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teviiaen (Wrestling sucks. Nobody cares. All is good.)

Member #146922 created: 2005-07-08 00:07:38Simple URL:   

Name: Scott


This is a random image I made...


This is an image I have been thinking about for a while, it is of a man just standing in front of a tank invading Tien An Men Square. I wanted to make a point about courage and rebellion. Please note that this is based on another photo that I didn't take;)

Elftown work
Building worker

Elftown titles and orders
InterpreterAdventurerTravelling bard

So, it's 2006...

I just spent 5 hours to get 70 posts on the gamespot boards! If you are on there my name is be0wu1f, and I lurk on the psp board.

I got an intern at the Local Newspaper as a reporter!

I even got my own notepad!

Update: They just let me have a gaming column!  I am the patron god of all things 1337! Woo! Woo! Look for it in the paper my friends, look for it. You know who you are.

Check out my site!

Anyone interested in helping develop an RPG that my friends and I have started, please go to:

Please help out!       

   - - - - - - - - - - -

Top five movies of all time:
1)The Matrix
2)Kill Bill Vol. 1
3)Kill Bill Vol. 2
4)The Last Samurai
5)Fight Club

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Best responses when asked if you want a Fanta:

Not desperately.
God no!
If you have one.
not particularly.

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If people ran windows in their mind:

People would suddenly blue screen as they walked down the street, causing them to stop in their tracks.

People would occasional have to perform file system checks when they woke up in the morning, causing them to be late for a meeting that they didn't have enough RAM for in the first place. 

At a point they would start forgetting things
because their brain grew too big for the OS.

Once a month people would lose all mental capability as they defragged.

Every thought you had would be sent to whomever wrote the spyware you havn't discovered yet.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tiers of Society

wake up
roll out of bed
brown stained carpet

wait it's all an illusion
hallucination- produced
by overconsumption of the wrong stuff - a date with Lucy.

Born into a life of oppertunity- escaping
By means of alcahol

Asking all the wrong
people what it leads to

Darkness surrounding
A peanut butter and jelly

Fast cars, large home
Are you sure it's not a fantasy?

Age: 16Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 1Day of birth: 12

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 40°45.000'N 105°4.998'W

Place of living: USA-Colorado

Town: Loveland

Known languages

Home-page URL:

Weblog URL:

Favorite URL:

Elftown crew wannabe: No

Computer interests
action gamesartemail
graphicsinformation seekingLinux
strategy gamesvideoweb design


Other interests
artboard gamesbooks
catschasing the preferred sexchess
politicsrole playingscifi

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: a little overweight

Height: 177

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