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DarkNightZ25 (meh)
Name: Rowan Griffiths-Scott
this is a photo of myslef done in the style of photographer Cindy Sherman.
my photography - the deep
This is an image of The Deep (the large aquarium in Hull where i live) from across the river Humber.
Elftown titles and orders
Town Drunk | Street child | Adventurer |
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My name is Rowan and im 25, im starting my first year at university this year studying Lens Based Photo Media at the Hull School Of Art And Design. I have just completed the BTEC Foundation Art and Design at the same place. I love photography and film (but mainly photography). I spend my spare time photographing local bands and gigs in the various different pubs around hull and york. I hope to one day be as good as photographers Dave Hill and Cindy Frey.
A little bit about my photography
Born out of a passion for the alternative scene and live music I’ve slowly built up a strong collection of varied work capturing single moments of brilliance. My work has taken me to new and unusual places working with some local and some not so local bands to create a range of pieces of work: promotional shots, live performance photos, banners and photo editing for the web and publications.
Playing to my strengths has allowed me to develop a broad focus of work giving me the ability to cater to many photographical needs in a competitive market for a competitive price. These range from urban photography to modeling shoots, macro photography and landscape work.
I am currently looking to further expand my portfolios giving me a flexible approach to photography and the requirements of perspective customers, working closely within local musicians and event organizers has shown me how much I enjoy photography.
I am currently looking to explore the possibilities of photography further, and want to hear from bands, musicians, event organizers, publishers and models (both male and female).
to look at some of my work go here:
DarkNightZ Photos
Age: 25 | Year of birth: 1985 | Month of birth: 2 | Day of birth: 20 |
Gender: female
Fantasy race personality: Human
Elftownworldmap missing.
Place of living: United Kingdom-England
Town: Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
Elfwood artist: No
Elfwood writer: No
Elftown crew wannabe: Yes
Computer interests
action games | art | email |
information seeking | Mac | music |
strategy games | use communities | video |
web design |
alternative | goth | grunge |
heavy metal | progressive metal | punk |
rock | synth | techno |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
beer | board games | books |
cars | cats | cooking |
crime stories | dogs | drinks |
eating | fantasy | film |
history | party | plants |
porn | slacking | theatre |
Civil status: involved
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: plump
Height: 163