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Member #182327 created: 2007-03-15 18:47:20Simple URL:   

Name: daniel hawhee



Elftown work
Building worker

Elftown titles and orders
AdventurerTravelling bard

I guess you could say i'm an odd person but then again thats why i'm here.

I am into many things one of which is music. I can write lyrics and do vocals.
I've done some poetry but it been years since I've done any. I would also be working on my ceramics and sculpture but I have not had the time.

I also get into strategy games. Warhammer 40000 is my game. I also love all warcraft.
Some other games include time splitters 3, guilty gear, mortal kombat, unreal, and some puzzles such as tetris, luxor, bejeweled ect.

I guess you could also say I'm a movie buff of sorts. I'm by no means an expert, but i've seen many and I follow some actors such as Jonny depp, Bruce cambell, ect.
As far as favorite movies I probabily have one for most any category even foreign films (Pans Labryinth).

Another thing is women I still search for a good woman. I guess one issue is sex because I like alot of it and most of the people I find cant keep up with that. Some people act as though thats bad and think thats all that matters to me but that just isn't so, honest.
It would be nice to have someone who I can take out into the woods and will gaze at the stars and dream with me of ways to get there rather than wait to go back to town. Some one who is an independant who wants a conpanion that is always near, a paralell if you will.
True love is in what you wish and live not one or the other. So do our wishes and lives thrive together or do they clash in a terrible way. Lets find out.

Age: 21Year of birth: 1985Month of birth: 8Day of birth: 28

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Elf

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: USA-Indiana

Town: franklin

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Elftown crew wannabe: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
artmusicstrategy games

adult popalternativeblues
folk musicgothgrunge
heavy metalhip hopjazz
progressive metalpunkrap

Other interests
catschasing the preferred sexcooking
crime storiesdogsdrinks
partypornrole playing

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: thin

Height: 183

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