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Name: Heather Demars
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Big fantasy lover which includes fairies dragons elves warlocks shadowhunters vampires and werewolfs.
Age: 28 | Year of birth: 1985 | Month of birth: 6 | Day of birth: 7 |
Gender: female
Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap missing.
Place of living: USA-New Hampshire
Town: Keene
Elfwood artist: No
Elfwood writer: Yes
Elftown crew wannabe: Yes
Computer interests
art | chat | music |
strategy games |
hip hop | new age | pop |
rap | rock | techno |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
books | cooking | dancing |
dogs | drinks | electronics |
fantasy | plants | smoking |
writing |
Civil status: involved
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: a little overweight
Height: 152