Photo missing.
Drawing missing.
General description. Use normal text. HTML doesn't work, but you can use pseudo HTML. Only inline your own images or images you have permission from Elftown to use here.
Don't know what to write?
Just write a little about yourself, what you do and how you view the world, and don't forget to tell us about your fantasy and sci-fi interest (Or write that you don't have any and we'll try to change you...)! Don't lie or register as someone else than you, but you're free to leave information out. Very simple example:
I attend to Poke High/work at a museum/am between projects.
I often compete in camel racing, but I want to go fishing some time.
I love fantasy because hobbit babes are so hot! When I was younger I was a fan of Star Wars, but Jar Jar ended that.
Elftownworldmap missing.