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Law and Chaos (Yeah, I'm crazy. Crazy about YOU [Mas])

Member #35739 created: 2004-01-26 11:56:46Simple URL:    Bookmark and Share

Name: Kayleigh


[Mas] and I in the field


Just a boy and a girl
My Beloved [Mas] says
"Looks like the way i want my hair and my emotionlesness and girl looks like ur pretty, cute little self"

Elftown work
Building workerInspector

Elftown titles and orders


Back at college.

My random stuff that has no importance

Law and Chaos and Mas

(Image deleted by the guards)

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I am in my second year of my second college after a gap year. I'm now studying A2 Photography, Textiles and ICT. My tools of the trade are my Nikon SLR, Photoshop CS and the dark room.

Also I LOVE gaming. On Consoles thst is. I game on both next gen and retro platforms. I own an XBOX, XBOX 360, Nintendo Wii, PS one, PS2, Sega Master System 2, Sega Megadrive 2, N64 and a PC

I'm a depression sufferer. I have the Dysthymia strain, meaning I have poor school/work performance, Social withdrawal, Shyness, Irritable hostility, Conflicts with family and friends, Physiological abnormalities and Sleep irregularities. Not to mention uncontrolable emotions and being clingy to my partner

UPDATE: I am getting over the depression now. So I'm not too bad anymore. However, I DO have a hearing-aid now, which although was a little annoying to begin with, I dont mind it too much

Tell us about your General Interests
I love watching movies all curled up in the dark,
next to someone, going to the theatre to watch
comedy or horror or shakespear. I like programming
computer games (pong, my one creation, gaming and
my xbox 360

Tell us about your Favourite Newspapers, Books or Magazines
I adore Lord of the Rings and Children of Hurin.
If I am gonna read a newspaper, it'd have to be
The Independant. I dont read magazines very often
as they are all very 'samey'.

Tell us about your Favourite Activities
I love going to the cinema, taking photographs
and general photography and gaming

Tell us about your Favourite Films or TV shows
The movies I like at the moment are The Lord
of the Rings, Animatrix, Iron man, Wall-E and
Pans Labrynth. On TV, I enjoy Have I Got News
For You, QI, Scrubs, Top Gear, Never Mind The
Buzzcocks and red Dwarf.

Tell us about the Places you want to visit
I've always wanted to visit Russia because of
the place which the sun never sets once a year
and they have an all day-night party. I also
want to visit Ireland because of the accent,
the sights and the Giants Causeway.

Tell us about the Places you have visited
I've been to Florida for Disney World, Sea
World and Universal Studios and I've been
to Paris for Euro Disney

Tell us about your Favourite Music
I like the classic Rock of the 60's, 70's and
80's and some stuff which people have labled
'emo'. Stuff like System of a Down mixed with
Classical (The planets) and some Glam Rock

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I speak ENGLISH! NOT cyberlanguage, abbreviations and all that. I would like some GRAMMAR please.


My House is a Safe Zone

NOTE: Well, I say this is a safe zone but I am so oppinionated that I cant help but be biased and sometimes even racist. When I say racists, I am more steriotype based. But still, I will try to be non-biased and try to be nice to those different to me


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Law and Chaos and Mas
Law and Chaos Photoshoot
Law and Chaos photoshoot 2
law and chaos draw

Age: 20Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 8Day of birth: 8

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 51°47.910'N 4°10.998'W

Place of living: United Kingdom-England

Town: Newton Abbot, Devon

Known languages
Sign LanguageEnglishFrench
GermanLatinQuenya (Tolkien language)

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Favorite URL:

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
action gamesartC
information seekingLinuxmusic
programmingstrategy gamessystem administration
use communitiesvideoweb design

alternativeclassicalfolk music
gothheavy metaljazz
operaprogressive metalpunk

Other interests
board gamesbookscard games
poetrypoliticsrole playing
snow scooterstheatretravelling

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 175

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