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Name: Johnathon D. Grosse
Photo missing.
Drawing missing.
Elftown titles and orders
Adventurer | Travelling bard |
I've been a fan of both Science Fiction and fantasy since I was a child and saw the first Star Wars movie ever created on VHS. From that point forward I've wanted to write and draw anything fantasy related. When I got older I started to get into roleplay as a hobby, and found that I had a knack for telling and writing out storylines that were both interesting and full of action and suspense.
Currently I'm trying to write and publish a book based off of a majority of my characters and how they all fought against a common foe.
Age: 37 | Year of birth: 1976 | Month of birth: 4 | Day of birth: 3 |
Gender: male
Fantasy race personality: Halfling
Elftownworldmap missing.
Place of living: USA-Oregon
Town: Gladstone
Elfwood artist: No
Elfwood writer: No
Favorite drawing objects
anime | dragons | elves |
sex | strange | vampires |
warriors | weapons |
Computer interests
action games | art | Basic |
chat | email | information seeking |
music | pr0n | strategy games |
video | Windows |
adult pop | alternative | classical |
country | hip hop | opera |
pop | rap | rock |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
board games | books | cats |
chasing the preferred sex | cooking | eating |
fantasy | film | history |
LARP | poetry | porn |
role playing | scifi | shopping |
writing |
Civil status: live together with partner
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: a little overweight
Height: 183