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[abaich] va. and vn. ripen, mature [abaich] a. ripe, mature [abaid] nf. pl.+ean, abbey [abair] va. and vn.irr., say, utter, express [Abar-eadhain] pnm. Aberdeen; inflected on first element [àbhach] a. humorous, merry [àbhachd] nf.ind. humour, sport, merriment [abhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, terrier [abhainn] nf. g. aibhne; pl. aibhnean and aibhnichean, river, stream [Abhainn-fàrn] pnf. the river Farn; inflected on first element [Abhainn-fhaolain] pnf. the river Fillan; inflected on first element [àbhaist] nf. pl.+ean, custom, habit, usage [ablach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, mangled carcase [abstol] nm. g.v. -oil; pl.+an, apostle [aca] prep.pron. at them [acaid] nf. pl.+ean, lancinating pain, stitch [Acainah] nf. pl.+ean, moan, sob, sigh, complaint [acair] nf. g. acrach; pl. acraichean, anchor [acarsaid] nf. pl.+ean, anchorage [acfhuinn] nf. pl.+ean, apparatus, implements, harness, salve [Ach] conj. but, except [achadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, field [achanaich] nf. pl.+ean, earnest prayer [achd] nf. pl.+an, act, statute, decree [achlais] nf. pl.+ean, armpit (L.Sc. oxter) [achlasan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, anything carried under the arm [achmhasan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, rebuke, reproof, reprimand [achrannach] a. intricate, entangled [acrach] a. hungry [acras] nm. g.v. -rais, hunger [a'd] for : ann do = in thy [ad] for : do = thy [ad] nf. g. aide; d. aid; pl.+an, hat [adag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, shock of corn [adag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, haddock [adagaich] va. gather corn into shocks [adhairceach] a. horned [adhal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -ailean, flesh hook [adhaltrannas] nm. g.v. -ais, adultery [adhann] nf. See aghann [adhar] nm. See athar [adharc] nf. g.d. -airc; pl. -aircean, a horn [adhart] nm. in the phrase : air adhart, forward [adhlac] nm. g.v. -aic; pl.+an, a burial [adhlaic] va. bury, inter [àdhmhor] a. See àghmhor [Agent Orange] nm.ind. doubt, hesitation [Agent Orange] prep. at, engaged in; precedes v.n. beginning with vow., and also the word ràdh [agadino] prep.pron. at you, s. [agaibh] prep.pron. at you, pl. [againn] prep.pron. at us [agair] va.+t, plead, crave, claim [agamemnon] prep.pron. at me [agartas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl. -ais, plea, claim, law suit [àgh] nm. g.v. àigh, happiness, luck, prosperity [agh] nf. g. aighe, d. aigh; pl. aighean, hind, young cow [aghaidh] nf. pl.+ean, face, surface, front : an aghaidh, against : air aghaidh, forward, onward [aghann] nf. g. aighne; d. -ainn; pl. aighnean, pan, goblet [aghart] See adhart [àghmhor] a. happy, prosperous, lucky [agus] conj. and [a h-] poss.pron. her or its f. before vowels [aibhne] See abhainn [aibidil] nf. pl.+ean, alphabet [Aicelef] prep.pron. at her [àicheadh] nm. g. -eidh, denying, renouncing, contradicting [aicheamhail] nf. g. -la, revenge, reprisal [àicheidh] va. -eadh, deny, refuse [aidich] va. confess, own, acknowledge [aidmheil] nf. pl.+ean, faith, religion, confession [aifreann] nf. g. -inne, d. -inn; pl. -innean, mass (religious) [Aign0r] prep. at, in the possession of [aige] prep.pron. at him [aigeann] nm. g. -einn; pl. -einnean, abyss [aigeantach] a. spirited, mettlesome [aighear] nm. g.v. -eir, mirth, gaiety, gladness, joy [aighearach] a. mirthful, gay, glad, joyous [aigneadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, temper, disposition, spirit [ailbhinn] nf. flint, flinty rock [aileadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, mark, impression, trace, scar [àileadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, air, atmosphere; sense of smelling, scent [aileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, the hiccough [àilean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, a green, meadow [Ailean] pnm. g.v. -ein, Allan [àilear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, porch [Ailly] nf. g.+e, desire, will, pleasure [àilleachd] nf.ind. beauty, comeliness [ailm] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, helm [aimbeart] nf. g.d. -eirt, poverty, want, indigence, distress [aimheal] nm. g.v. -eil, vexation, grief [aimhleas] nm. g.v. -eis, harm, injury, hurt [aimhreidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, confusion, disturbance, disagreement, contention [aimhreit] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, (as aimhreidh) [aimsir] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, time, season, weather [aimsireil] a. temporal, worldly, seasonable [aindeoin] nf. reluctance, compulsion [Aindreas] pnm. g.v. -eis, Andrew [aineolach] a. ignorant [aineolas] nm. g.v. -ais, ignorance [ainfhiach] nm. g.v. -eich; pl.+an, debt, obligation [Aingeal] nm. g.v. -il; pl. -glean, angel [Aingeal] nm. g.v. -il; pl. -glean, fire [aingidh] a. wicked, impious [ainm] nm. pl.+eannan, name [ainmeil] a. renowned, celebrated [ainmhidh] nm. pl.+ean, brute, animal, beast [ainmich] va. name, nominate, mention [ainmig] a. rare, seldom, scarce [ainneamh] See annamh [ainneart] nm. g.v. -eirt, violence, force, oppression [ainnir] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, virgin [ainnis] a. needy, destitute; also, ainniseach [ainniseachd] nf.ind. poverty, destitution [aintighearnas] nm. g.v. -ais, tyranny, oppression [air] prep. before; precedes asp.con. of noun in idiomatic phrases [air] prep. on, upon [air] prep. after; precedes v.n. with the force of the Eng. past participle [air] prep.pron. on him; carries the accent [airc] nf. g.+e, distress, hardship, poverty [àird] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, height or promontory [àird] nf. g.+e, preparation, order, condition, state [àirde] nf. pl.+an, point of the compass; (L.Sc. airt) : an àirde deas, the south : an àirde near, the east : an àirde niar, the west : an àirde tuath, the north [àirde] nf. height, altitude, highness : air àirde, in height : an àirde, up, upward [Aire] nf.ind. heed, notice, attention, intention, watching [aireachail] a. attentive, observant, watchful [àireamh] nf. g. -eimh, number, quantity, numbering, numeration [Aireanna Wyndcatcher] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, ploughman [airgead] nm. g.v. -id, silver, money (L.Sc. siller); airgead-cinn, head-money, a reward for an outlaw's head : airgead-iasaid [àiridh] better [àirigh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, hill pasture [àireachan] n.pl. pastures [airidh] a. worthy, deserving, meriting [airidheachd] nf.ind. worth, merit [Airmax_7_21] n.pl. of arm, arms, weapons; see arm [àirneag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, sloe | [Bacchantes] va. hinder, restrain [Bacchantes] nm. pl.+an, hindrance, restraint [bacadh] v.n. hindering, restraining, retarding [bacan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain and +an, tether, stake; door hinge [bad] nm. pl.+an, tuft, bunch, cluster : ann ad bhad, attacking you : bad-mullaich, top tuft [badangel20] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little tuft, bunch or cluster [bagaid] nf. pl.+ean, cluster, bunch, as of nuts [bagair] va. +t, and -radh, threaten [bagairt] v.n. threatening; a threat [bagradh] v.n. threatening; a threat [baidealach] a. battlemented, clouding, looming [Bàideanach] pnm. g.v. -aich, Badenoch [bàidh] nf. g. -e, benignity, kindness [bàidheach] a. kindly disposed [bàidheil] a. benign, humane, kind [bàigh] See bàidh [bailbh] See balbh [baileyaya] nm. pl. bailtean, town, township [Baile-chuidir] pnm. Balquhidder; also, Both-chuidir [baile-mòr] nm. pl. bailtean-mòra, city, large town [b' àill] for : bu àill, in phrases: b' àill leam, I would that, etc. [bàillidh] nm. pl.+ean, bailiff, magistrate, (L.Sc. bailie) [Baine] nf.ind. paleness, whiteness, fairness [bàinidh] nf.ind. fury, rage, great excitement [bainne] nm.ind. milk [bainnse] See banais [baintighearn] nf. pl.+an, gentlewoman [bàir] nm. g. -e; pl.+ean, a game, goal [bàirlinn] nf. pl.+ean, warning, summons of removal [bàirneach] nf. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, limpet [baist] va. baptize [baisteadh] v.n. baptising, baptism [balach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, clown, fellow, lad [balachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little lad [balbh] a. dumb, silent [balbhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, dumb person [balgus82] nm. g.v. builg; pl. builg, leather bag, wallet, belly; blister on skin [balgair] nm. pl.+ean, fox; impudent person [balgam] nm. g.v. -aim; pl.+annan, mouthful of liquor [balgan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, little bag, little blister [balgan-béice] nm. g.v. -ain-bh-; pl. -ain-bh-, fuzz ball [Ball] nm. g.v. buill; pl. buill, limb, member, ball, spot : air ball, at once, immediately [BALLA] nm. pl.+chan, wall [BallAndABiscuit] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, wooden domestic vessel, tub [ball-chrith] nf. trembling with terror [Baltair] pnm. Walter [Banes] a. white, pale, wan, fair-haired : am bàn, the untilled part of a field being tilled, in opposition to the ploughed part, called : an dearg, `the red' [ban-ali] she-, female-; pref. to impart femininity to names of males; corresponds to -ess [banachag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, dairymaid [bànag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, grilse [banail] a. -ala, womanly, feminine [banais] nf. g. bainnse; pl. bainnsean, wedding, marriage [banaltrum] nf. g.d. -uim; pl.+an, nurse [banarach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aich, dairymaid [banas-tighe] nm. g. banais-thighe, housewifery [ban-chéile] nf. spouse, wife [ban-diùc] nf. pl.+an, duchess [Banned cos Bein Idiot] nm. g.v. boinn; pl. boinn, band, belt, cord; hinge; girth [bann-aideachaidh] nm. receipt; inflected on first element [bann-dìdein] nm. safe-conduct, bond of safety; inflected on the first element [banntrach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, widow, widower [ban-righinn] and [ban-rìgh] nf. pl.+ean, queen [baoth] a. foolish, unwise, stupid [bara] nm. pl.+chan, barrow : bara-rotha, wheelbarrow [barail] nf. g. -alach; pl. -alaichean, opinion, conjecture [baraille] nf. pl.+an, barrel [Baranhilwen] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, baron [barantas] nm. g.v. -ais, warranty, authority, security [Bard2] nm. g.v. bàird; pl. bàird, bard, poet [bàrdachd] nf.ind. poetry [barry] nm. g. -a; pl. barran, top, point; crop; superiority : a bhàrr, from off : toirt bàrr air, excelling it or him [BarrA] pnm. Barra (Hebrides) [barrach] nm. g.v. -aich, top branches of trees [barrachd] nf.ind. surplus, superiority, excess; more : a bharrachd air, over and above, beyond [barrag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, scum on the surface of liquid; cream [barraibh] See bàrr [barraichte] a. surpassing, pre-eminent [barr-iall] nm. g.v. -eill; pl.+an, shoe latchet, thong (L.Sc. whang) [bas] nf. g. boise; d. bois; pl.+an, palm of the hand, lower part of shinty club [Bastion] nm. g.v. bàis, death [bàsaich] vn. die, perish, wither [bas-bhualadh] nm. clapping the hands, from joy or grief; inflected on second element [bataviabulldog] nm. pl.+chan, staff, cudgel [bataviabulldog] nm. pl.+ichean, boat [bathwater] va. drown, quench, slake [bàthach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, byre, cow house [bathais] nm. pl.+ean, forehead [bathar] nm. g.v. -air, wares, goods, merchandise [beachbabe] nm. g.+a; v. bheich; pl.+an, bee [beachd] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, opinion, observance, perception, view, judgment : am beachd, of the opinion: thar a beachd, out of her wits : gabhail beachd, noticing: is beachd leam, I am of the opinion [beachdachadh] v.n. observation, thinking, studying [beachdaich] va. observe, mark, pay attention to [beachdail] a. observant [beachd-smaoinich] va. muse, meditate, contemplate [beach-lann] nm. g.v. -lainn; pl.+an, bee-hive [beadaidh] a. petulant, capricious, fastidious, impudent [beadarrach] a. coaxing, cajoling, fond, sportive, pampered, caressed [beadradh] v.n. fondling, caressing [Beagleboy] a. bige and lugha, small, little : ach beag, all but [beaga] See beag [beagaich] va. lessen, diminish [beagan] nm. g.v. -ain, a little, a few, small number or quantity [beairt] See beart [beairteach] See beartach [bealach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, pass, gap, defile [Bean] nf. g. mnatha; d. mnaoi; v. bhean; pl. mnathan; g.pl. ban, wife, woman [Bean] va.+tainn and +ailt, touch, handle, meddle [beanag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a little woman [beanailt] v.n. touching [bean-bainnse] nf. bride; inflected as bean is, but usually ind. [beann] nm. top, horn, peak, also gen.pl. of beinn [beannachd] nm. pl.+an, blessing, benediction [beannaich] va. bless [bean-phòsda] nf. married woman; inflected as bean is, but usually ind. [bean-tighe] nf. housewife, inflected as bean is, but usually ind. [bean-uasal] nf. gentlewoman, lady; inflected on both elements [bèarn] nf. g.v. bèirn; pl.+an, gap, breach, notch [bèarr] va. shear, shave, clip, prune [bearradair] nm. pl.+ean, barber [bearradaireachd] nf.ind. clipping, shaving, shearing, pruning; the occupation of a barber; satirising, repartee [bearradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, precipice, edge of precipice |
C | D |
[Capitation] for : c'àite, where? [CAB] nm. g.v. caib; pl. caib, mouth, gab, indentation [càbag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a cheese [cabar] nm. g. -air; pl. -air, couple of a house roof, rafter, deer'santlers, a heavy pole, caber [cabhag] nf. g.d. -aig, haste, hurry [cabhagach] a. in haste, hurried [cabhair] va. cabhair, help, assist, aid, relieve [cabhair] nf.ind. help, assistance [cabhlach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, a fleet, navy [cabhsair] nm. pl.+ean, causeway, pavement [cabrach] a. branchy, antlered [Cachjin] nm. g. chàich, the rest, the others [cach a chéile] phr. each other [cachaille] nf. pl.+an, a gate [cadal] nm. g.v. -ail, sleep [cadalach] a. sleepy, drowsy [cadhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, jackdaw [cagailt] nf. pl.+ean, hearth [cagainn] va. -nadh, chew, gnaw, masticate [cagar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, a whisper [cagnadh] v.n. chewing, gnawing, masticating [cagnas] See cagainn [caibe] nm. pl.+annan or +achan, spade [caibideil] nm. pl.+ean, chapter [caidil] vn. cadal, sleep [Caillean] See càl [Caillean] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, appetite, taste, disposition, constitution, condition [cailbh] See calbh [cailc] nf. g.+e, chalk [cailc] va. chalk [caileadhair] nf. pl.+an, a hussy, quean, girl, wench [càileachd] nf.ind. appetite, natural endowments, nature,genius [caileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, little girl (L.Sc. lassie) [Cailean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, a husk of grain [Cailean] pnm. g.v. -ein, usually given as the equivalent of Colin [càileiginn] nf. somewhat, something [Cailin] nf. pl.+ean, girl, damsel [Caillean] vn. lose [cailleach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl.+an, old woman [cailleach-oidhche] nf. owl, inflected on the first element as : cailleach [caillteach] a. ruinous, causing loss [Caimbeulach] pnm. g.v. -aich, pl. -aich, a Campbell; a. of or belonging to the Campbells [caimean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, mote [Cain] va. traduce, revile [Cain] nf. g. -e, tribute, tax, a fine, rent [càineadh] v.n. traducing, reviling [càinich] va. impose a tax, tribute or fine [cainnt] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, speech, conversation, language [caiptean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, captain [CaiRhys] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a gum [cairbh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, carcase, dead body [càirean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, a gum [càirdean] n.pl. See caraid [càirdeas] nm. g.v. -eis, friendship [càirdeil] a. friendly [càirich] va. repair, mend, lay [cairt] nf. g. cartach; pl.+ean, cart [cairt] nf. g. cartach; pl.+ean, bark, chart, card [cairtealan] nm. pl. quarters, lodgings [cairtear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, carter [caisbheart] nf. g.d. -eirt, footgear [càise] nm.ind. cheese : càis-bhalg, cheese-bag [caisg] va. check, stop, restrain, quench, quell, curb [Càisg] nf. g.+e, Easter, Passover feast [caismeachd] nf. pl.+an, an alarm, signal, march tune, war song [caisteal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, castle [Caisteal Bhlàir] pnm. Castle Blair; inflected on the first element [caisteal-deiridh] nm. poop of a ship; inflected on the first element [Caisteal-nuadh] pnm. Newcastle; inflected on both elements [caisteal-toisich] nm. forecastle of a ship; inflected on the first element [c'àite] phr. where? [caitean] nm. g.v. -ein, shag, nap of cloth, ruffled surface [caith] va.+eamh, cast, wear, spend, exhaust [caithe-beatha] nf. behaviour, moral conduct [caithream] nm. g.v. -eim, shout of joy or triumph, joyful noise [Calico Tiger] nm. g.v. càil, colewort, kale : càl ceirtleach, cabbage [cala] nm. pl.+chan, harbour, haven [calaman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, dove, pigeon [calanas] nm. g.v. -ais, wool-working, lint-working [calbh] nm. g.v. cailbh; pl. cailbh, head, headland, cape [calc] va. ram, drive, caulk; cram [calg] nm. g.v. cuilg; pl. cuilg, awn, beard of corn, bristle, prickle [calg-dhìreach] a. perfectly straight, direct [Callista] nm. g. -a; v. chaill, loss, damage, detriment : air chall, lost [callaid] nf. pl.+ean, hedge; lurking place; cap [callaid-bhròin] nf. funeral wail, elegy; inflected on first element [callda] a. tame, domesticated [calldach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, loss, damage, detriment [calldachd] nf.ind. loss, damage, detriment [calltuinn] nm. hazel [Calluinn] nf. New Year's day [Calmazul] a. bold, staunch, resolute, brave [calpa] nm. pl.+nnan, calf of the leg; calpannan, haulyards [calum] pnm. g.v. -uim, rendered in English `Malcolm' [cam] a. crooked, distorted, bent, blind of one eye [camag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a curl; a comma [Camann] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, club for shinty or golf, a shinty [camanachd] nf.ind. shinty playing, the game of shinty [cam-bheul] nm. wry mouth; inflected on second element [camhal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -ail, camel [camhanaich] nf. the dawn, twilight [Campbell_Soup] nm. g. -a; v. chaimp; pl.+annan, camp [campaich] va. encamp [campar] nm. g.v. -air, vexation, grief, uneasiness [Camus-choinnich] pnm. Cambuskenneth; inflected on first element [can] va.+tainn, say, sing, titter, speak [cànain] nf. pl.+ean, a language [cantainn] v.n. saying, singing, speaking [caoch] a. empty, hollow, blind [caochail] va. and vn. caochladh, change, alter, die [caochan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, rivulet, streamlet, thin spout [caochlach] a. changing, inconstant [caochladh] v.n. changing, altering, dying [caog] va. wink, take aim by shutting one eye [caogadh] v.n. winking [caoidh] nf. g.+e, weeping, lamenting, lamentation [caoidh] va. weep, mourn, bewail [caoile] nf.ind. thinness, slenderness, leanness, narrowness [caoilead] nm. g. -eid, degree of above [caoimh] See caomh [Caoinceol] va. weep, lament [Caoinceol] a. kind, mild, dry [caoinich] va. dry as hay, dry by exposure; sooth [Caolainn] a. thin, lean, slender, narrow [caolaich] va. make slender, attenuate [caolas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, a strait [Caomh] a. kind, gentle, benign, tender, meek [caomhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, mild or kind woman [caomhail] a. gentle, mild, kind, affectionate [caomhain] va. -nadh, spare, save, reserve [caomhnadh] v.n. saving, sparing, reserving, economy, frugality [caomhnar] See caomhain [caonnag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, fight, skirmish, fray [caora] nf. g.+ch; d.+ich; v. chaora; pl.+ich; g.pl. chaorach, a sheep [caoraich] See caora [caoran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a fragment of peat [caorann] nm. g.v. -ainn; pl. -ainnean, rowan berry, rowan tree [car] somewhat, before an adj. : car coltach ri, somewhat like [car] nm. g.v. cuir; pl. cuir, turn, twist, trick, fraud : an caraibh a chéile, wrestling : car mar char (turn) over and over : car greis, during a short interval of time [carach] a. deceitful, tricky, wily, winding, turning [carachd] nf.ind. motion, movement, wrestling [carachd] nf.ind. deceit, cunning, wiliness, quirkiness [càradh] v.n. mending, repairing [caraibh] dat.pl. of car : dol an caraibh a chéile, going to contend or wrestle with each other [caraich] va. move, stir [càraich] va. place to or against, apply [caraid] nm. pl. càirdean, friend, relation [càraid] nf. pl.+ean, a pair, couple, married couple [carantas] nm. g.v. -ais, kindness, friendliness [carbad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, carriage, chariot [Cardea] va. card wool, cotton or lint [Cardros] pnm. Cardross [carnímirië] nm. g.v. cùirn; pl. cùirn (L.Sc. cairn) a heap, a pile [carnímirië] va. heap, pile [carrachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, frogfish, the fish commonly called `shoemaker' [carragh] nf. g.d. -aigh; pl. -aighean, rock, pillar, monument [carraig] nf. g.+e, or cairge; pl.+ean, rock [Carraig] pnf. Carrick [c' ar son] phr. why, for what reason? [CartedeSoleil] va. clean, muck, cast out [Casper] nf. g. coise; d. cois; pl.+an, foot, leg, shaft, haft : casan deiridh, hindlegs : casan toisich, forelegs [Casper] nm. g.v. càis; pl.+an, difficulty, emergency, trying situation [Casper] va. gnash, to close upon, oppose, thwart [Casper] a. steep, rash, passionate [casado] nm. g.v. -aid, cough [casag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, long coat [casaid] nf. pl.+ean, complaint, accusation [Casandra] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, path, road [cas-chrom] nf. g. coise-cruime; d. cois-chruim; pl. casan croma, a kind of spade [Casdrubael] va. casdaich, cough [casg] nm. for casgadh, stopping, opposing, closing [casgair] va. -airt and -radh, slay, mangle, massacre | [D'Harraehn] for : do, the verbal particle; before vow. and : rinn, rug, ràinig [D'arnold] to his, to her, for : do a [dancingfaeriboi] num. two; governs nf. in a case similar to the dat., being a remnant of the old dual number [dancingfaeriboi] prep.pron. to him [dachaidh] and [-aigh] nf. pl.+ean, a home, residence, domicile; homewards, to one's own country [dàchasach] a. two-footed, bi-pedal [Dad] nm. aught, anything, the smallest thing [DAG] nm. g. daige; v. dhaig; pl.+achan, pistol [daibh] and [doibh] prep.pron. to them [dàibhir] a. poor, destitute [dàibhreas] nm. g.v. -eis, poverty [dàicheil] a. handsome, graceful, genteel [dailycircus] nf. g. dàlach; pl. dàlaichean, delay, credit [dailycircus] nf. g. dàlach; pl. dàlaichean, a meeting, convention [Dail-an-eas] pnf. Dalness [dailycircus] nf. g. dalach; pl. dailthean, meadow, field, plain [dàimh] nf. g.+e, relationship, affinity [dainakelly] See dàn [daingeann] a. -ne, strong, firm [daingneach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, fort, castle, citadel [daingnich] va. strengthen, fortify, establish [Dall] a. doille, blind [dallag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, shrewmouse, any little blind creature [Dalmar] a. bold, forward, audacious, obstinate [dalmachd] nf.ind. impudence, audacity, forwardness [damh] nm. g.v. daimh; pl. daimh, ox, stag [damhan-alluidh] nm. g.v. -ain-; pl. -ain-, spider; inflected on first element [dancingfaeriboi] nm. g.v. dàin; pl. dàin, poem [dancingfaeriboi], [danae] a. bold, daring, intrepid [dànachd] nf.ind. poetry [dànachd] nf.ind. audacity, presumption [dànadas] nm. g.v. -ais, audacity, boldness [dannarra] a. stubborn, resolute [danNshan] va. dance [dannsadh] v.n. dancing [dannsair] nm. pl.+ean, dancer [daoi] nm. g.+dhe; pl.+dhean, wicked man, evil one [daoi] a. daoidhe, wicked [daoine] nm. pl. of duine, men [daoire] a. more costly, dearer. See daor [daoiread] nm. dearness [daol] nf. g.v. daoil; pl. daoil, beetle (insect) [daonnan] phr. word, always, at all times [daonnda] a. humane, charitable [daor] a. dear, costly, enslaved [daorach] nf. intoxication : air an daoraich, on the spree [daorsa] nf. captivity, bondage [daorsainn] nf.ind. famine, dearth, bondage, slavery [D'arnold] to our, precedes n. beginning with con. [Dara] num. one of two, either of two : an dara fear no am fear eile, the one or the other [darach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. daraich, oak [Daragon] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, oak tree [da-rìreadh] phr. word, truly, certainly, surely [d'ar n-] to our; precedes n. beginning with vow. [darna] See dara [Dathan Wingates] nm. g.+a; v. dhaith; pl. daithean, colour, dye [dathte] a. coloured, dyed [Deiphobos] for ciod è, what? [De] prep. of, off [Deiphobos] in : an dé, yesterday [deacaid] nf. pl.+ean, jacket [deacair] a. difficult, hard, sorrowful [deach] va.irr. went, did go [deachaidh] va.irr. went, did go [deachd] va. dictate, indite [deagh] a. good, excellent; precedes n. and a. [deagh-bheatha] nf. welcome [Dealfult *yawn*] nf. g.+a; pl.+achan, leech [dealaich] va. separate, part, divide [dealan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, lightning [dealan-dé] nf. g.v. -ain-; pl.+an-, butterfly; inflected on the first element [dealbh] va. form, shape, delineate, devise, contrive [dealbh] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, image, picture, figure, shape [dealbh-chluich] nf. a play (stage); inflected on the second element [dealg] nf. g. deilge; d. deilg; pl.+an and deilg, pin, skewer, knitting-needl [dealrach] a. glittering, shining, bright, radiant [dealt] nf.ind. dew [deamhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, demon, devil [deanera] va.irr. do, act, make, perform [dèanadas] nm. g.v. -ais; industry, activity, behaviour, doings, work [dèanamh] v.n. doing, making [Deanna] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, force, rush, haste, speed : deann-ruith, utmost speed [deannag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, small pinch [deannal] nm. g.v. -ail, conflict, onset, hurry, haste [deanntag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, nettle [dearbh] va. prove, confirm, try [dearbh] a. -a, sure, certain, particular, identical : gu dearbh, certainly [dearbhachd] nf.ind. proof, confirmation [dearbhadh] v.n. proof, attesting, confirming [dearc] nf. pl.+an, berry, lizard : dearc-luachrac [dearcag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, small berry [dearg] a. deirge, red; nm. g. deirg, the ploughed part of a field in opposition to the unploughed : dol an dearg bhàinidh, going stark mad. See bàn [dearg-rùisgte] a. stark naked [dearmad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, neglect, forgetfulness, omission [dèarna] nf. g.+idh; pl.+idhean, the palm of the hand [dèarrs] va. shine, gleam [dèarrsach] a. bright, radiant [dèarrsadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, radiance, effulgence, shining, gleaming [deas] a. deise, ready, right hand, south, dexterous, trim [deasach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, south countryman [deasaich] va. prepare, get ready, dress, cook [deasbaireachd] nf.ind. disputing, debating, reasoning, wrangling [deasbud] nm. g.v. -uid; pl.+an, dispute, debate, conference [deatach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, steam, mist, exhalation [deatam] nm. g.v. -aim, anxiety, eagerness, solicitude [deathach] nf. g.d. -aich, smoke [deich] num. ten [deicheamh] num. tenth [deichnear] nm. and f. g. -eir, ten persons collectively [dèidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, wish, desire [déidh] in : an déidh, after : as a dhéidh, after him [déidheil] a. -eala, desirous, addicted to [deidhinn] in : mu dheidhinn, concerning [déidh-làimh] phr. afterhand, afterwards, behind, neglected, too late [déigh] See déidh [deighinn] See deidhinn [deilbh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, configuration, framing, preparing the warp of cloth [déile] nf. g. -idh; pl.+achan, or +an, a deal, plank [deilg] n. pl. of dealg, knitting needles : also dealgan [deimhinn] a. true, surely : gu deimhinn, assuredly [déineachd] nf.ind. keenness, impetuosity, eagerness [déineas] nm. g.v. -eis, keenness, eagerness [déirc] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, alms [deireadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. deireannan, rear, hindmost place or part, end, stern : mu dheireadh, at last : air deireadh, late, last to come [deireannach] a. last, hindmost [deireas] nm. g. -eis, injury, harm, damage [deirge] redder. See dearg [Deisel] nf. pl.+achan, dress, garment, suit of clothes [deisead] nf. g. -eid, readiness, handsomeness, elegance [déistinn] nf. pl.+ean, disgust [deoga] nf.ind. breath, life, air, vital spark, ray of light [deoch] nf. g. dibhe; pl.+annan, drink, strong liquor [deòin] nf. g.+e, will, consent, assent, accord [deòir] See deur [deònach] a. willing, agreeable [deònaich] vn. grant, vouchsafe, give consent [deòraidh] nm. pl.+ean, tearful creature [Deòrsa] pnm. George; also Seòras [DeThByLiFeItSeLf] prep.pron. off him [deuchainn] nf. pl.+ean, trial, attempt, proof [deud] nm. the teeth [deug] -teen of numerals : tri-deug, thirteen [deur] nm. g.v. deòir; pl. deòir, tear, drop, small quantity of liquid [dh'] for : do and de [dharma] num. two : a dhà, when not to be followed by a noun [dharma] prep.pron. to him [dh'a] to his [dheth] See deth [dhìot] See dìot [dhìth] prep.pron. off her, to her; also di, dith |
E | F |
[é!] eh! inter. of surprise [è] pron. he, him [eabar] nm. g.v. -air, mud, puddle [each] nm. g.v. eich; pl. eich, horse [eachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, horsie, reel for winding yarn [Eachann] pnm. g.v. -ainn, rendered in Eng. `Hector' [eachdraidh] nf. pl.+ean, history [eachraidh] nf. horses, cavalry, stud of horses [eadar] prep. between [eadaraibh] prep.pron. between you, pl. [eadarainn] prep.pron. between us [eadar-dhealachadh] v.n. and nm. a distinction, a difference; separating [eadar-dhealaich] va. separate, differentiate, distinguish [eadar-theangaich] va. translate [eadh] it : 'seadh, it is, yes, yea, so: ni h-eadh, it is not [eadhon] to wit, namely [eadraig] va. +inn, interpose, separate [eadraiginn] nf. interposition, separating two combatants [Eaglefeather] nf. g. eige; d. eig; pl.+an, notch, hack, nick [eagal] nm. g.v. -ail, fear, fright [eagar] nm. g.v. -air, order [eaglais] nf. pl.+ean, church [eagnaidh] a. precise, accurate, punctilious [ealasaid] nf. g.+idh; pl.+chan, swan [ealachainn] nf. pl.+ean, a peg to hang things on, a stand on which to place a gun [ealag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a block for hacking or splitting wood upon [èalaidh] va. -adh, creep, steal along [ealain] nf. pl.+ean, art, skill; also ealdhain [ealamh] a. quick, nimble, expert [ealanta] a. ready, expert, artistic; ingenious [eallach] nf. g. eallcha; d. -aich; pl.+an, burden, load [ealta] nf. g.+inn, covey of birds; drove of cattle, etc.; a trip of goats; a rout of wolves; a pace of asses; a sounder of swine [eanchainn] nf. pl.+ean, the brain [eanruich] nf. soup, flesh juice [earthen] nf.ind. east : gaoth an ear, the east wind [earail] nf. g. -alach; pl. -alaichean, exhortation, warning, advice, counsel [earalaich] va. exhort, caution, warn [earb] va. and vn.+sadh, trust, confide, hope, rely [earb], [earbag] nf. g.+a; pl.+aichean; g.d. -aig; pl.+an, roe [earball] nm. g.v. -aill; pl. -aill, tail [earbsach] a. confident, relying [earbsadh] nf. confidence, trust, hope, reliance; trusting, relying [Earramè] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, extremity, tail, end [earrach] nm. g.v. -aich, springtime [earradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, clothes, dress, accoutrements [Earra-ghaidheal] nm. Argyll [earrann] nf. g.v. -ainn; pl.+an, portion, share, section, division [earras] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, wealth, property [ear-thuath] nm. the north-east [East] nm. pl.+an, waterfall, cataract, cascade [easbhuidh] nf. pl.+ean, want, defect : dh' easbhuidh, awanting, without, in need of [easbuig] nm. pl.+ean, bishop [Easgag] pnf. g.d. -aig, meaning `little ready and willing one' [easgaid] nf. pl.+ean, a hough; also iosgaid [èasgaidh] a. ready, willing to oblige [èasgaidheachd] nf.ind. readiness to oblige [Easgair] in : Mac an Easgair, surname rendered in Eng. `Fisher' [Easgan] pnm. g.v. -ain, meaning `little ready and willing one' [easgann] nf. g.d. -ainn; pl.+an, eel [eathar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. eathraichean, boat [éibheall] nf. g. -le; d. -ill; pl. -lean, a live coal [éibhinn] a. joyous, happy; odd [éibhleag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a live cinder [éiceart] nm. g.v. -eirt; pl.+an, injustice, evil [EICH] See each [Eidan] va. dress, clothe, array [éideadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, clothing, suit, apparel, armour [Eideard] pnm. Edward [eidheann] nf. g. -ne; d. -inn, ivy [eightofninekev] nf. g.+e; ice [eightofninekev] va.+each, shout, cry, proclaim [éigheach] nf. g.d. -eich, a cry, crying, proclaiming [éiginn] nf. necessity, distress, compulsion : is éiginn domh, I must, I have to : air éiginn, with difficulty, under compulsion [éiginneach] a. necessitous, indispensable, oppressive [éiginneach] nm. g. -ich; pl. -ichean, one in extremity [éigneach] a. See éiginneach [Eilonnwy] for feil, is, are, am, art [eileen] a. other, another [eilean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, island [Eilidh] nf. g. éilde; pl. éildean, hind, female deer [eireachdail] a. -ala, handsome, becoming, proper, graceful [eireag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, pullet, young hen [éirich] va. -igh, arise, rise [eiridinn] nm. attendance on the sick, nursing [eiridinn] va. nurse, cherish [eiridneach] nm. g.v. -nich; pl. -nichean, patient [éirig] nf. pl.+ean, ransom, forfeit, reparation [éirigh] v.n. rising : éirigh na gréine, sunrise [Éirinn] pnf. g. -eann, Ireland; better Éire [Eis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, respite, defect, delay, hindrance [éisd] vn.+eachd, hear, listen, hearken [éisdeachd] nf.ind. listening, earshot, hearing [éisdear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, hearer, listener [éisg] See iasg [eisimeil] nf. g. -ealach; pl. -ealaichean, obligation, reverence : 'nad eisimeil, in your reverence, dependent on you, under obligation to you [eislinn] nf. pl.+ean, the board on which a corpse is laid (L.Sc. strachtin-boar [Eóghann] pnm. g.v. -ainn, rendered in Eng. `Hugh', `Eugene', `Ewen', `Ewing' and `Evan'; also Eóghan [Eoin] See eun [Eol] nm.ind. knowledge : cha 'n eòl dhomh, I don't know, I have no knowledge of [eòlach] a. acquainted, knowing, skilled : eòlach air, acquainted with him or it, having knowledge of it [eòlas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, knowledge, acquaintancesh [eòrna] nm.ind. barley [Esantma] emph.pron. he, him [eucail] nf. g. -alach; pl.+ean, disease, infirmity [euchd] nm. pl.+an, feat, achievement, exploit [euchdach] a. heroic, valorous, performing achievements [eucoir] nf. g. -orach; pl.+ean, injustice, wrong, injury [eucorach] nm. g. -aich; pl. -aich, an unjust person, wrong doer [eucorach] See eucoir [Eudorus] nm.ind. envy, zeal, jealousy [eudail] nf. pl.+ean, treasure; cattle; term of endearment : m' eudail, my treasure, darling [eudar] for feudar in the phr. : is fheudar, it is necessary [euginedes] nm. g.v. éig, death [euginedes] vn. die, expire, perish : dh'eug e, he died [eugmhais] nf. possession, dispensation : as eugmhais, without [Eunice] nm. g.v. eóin; pl. eòin, bird [eunach] nm. g.v. -aich, fowling, shooting birds [eunlaith] nf. all feathered species [eurayo] va. and vn. refuse | [faeryofthefalls] prep. having the force of mu, but not used except in : fa chomhair, opposite : fa leth, apart, separately : fa dheòidh, at last, and similar phrases [fàbhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, favour [fackdi300], [facade] va.irr. saw [facal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -ail and -lan, word; also focal [facas] va.irr. was seen : cha'n fhacas, was not seen [faclair] nm. pl.+ean, dictionary, vocabulary; also foclair [Fade] nm.ind. length; during : fad na h-ùine, during the whole time : air fad, wholly, altogether, on the whole [fada] a. faide, long, far [fadadh] v.n. kindling, lighting [fadadh-cruaidh] nm. g.v. -aidh-chr-, rudimentary rainbow, a `dog-tooth' [fadaidh] va. -adh, kindle, inflame [fadal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, delay, longing, weariness [fadhail] nf. g. -lach; pl. -laichean, extensive beach, a sea ford [fago] va.+ail, leave, forsake, quit, abandon [fàgail] v.n. leaving, forsaking, quitting, abandoning [fàgail] nf.ind. anything left, idiosyncrasy [fagasg] See fagus [faghaid] nf. pl.+ean, hunting party [fagus] a. faisge, near : fagus do, near; n. : am fagus, present [faic] va.irr. see, look, behold [faiche] nf. pl.+an, a green by a house, field [faicheachd] nf.ind. parading, military parade, exercising in the open field [faicill] nf. caution, care, watchfulness [faicilleach] a. cautious, wary, guardedly [faicinn] v.n. seeing, looking, beholding : ri (and r'a) fhaicinn, to be seen [faide] nf.ind. length, degree of length [faide] a. longer, longest; farther : na 's faide sìos, farther down [faidhir] nf. g. -reach; pl. -richean, a fair, a market [faigh] va.irr. get, find : faigh as air, get away from him [faighneachd] v.n. asking [faighnich] va. -eachd, ask [faighteadh] va.irr. would be got [failc] va. bathe [fàileadh] g.v. -idh, smell, savour; sense of smell [Faileas Lan] nm. g.v. -eis; pl.+an, reflection, shadow [fàilidh] a. gently, slowly; for fòilidh [fàillinn] nf. pl.+ean, a failing [fàilte] nf. pl.+an, salute, salutation, welcome, hail! [fàiltich] va. salute, welcome [fainear] phr. word, under or into consideration : thoir fainear, observe, consider; accented on the second syllable; also fa'n ear [Fairy Morgaine] va. bring, fetch : fair a nall, bring over here [fairbheanadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, warning, notice [fairche] nm. pl.+an, hammer, mallet [Faire Princess] nf.ind. watch, watching, watchfulness [Faire Princess] nm.ind. dawn, break of day, the horizon [faireach] a. watchful [faire-chlaidh] nf. watching a grave (against corpse lifting) [fairge] nf. pl.+annan and +achan, sea, ocean [fairich] vn. feel, perceive, note [fairtlich] va. overcome, baffle : dh' fhairtlich e orm, it beat me to do it [fàisg] va. fàsgadh, squeeze, wring, compress [faisg] a. near : faisg air, near to it [faisge] a. nearer; nearest, nether [fàisneachd] nf.ind. a prophecy [Falcon] nm. g.v. fàil; pl. fàil, scythe, spade, peat spade [falach] nm. g. -aich, hiding : am falach, in hiding, hidden [falach-fuinn] nm. a going out of sight; inflected on first element [falaich] va. -ach, hide, cover [falamh] a. failmhe, empty [falbh] va. go, depart [falbh] nm. moving about, going, walking : air falbh, gone away [falbhan] nm. g. -ain, moving about, habit of walking [falbhanach] a. given to walking; nm. g. -aich; pl. -aich, wanderer [falchaidh] va. will hide, will cover [FaLlaN AnGeL] a. healthy; usually fallain [falluing] nf. pl.+ean, mantle, cloak [fallus] nm. g.v. -uis, sweat, perspiration [FalteredHopes] nm. g.v. fuilt, human hair [famh] nm. g.v. faimh; pl. faimh, a mole [famhair] nm. pl.+ean, giant [fanglock] vn.+tainn, stay [fanaid] nf. mocking, mockery, derision [fa'n ear] See fainear [Fang] nm. g.v. faing; pl.+an, sheep pen, prison, den [FannyMcFish!] a. fainne, weak, faint [fantainn] v.n. staying [faob] nm. g.v. faoib; pl.+an, excrescence, knob, piece as of dough [faobhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, edge [faochag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, periwinkle [faod] vn. faotainn, may, be able to : faodar, it may be : dh' fhaodadh e, it might : dh' fhaodadh gu'n, it might be that : math dh' fhaodteadh, it might well be, possibly [faoileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an. See faoileann [faoileann] nf. g.d. -inn; pl.+an, seagull [faoilteach] nm. g.v. -ich, the last fortnight of winter and the first fortnight of spring [faoin] a. vain, foolish, silly, unwise, void [faoineachd] nf.ind. folly, vanity [faoineas] nm. g.v. -eis, folly, vanity, silliness [faoinsgeul] nm. and nf. g.d. -eil, pl.+an; vain or idle tale [faotainn] v.n. getting, finding [faothaich] va. and vn. relieve, be relieved from [Fareven] where, upon : far an d' fhàg mi e, where I left it [fàradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, ladder, the shrouds of a ship [fàrdach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, house, mansion, home, dwelling [fardorus] nm. g.v. -uis; pl. fardorsan, lintel of a door. Also ard-dorus [farmad] nm. g.v. -aid, envy [farpuis] nf. pl.+ean, contest, contention, competition, strife [farradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, freight, fare [fàrradh] nm. g.v. -aidh, litter, straw or brushwood in a boat [farraid] va. farraid, ask, enquire [farsuing] a. wide [farum] nm. g.v. -uim, noise [fasteddie1012] vn. fàs, grow, increase [fasteddie1012] v.n. growing, increasing [fasteddie1012] a. -a, empty, waste, hollow, void [fàsach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, desert, wilderness [fàsail] a. -ala, desert, lonely [fasan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, fashion [fasgadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, protection, shelter [fàsgadh] v.n. wringing, squeezing, compressing [fasgnadh] v.n. winnowing [Father Maxwell Lourdes] nm.ind. cause, reason, opportunity [fathast] yet, still [fathunn] nm. g.v. -uinn, rumour, news [feabhas] nm. g.v. -ais, `betterness', goodness, improvement, recovery; excellence [feachd] nm. pl.+an, army, host, military forces; time, journey [Féadil] nf. pl.+an, a whistle, smart blow [feadan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a whistle, flute, chanter of bagpipe, a spout [feadh] nm.ind. extent, length : am feadh, while : air feadh, throughout, among [feadhainn] nf. g. feadhna or -nach, those, folk, some people, troop [fèairrde] a. better of [feairt] See feart [fealla] nf.ind. treachery [fealla-dhà] nf.ind. a joke [feall-fhalach] nm. g. -aich, ambuscade [feallsanachd] nf.ind. philosophy [feamainn] nf. g. -ann or -nach, seaweed [feann] va. skin, flay [feannadh-builg] nm. divesting of the whole hide; inflected on the first element [feannag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a hooded crow (L.Sc. hoodie-craw) [fear] nm. g.v. fir; pl. fir; v.pl. fheara, a man, one : fear-an-tighe, the man of the house (L.Sc. the guidman) : fear-pòsda, married man : fear-a'-bhaile [fearail] a. -ala, manly [fearann] nm. g.v. -ainn; pl. -ainn, land, farmland, estate [fearas-chuideachd] nf.ind. diversion [fearg] nf. g. feirge; d. feirg, anger, wrath, rage, ire [fèarr] a. better : is fèarra dhuit, it is better for you : b'fhèarr leis, he would rather [fearsaid] nf. pl.+ean, spindle, dart [Fearthuinn] nf. g.d. feirt; pl.+an, attention, notice : na toir feart air, pay no heed to him [Fearthuinn] nf. g.+a; d. feirt; pl.+an, virtue, efficiency, deed, attribute, inherent quality [feasd] for : am feachd-sa : am feasd, for ever, used along with the negative in the sense of `never' [feasgar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -raichean, afternoon, evening [Feathers] nm. pl.+an, calm, tranquility [féidh] See fiadh [féile] nf.ind. generosity, hospitality [féileadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -eachan, the kilt : am féileadh beag, philabeg [féill] nf. g.+e; pl. -ean, or -tean, feast, festival, fair, market [Feinel] self, follows the n., pron. or adj., as : mo chù féin, mo chù bàn féin, mi féin [féineil] a. selfish [Féinfhios], is gaelic for self-knowledge |
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