My newest news:
I have recieved word that my profile is getting dangerously long. Since I hate long profiles, I'm trimming a bit. Enjoy! Visit the damn links!
Love Will.
My wiki is up and functional (not to mention damn sexy, for a completely non-sexually oriented wiki about music.)
On a similar note:

beatles appreciation society
Check out my gallery at deviantart!
And this commercial. BEST... COMMERCIAL... EVER.
Legos are awesome. Escher is awesome. THIS is awesome.[
Hoorah for lego relativity!]
*** (On to random quotings!)
"Man, if I took a pill for every problem I had right now, I'd have just taken... two. But they'd be really big pills."
-Chris Huey (He's a friend of mine, and he was taking advil.)
[Bush's latest -isms: "I ask you to pass legislation to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research, creating human-animal hybrids!]
-George W. Bush (Jan 30th 2006)
"What I need to do is observe the relationship between the state and local governments. It's an important relationship, and I need to figure out how it works better."
"We look forward to hearing your vision, so we can more better do our job"
"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers."
-Pablo Picasso
and we hold these truths to be self evident:
#1 george w. bush is not president
#2 america is not a true democracy
#3 the media is not fooling me</center>
I had some more lyrics up, from Self Evident by Ani DiFranco. It took up a lot of space, but it's a great protest song. Listen to it if you'd like, her website has a free MP3 file:
<center>["Proud Americans"]</center>
I was driving home from a friend's house today (after discussing war and society, naturally) and saw a big ol' SUV with a "Proud to be American" bumper sticker. I got that feeling I get when I see this sort of rampant propogandistic patriotism; you know, like your common sense threw up a little. So I did a parody piece. Enjoy!