Page name: *the day-dreamers* [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-11-02 15:45:21
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1.[~Lady Morgana~] *owner*
8.[deleted, gone]
10.[Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]
12.[Evil Faerie Feline]
15.[Zaran's Song]
19.[It Was a Pleasure to Burn]
21.[vagabond faery] I live more in my daydreams than my own life.
23.[Socially Disturbed]
24.[confused daisy] mmmmmm, DREAMY
25.[Skippie] *sit at window sill looking out at the sky*..........huh?!... *comes back to realality*.........*goes back to day dreaming*
27.[fliwi flumpkin floozleberry] ---insert witty comment here---
28.[Eschew Obfuscation] *staring off into space for hours* what?the test is over!? but i haven't even started!
29.[Boogaman9891]*stares at the wall blankely* im sorry, can you repeat the question
30.[Socially Disturbed]
31.[♥popsikle princess♥] just sit n day dream!
32.[Four Winged Fox] Huh. What? I said " Your grades are fall......(trailing off)
33.[Ehecatzin] I live in my dreams ^^
34.[xOx Katherine xOx] DayDreaming is my thing^_-
35.[Valmel]im bord i think ill go to LaLa land till next saterday...sigh...
36.[Kelaria] I day-dream all day long...... ~_~ *day-dreams*
39.[laugh insanely]
41.[Picture Perfect Loser] ^^
42.[Kiko-Chan]^^I am such a becomes a habit!=D
43.[MACCANATOR] i day dreamevery day during every class
47.[Imaginary Girl] ...Known from birth for being the dreamiest of daydreamers...indeed...what would life be without dreams of all sorts...both night and day i ask...
49.[Jardín del horror]
51. [DawnUnicorn] *slips into her favourite day-dream*
52.[Ghost Lilly]
53. [..Nightmare..]
54. [*sAxy*eM*]
55. [Crimson_Echo] no I did NOT steal your mustard!
56. [wish upon a star] dreaming.....
57. [msrosie] heaven ;)
58. [yuzuki] .....zzzzzz....!huh,wow it's half past 9 already,geezz!....zzzz....
59. [Fractured Heart] *gets poked in side* Hmmm... what? Oh, yeah... love ya, too, honey.
60. [Lucy-Lou] *goes off into a dream*
61. [jiggawhatnow] dreamers dream at night... day dreaming is for school!!!!
62. [Uriel] Someday the dream will end
63.[Cafe Mocha] every day,every hour, either awake or asleep....dreams
64.[Peter Pan] I have way too much imagination for my own good...
65.[Schitz] *jumps* what was i doing? oh!! typing!!!
66. [~*Killer Green Squirrel*~] ..............hmmm???
67. [DracoDormiens] Dream? At daytime? Hm?
68. [prinsesse] i like to daydreammmmmm
69. [Forsvunnet]Dream, dream, dream....just like the <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='ice-cream'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">ice-cream</a>....mmm, ice-cream (and yes I am weel aware of the rime, it was not intensional)
70. [Angel of Ice]
71. [---deleted account---] Where Dreams and Reality are United
72. [maruchi] hm....**daydreams**
73. [BELSEA!] huh?
74. [kozmix]
75.[kinki chaos]daydreaming as i type *babble babble
76.[Girl of the Canopy]living in my head....
77. [kittygirl1017] huh? oh... ummm yeah..
78. [OhMarcie]
79.[IV_bOyLoVeR_69] HUH?!?!?!
80. [Teufelsweib] *stares in front of her*
81.[starlightgirl] *
82. [I am no longer existant] *snore...* "ohh....what?
83.[Fleetwood] Daydreaming is all I do in class............
84. [faeries_exist] ..sits in class *~while images of fairies and sugarplums danced through her head~*
85. [EverlastingDusk] Daydreaming keeps me awake.
86. [whimsical fae]
87. [-Boi_B!tch-] No one should be punished or lectured for having day dreams, even if they are during class!!
88.[Silent Procession] I am not distracted I am just Day Dreaming.
89.[chilli_icecream] Day dreaming, is a hobbie i do, whereever and whenever i like, it fits in to anything i do :). It helps to dream in classes too cuz it stops you getting bored...which is good!
90.[ill be your number 1 with a bullet] wait wo what was i doing??????
91. [The real life Bella Swan]
92. [pretty in blood]
93. [Snowflame]
94. [Anduraja]
95. [kaimetsu] Ever had a dream end with "to be continued"? I have...
96. [Noone_Dream] I am a day-dreamer, I was born a Day-dreamer and I am going to die a day-dreamer...
97.[Kiko-Chan] Wow!Daydreaming?Aw!I love*day dreams while drooling*^^
98.[God called in sick today] WooHoo...Now see, I can day dream after all!! *sticks tongue out* lol
99.[Smile Addiction] mmmmmmmmm....*sigh* huh? what? oooh...heh ^-^
100.[peachesnpears] oo im the 100th member....*starts to daydream*
101. [hidden_nightmare] Without daydreaming, some of the world's coolest technology would never have been invented...
103. [Outside The Wall] *day dreams*
104.[Deep Blue Sea] its better then real life 
105. [jgenna12] its too hard to live in reality. *Flops and dar dreams*                        
106. [Ronin-Sparrow] "Reality" is the only word that should always be used is quotes.
107. [Merriya] Forever lost in a reverie..and happy!^^
108. [once you fall in love, that's it!!] I am always staring out a window! My dreams come to me all the time!
109. [Erenriel] I've got nothing better to do. It's just another form of meditation.
110. [xlovinaredheadx] *stares off into space* *..sigh*
111. [chosenwarrior7] I love to day-dream! I'm never bored, 'cause there is always something to do!
112.[PISS OFF!!!!!!!!] it is good to gaze
*spaces out*
113. [MysticShadows] im constantly day dreaming. i live more in my dreams than sometimes in reality!!
114. [*elf-daughter*] i daydream...a LOT! that's why i'm here.
115. [Frost_Tears]
116. [Cowardcat] I daydream quite a bit. I am constantly being told to pay attention in school.
117. [butt faery] Dreaming is the one thing i no and love. ^^
118. [Account No Longer Active] day dreaming helps me get through the day!
119. [FF/Med . Johnson] i dream of my other life... i was a porn star!
120. [Epson11]
121. [HowseR] i just can't help myself during some lessons zzzZzzZZZ!!!
122. [SBRLexa]
123.[Wee Dee]
124.[Running out of Time]
125. [Pink_Pixie] *I daydream about N-ething and everything(from careers to being rich'n'famous and having everything I want to being in love with the perfect guy and growing old with him) and Someday my dreams will come true!*
126. [~Vash~]
127. [une histoire d'amour] if i wouldnt daydream during class te teachers might htink im actually paying atnetion! *gasp* oh no!
128. [flowergirl90]
129. [emily29]
130. [~!*thumper*!~]
131. [LastDecember] i daydream all the time......constantly...
132. [Sad Sinner666] i love to do it!
132. [POG] hello......waht did i miss????
133.[nicbot29] ZzZZzz
134. [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]
135. [~Shadow~]
136. [elfsrule] zzzzzzzzzzz SSSSSSSSSST!!i'm dreaming......:P
137. [psychekiller] i keep falling asleep in class
138. [R0s3tt3 Chr1st0ph3r] sometimes i'l just be sittin there, dreaming... then some idiot comes and taps me on the shoulder, shooting me like 5 feet in the air...
139. [light.] heh.. << >>
140. [Im gone.. ha] dream is job~~
150. [Magic is in a Sunrise] I dare to dream...
151. [Urban Decay] day dreaming...the schools should just make a class for it...i mean, its what students do anyways..why not give us a break, besides study hall
152.[sequeena_rae] yeah I daydream about what I shall never tell ;)
153. [Im gone.. ha]
154. [elveneyes]
155. [Fille d'automne.] I love day-dreaming in school
156. [BAMA-LOVER] i day dream all the time
157. [~*Luna*~] Dream, dream, Dream, away the Day.
158. [Sahraminkukka] Everybody tells me that I daydream too much...
159. [Capt'n ToiletPaper] Takes ur mind off everything.
160. [silverraven66699] I daydream of vampires and hot guys. I'm just a weird daydreamer.
161. [Chimes] Maybe one day they'll come true.
162. [~*Luna*~] A Dream is a Wish, that will come true.
163. [TRiCKY DiSCO] I dream everyday. It is just like breathing!
164. [MyWings] day-dreaming is the only thing that keeps me alive...
165. [] if it was impossible to day-dream, them my life would be worth nothing...
166. [moonscale] everyone tells me I need to get a grip on reality... I ask, why?
167. [tink55]i cant not day dream...its impossible. i always space
168. [Celi]
169. [non-existant]when im not sleeping, im day dreaming...
170.[The Luggage] now which is the dream and which is reality?
171. [~username~]
172. [Dasner] I day-dream so much, I can't keep up with half. I make my day-dreams into LONG stories! ^_^ They shall make me rich!!!! Mwuahahahahahaha!!!
173. [Adela Leafshanks] I am in a permanent daydream. Heck, I don't even know if this wikipage really exists ;O_o
174. [Night^dancing Elf] Sometimes i get lost in my dreams but I always get back to the reality :(
back to day-dreamers united

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2006-01-08 [~*Luna*~]: Tink, you want me to add you?

2006-01-08 [~Lady Morgana~]: Probably that's a good idea, I just thought it might help her with other wikis too .... so go ahead if she wants you too ^^

2006-01-08 [tink55]: ya thanks hehe.....

2006-01-08 [~Lady Morgana~]: Should I add something besides your name?

2006-03-21 [tink55]: um no its fine, but thanks :)

2006-03-21 [~Lady Morgana~]: Okies *^.^*

2006-03-21 [tink55]: lol

2006-04-19 [tink55]: are ya? o.0

2006-04-19 [~Lady Morgana~]: I am alright, thank you. How are you?

2006-04-19 [chilli_icecream]: *is currently dreaming of saving a fair maden from some ruffians*

2006-04-20 [~Lady Morgana~]: Oh wow ....

2006-04-21 []: that is so.... cooly!

2006-04-21 [chilli_icecream]: Ever burst out laughing in a room where noone is talking because you were daydreaming about something funny? I do quite often. Am I mad?

2006-04-22 [tink55]: i'm fine :) omg i do that all the time! (chilli_icecream) its quite funny...ppl always look so confusedly at you, its great LOL

2006-04-22 [~Lady Morgana~]: I know that as well :P

2006-05-01 [chilli_icecream]: Ive never known anyone else to do it untill recently, tis well funny! :D

2006-05-02 [tink55]: lol

2007-03-04 [Dasner]: May I join? I day-dream ALL the time. ^_^

2007-03-10 [~Lady Morgana~]: Of course!

2007-03-12 [Dasner]: Thank you! ^_^

2007-03-17 [~Lady Morgana~]: You are very welcome ^^

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