uni to study art, as soon as thats finished i'm going to Japan for six months. People have said they want to come with me, if they do...great, if they don’t, then so be it.
I am my own person, I like my own fashion, I hate copying people, and as much as some people would take pride in it...I hate BEING copied.
My life is very alternative, hair, make-up, fashion, music, EVERYTHING. But that's who I am, yea I like to have my hair and make up in place and looking fairly decent (what girl doesn't) but call me a barbie or plastic and I'll make sure the top end of my straighteners will be poking out of ya ass via your mouth. I like piercings, I like tattoos, in fact thats an understatement, so if you have either of them i'm more likely to get on with you...joke. I dont judge people, especially on appearance, personality is all that matters to me.
I do drink, I dont smoke and I dont take drugs, and as far as im concerned its going to stay that way. I like to go out with my friends and have a laugh, I dont like these quiet people that sit there all night and wouldnt say boo to a goose. What's the point in going in the first place?
However, I do tend to keep myself to myself if i'm in that mood. If I do happen to do this whilst with you then I suggest you leave me the hell alone. I don't like people intruding in my personal space, it bugs me.
I love my Music, the heavier the better sometimes, and there's nothing I like better than a good old gig. Especially if you're with the right people, going on your own isn't too bad though :) I can’t stand dance, rap, hip-hop...if its not’s not worth me listening to tbh. I constantly listen to music, you’ll more or less see me with a pair of earphones in or if not...they’re round my neck. Don’t tell me to turn it down, don’t tell me to turn it’s how i like it.
My favourite band is HIM, anyone who knows me well enough will know that. I wouldn’t say I like them or love them...i’m obsessed with them. Ville Valo’s face is plastering my walls and ceiling and if there’s not one heartagram designed object in my room, there’s a million.
I like to meet new people, make new friends. It's one of the greater things in life, however, I'm not the kind of person who w4w's on myspace just to up her friend count. I used to...but now I've grown up...slightly. By all means add me, it'll be fine, so long as you talk. Pointless adds annoy the hell out of me.
My friends mean the world to me, I used to have a list on here of my top mates, but they are all clever enough to know who they bloody are!! We stick by each other and that’s all that counts. I hate losing friends, I hate arguing...unless its with someone I hate. Haha. When you see my group of friends you’re either going to love us or hate us, we’re random, we like crazy things, do crazy things and say crazy things. But that’s how we roll.
I like many things, bright colours, flashy objects, colourful stuff yet i also like the dark side of things, i’ve been called gothic, i’ve been called emo. But I’m an actuall for those of you who don’t know what that means, it means that I don’t need a label and that I am free to like and dislike whatever i want...and i shall not be judged because of it by you or anyone else.
[Timothy The Dragon]
[Height] About 5'4 I think ^^, I'm a lil shortie and proud!
[Bible Basher] I have no religion thank God...haha get it? Atheist :)
[Hair Color] Black, Red, Purple (At The Moment ^^, soon to change)
[Hair Type] Naturally Straight haha! =) SO HAPPY ABOUT IT!
[Eye Color] Blue...Turn Grey if I'm ill though :(
[Stupidity Level] Low
[Smart or Thick] Pretty bloody clever to be honest, but I act childish ^^,
[Are You CrAzY o_O] Yes...Very much so..Don't Piss Me Off!
[Are You Paranoid] Yes...your point?
[My Personal Obsession] -]=[-][-]V[-
[Favourite Animal] Rats, Bats, Spiders, Snakes, Lizards...the wierd types :)
[Favorite Colors]Black and White, Electric Blue, Blood Red
[What you can call me by] Annie, Anna, Annalese, Leo, Mazuri, Annabel Lee if you're REALLY close to me :)
[Friendsies] Of course ^^, Love them ALL EQUALLY (apart from Grant :P <3 <3)
[Lover or Hater] Both
[Classification] Unique/Myself/Random
[Favorite Band] -]=[-][-]V[-
[Do you play an instrument] Guitar, Bass guitar, Sing, Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass ^^, Music Freeeak!
[Favorite Subject in School] Art Of Course and Music
[Hobbies] Umm chilling with friends, Art and Music, Writing, Reading, Having Fun, Being Random hehe, message me to find out more ^^,
Age: 17 | Year of birth: 1992 | Month of birth: 1 | Day of birth: 20 |
Gender: female
Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap missing.
Place of living: United Kingdom-Wales
Town: Umm on a cloud...
Elfwood artist: No
Elfwood writer: No
Elftown crew wannabe: No
Favorite drawing objects
anime | demons | dragons |
elves | fairies | funny |
magic | orcs | strange |
vampires | weapons |
Computer interests
action games | art | chat |
email | music | strategy games |
video | webcam |
alternative | classical | goth |
grunge | heavy metal | progressive metal |
punk | rock |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
beer | board games | books |
card games | cooking | dancing |
drinks | fantasy | fashion |
film | party | plants |
poetry | singing | theatre |
wine | writing |
Civil status: single
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: normal
Height: 165