Page name: Akantha [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-10-02 00:11:16
Last author: Roma
Owner: Roma
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User Name: [Roma]

Character Name: Akantha Kostas (her name means "thorn")

Occupation: Student

Age: 16

Race/Talent: Shapeshifter

Gender: Female

From: South Bronx, NYC

Languages Spoke: English and Greek. She learned English first so there is no accent. She also managed to avoid the obnoxious NY accent, though she does enjoy the street lingo.

Description: Akantha is Greek. She is 5'7, leggy, a bit busty, and rocks an hourglass that she is rather proud of. Her skin is a dark olive tone, her hair pitch black and glossy shaved close on the sides and very long down the middle in a long mohawk that she pulls back in a half ponytail that, surprisingly, looks very entrancing. Her eyes are dark brown, almost black, her lips plump and full, her nose simple, and her eyebrows dark and sultry.

Additional description: Her ears are gauged with silver grommets. The size is big enough to stick a cigarette through. She has her tongue and septum pierced, as well as both nipples and her belly-button (no one knows about the nipples, but she has no problem showing off her bellybutton).

She wears punk clothing - boots, olive drab jackets, tank tops, half-finger gloves, jeans, shorts, etc. Not much is terribly girly aside from the skin she shows. She loves her accessories: feathers, rings, bandanas, necklaces, tons of bracelets, pins, tights, fishnets, etc.

Medical History: She smokes a pack a day and sometimes develops a cough in the winter due to this.

Personality: Akantha is a troublemaker who likes to stir the pot. She can't help herself from playing devil's advocate, giving misinformation, or generally screwing with people. So long as no one gets seriously, seriously injured then she doesn't much care about the consequences. She is often in the headmaster's office, and has been given pretty much every disciplinary action thought of. She's nonchalant, confident, and brash. She speaks her mind, makes fun of people, or stands up for herself when necessary. If things get physical, she's all the more happy. Getting hurt and hurting people are just part of life. Her temper is quite volatile, though it can be surprising what does and does not trigger it. She is a wild spirit who refuses to be tamed.

Grades: C-, D, occasional A just to shock and piss her teachers off

Relationship: Pfffft. There's no one who can keep up with her. She recently left her NYC boyfriend, Sid Vitanza, by stealing about 10k in cash from him and disappearing to this school. He wasn't exactly the nicest of guys and their relationship was full of drama, fights, violence, and sex.

Level: Junior

How long have they been in the school? Brand new arrival. She was expelled from her other school.

What they are wearing today: Black tank top, olive green crop military jacket, short denim shorts, lace tights with skulls, and black combat boots. Hair pulled back in a half-ponytail and a big hawk feather dangling from her hair.

Family & History: It's just Akantha and her mother Hippolyta (a direct descendant of the real Amazonian queen and daughter of Ares), and her baby sister Zona. Akantha has no idea who her father is, though Zona's father has been around for a few years now and is active in his 5 year old daughter's life.

Akantha and her mother spend most of their time fighting. They throw things, scream, fight physically, and generally can't stand each other. They are both convinced that the other ruined their life. Hippolyta was only 14 when she had Akantha, and refuses to tell her daughter who the father is, so she takes out her frustrations about being a young mother on her daughter, who takes none of her shit. If Hippolyta has any powers, she doesn't share them with Akantha. Now, she is far too busy with her new man and her baby girl.

Surprisingly, Akantha loves her baby sister Zona dearly. Zona is a light in the darkness, and Akantha is fiercely protective of her. Zona adores her older sister, something that Hippolyta resents but allows.

Hippolyta is at her wits end with her teenage daughter, who is always in trouble, getting expelled, in and out of jail, and otherwise acting out. Sending her off to school is a godsend. She has threatened Akantha that if she gets expelled from this school that she is no longer welcome home.

Shapes: She is still learning other shapes, but has mastered a few so far that she particularly enjoys. If she transforms into an animal, she looks like that animal should. Nothing personalized. She can only hold the shape for 15 minutes, and only 10 on the larger ones. She is finding that the more animals she learns how to shift into, the less time she can spend as each one.
Horse - a bay with brown mane and tail, Mustang
Bear - a brown grizzly
Eagle - Bald
Snake - a death adder
Tiger - Bengal
Cat - Orange tabby
Hyena - Spotted
Shark - Bull Shark (can be found in freshwater as well, hence the appeal)


Physical Appearance:


Never Ending Nightmare

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2011-09-05 [La Luna]: She looks great. Though I can tell Kiley's going to HATE her. I'll put her right up. ^.^ You can start at the gates.

2011-09-05 [Roma]: Hope you don't mind that I made her new instead of somewhat old. I didn't plot with anyone and wanted to start playing, so I just made an executive decision and had her be new.

2011-09-05 [La Luna]: I don't mind at all.

2011-09-06 [Roma]: Cool. I realize that there is no place here for history. I'm making her a descendant of Ares, but far enough away that she's not a god. But she doesn't know her dad, so maybe that's something we could explore further - she could be some sort of halfbreed (not god. too close to Kiley) and not know it.

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