Drawing missing.
I have the stereotype of being a meathead.
I compete in MMA (Mixed Martial Arts.)
I workout almost everyday. Everything from cardio, weights and whatever type of sparring my gym is having on that day.
I'm very competitive and extremely confident to the point where I think I'm teetering on outright arrogance.
In my defence, I think I'm "intelligently arrogant."
Then, I get tricky.
I play "World of Warcraft" and "Starcraft" usually 5 times out of the week.
I read into Norse mythology and all around Viking culture. I read anything I can get my hands on, really. Cosmo is complete bullshit, by the way.
I write free verse poetry. And to all the emo kids, no. I don't want to join your little anal fondling writers group.
I've been heavily involved in Theistic Satanism. Even though that part of my life is done and gone, I still hold a lot of my beliefs based off its philosophy.
I'm 17, but even though you'll do it anyway, don't hold anything against me because of my age.
I'm very much into Epic Fantasy novels. Anything by George R.R. Martin is god. I appreciate the works of Patrick Rothfuss and Jon Marco as well.
Concerning the fantasy subject, I'm into a bit of it all.
The movie scene, the writing scene and the graphic novels.
I'm into just about everything besides real world roleplaying.
In other words, I won't go out into a forrest and swing tin foil swords at you. Being the limited sex drive that I have already, I most certainly won't dress up as some space pirate, saving you from some alien monstrosity and banging you on the planet of Zen.
Roleplaying at its finest, I suppose.
Anyways, I'm rambling.
I'm not extremely awful. Not extremely
If you care to have a chat, I'll be here.