2008-08-26 [Paul Doyle]: Well, leave it to me to get the poll-comments going again. I seem to have found a new ET niche, however low-key it may be :3

2008-08-26 [Serwa]: Actually some very nice works here, well done all! My vote went to i) who's the artist?

2008-08-27 [Cia_mar]: if you go to the wiki for the contest you can find the artist's names

2008-08-27 [((lost))]: wow some really good work here, im so impressed it was definately a difficult decision! x

2008-08-28 [*Phoenix*]: man.........my first ET contest and I didn't make it..........hmmm.....try harder next time, I quess.....

2008-08-28 [Jawny]: My vote also went to i). Good work! f) is a great piece too. I wonder where he's flying to.

2008-08-28 [*Phoenix*]: mine went to E cause I really like it! If you click it to make it bigger she's making a fairy!! ^_^

2008-08-28 [NOOOPE]: I went with i), cause I honestly think it's the most professional one on there. They are all really good, but I feel like i is on an entirely different level. I mean, I can see lots of these getting mod's choice on elfwood, but I can see i getting daily deviation on deviant art, if you catch my drift. That or being on a video game cover or just, you know. It's just on another tier in my eyes. It blows my mind.

2008-08-29 [Mikie9191]: I totally agree with you [NOOOPE] I think i stands apart from everything else. Good work.

2008-08-30 [The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: i) is really amazing! It was the one I voted for as well. e) is my second choice because the movement is incredible! But ya... i)'s is a completely different style than the others, so dynamic... *swoons*

2008-08-30 [Paul Doyle]: Sometimes I wish we could choose a first place, second place, and third, though I realize this would make things way more complicated. Sometimes you feel a tiny bit guilty not voting for Choice X because Choice Y is maybe a fraction of a percentage point better . . or something.

*eats homemade chicken pasta sauce over something else besides ramen*

2008-08-30 [Jitter]: Indeed it would be nice if we could multivote in the mainstreet polls.

2008-08-30 [NOOOPE]: That would be awesome. Because, well, they all really rock

Question though, Paul, why would you vote for one if you knew another was better? I'm not being... hostile or anything. On mainstreet pools, I find that I almost always think the best comes in second or third, and it's always confused and frustrated me. Being an artist... it always makes me sad, 'cause it makes me feel like even if I do my best, and really rock it out, I still wont win, if that makes any sense.

I'm sorry if I'm, ya know, ruffling anyone.

2008-08-30 [windowframe]: I think he's saying that if you think two entries are excellent, and you vote for the one which is fractionally better, you feel bad that you can't vote for both, because they're still both excellent, not that he'd vote for the one which wasn't fractionally better.

2008-08-30 [Paul Doyle]: Exactly :)

2008-08-30 [NOOOPE]: Oh, alright. Totally misunderstood.

2008-08-30 [Future Dictator]: im surprised #i isnt winning right now... (lol number i....letter i whatever)

2008-08-30 [windowframe]: Oh, and M! I agree completely - but I find that it's even worse in actual magazines. I've decided that especially in magazine's, and almost certainly if there are age categories. If there are age categories, you can just forget the idea of the best artist winning. I saw the winners of a contest where the second place was an absolutely stunning water colour picture of an eagle done by a 16 year old. And first place was a spider done in pencils by a 12 year old. I saw nothing above the skill level of an average 12 year old in the drawing of the spider. I saw a lot above the skill level of an average 16 year old in the water colour... but hey, basically, if you're not 12 you can't win, or so it seems, nowadays. -.-

2008-08-30 [NOOOPE]: I had a problem like that with a newspaper accepting editorial cartoons from students for a chance to win a scholarship. 'Cept the results of that contest were so ridiculous, it was like they shuffled the stack of entries and picked 5 off the top to win. The winner of the 500 dollar scholarship was the least skilled, least original, least creative one of the bunch. Considering I entered, and money was involved, and I put thought and effort into mine, I basically flipped out. That was not a fun time, my friend. Hell, even my art teacher was a bit pissed off.

2008-08-31 [Crankychangeling]: i) is stellar. It is the most professional looking and the colors are amazing. Also, the detail in the subtle things like the folds in the clothing and in the persons hair are really impressive. Not to mention that in terms of realistic proportions it is clearly the best. I'm really surprised that it isn't winning.

2008-08-31 [Morphea]: I`m sorry but what do you mean by realistic proportions?

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