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Christmas carols, Elftown style!

Here are the winners of this year's Christmas Poetry Competition. Congratulations, and thank you to all participants.

Holly and Ivy (A Folk Song of the Elves for the Winter Solstice)

When the berries grow bright red and round
It's time to head back homeward bound;
Back to the trees and leaves of green
And the curious wonder of things unseen.
When things lie secret beneath the snow,
That is the time when you will know:
Return home friend, return on home.

When the stars shine bright
With a mystical light,
Yea, friend, return on home.

When the mother bear lies in her den
And most all creatures have gone and been,
It's time to return to a den of your own
Beneath the skies where the birds have flown.
This be not the time to hesitate
Until the winds die down and the cold abate-
Return friend, return on home.

When the stars shine bright
With a mystical light,
Yea, friend, return on home.

When fires burn warm, true and bright
And block out the rest of night,
Do not falter beyond its reach.
Come in, come in- I do beseech;
With us have your holiday drink
And take your time to ponder and think;
Return friend, return on home.

When the stars shine bright
With a mystical light,
Yea, friend, return on home.

Written by [Tickle Me Emo]

A Halfling Carol

When the fire crackles in the grate
and the ale is pouring down on my beeel-ly
all of them barefeet are marching through the gate
carrying the bushes of hoool-ly

On our shoulders we carry the Christmas Tree
as our feet muffle-puffle on the crunching ground
and snow is falling everywhere that we can see
muffle-puffle where the Christmas Bells sound

Cut the top and root him good
set the Tree and light him up with caaannn-dles
hush and listen how the owls hoot
the ground is cold; come take out your saaann-dles

Come and drink at the foot of the Christmas Tree
as our feet muffle-puffle on the crunching ground
and snow is falling everywhere that we can see
muffle-puffle where the Christmas Bells sound

Come feast and drink for Christmas
all the clock around!

Written by [Melocrie]

How to submit a poem
Date: 2007-12-25 12:39:57 Poem #: 849 Mod: Linderel

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