16706) who should win the kitty contest

Number of voters: 72
* a) 1. [bratkitty]
Number of votes: 5 (7%)
* b) 2. [Spanakopida]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
Number of votes: 3 (4%)
* d) 4. [DawnUnicorn]
Number of votes: 4 (6%)
* e) 5. [lemon drop]
Number of votes: 4 (6%)
* f) 6. [Perplexity]
Number of votes: 1 (1%)
* g) 7. [Perplexity]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* h) 8. DELETED
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* i) 9. [Nightshadow]
Number of votes: 1 (1%)
* j) 10.[Cati Stormweaver]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* k) 11.DELETED
Number of votes: 3 (4%)
* l) 12.[Whispering Willows]
Number of votes: 1 (1%)
* m) 13.[Amedyr]
Number of votes: 2 (3%)
* n) 14.[krnblacktiger]
Number of votes: 2 (3%)
* o) 15.[Eyes That Penetrate]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* p) 17.[catwings]
Number of votes: 4 (6%)
* q) 18.[Izzy-chan]
Number of votes: 3 (4%)
* r) 19.[Izzy-chan]
Number of votes: 1 (1%)
* s) 20.[Nazkrut]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* t) 21.[Shinobu]
Number of votes: 2 (3%)
* u) 22.[catwings
Number of votes: 16 (22%)
* v) 23.
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* w) 24.[Pnelma Tirian]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* x) 25.[Amedyr]
Number of votes: 2 (3%)
* y) 26.[Amedyr]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* z) 27.[Blue Fish]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* A) 28.[Blue Fish]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* B) 29.[Blue Fish]
Number of votes: 1 (1%)
* C) 30.[Cathos]
Number of votes: 2 (3%)
* D) 31.[Amythest Cat]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* E) 32.[Sabaku no Gaara]
Number of votes: 3 (4%)
* F) 33.[Leara]
Number of votes: 4 (6%)
* G) 34.[kamisch]
Number of votes: 7 (10%)
* H) 35.[kamisch]
Number of votes: 1 (1%)

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