Page name: Akkoran [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-04-23 12:49:38
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NAME: Akkoran

<img:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsEierMine%20dokumenterGry%20AnetteTing%20og%20TangFey-prosjektAkkoran_chibi.jpg>Image by Marianne
House: Mrriv
Impression: Stuffy aristocrat.
M/F: M
Hair: Long and pitch black. The hair has retreated a bit from the sides of the fohead (what do you call that in english? Widow's peak?)
Skin: Royal blue
Eyes: One yellow, one red
Clothes: Formal, austere clothing. Robes with high and stiff collars and elaborate embroideries. Large sleeves. Blue-black and gold are his preferred colors. Is never seen without three to five rings on his long spindly fingers.
Other: He has a tail, almost like a lion, with the little puff of fur at the end.
Mother: Rymph
Father: Olb
Siblings: Pavona (f), Half-sister Emia
Children: Wini (m)
Lovers: Nill (married)
Other realtions: Grandparents: Amthoril (f) and Sûriontin (m) (paternal) & Silavirn (f) and Weth (m) (maternal), Aunts: Aaillah, Neni, Lab; Uncle Ruck
Abilities: Photographic memory, indescribable eye for detail bordering on the supernatural. Creepy accent ;)
Personality: Akkoran is extremely arrogant and pompous, and he clings to rules and regulations like a lifeline in this chaotic world. He's extremely attatched to his sister, and she's the only person he ever displays emotions to. This has caused him problems in the past. But even though the only thing stiffer than his upper lip is his clothing, he is just and fair. Just not flexible, in any way.

He's still angry and bitter because his son broke contact with him, especially due to their close bond earlier. When his son decided that his father was too stuck up for his own good, and that he himself wouldn't continue in the same way, he officially announced that he no longer saw himself as Akkoran's son. Akkoran still wishes to revive their dead relationship, but has had insurmountable problems in doing so, mostly because he is unwilling to change himself, which is the only thing that will bring about a reunion.

Though he loves his wife dearly, and shares many of her personality traits, he is very worried about her racistical tendencies and her ambition. He fears that if she were ever to seize power her wiews on those of "lesser blood" would eventually cause great harm, even death. Possibly for her. So he tries to counter any bid for power she initializes, but prevents her from finding this out at all costs. He's afraid that she would leave him if she ever found out that he is her most ardent antagonist at court.
Ambitions: To improve his relationship to his son, to keep his wife from becoming matriarch for various reasons.
Fears: That his wife will go away/Inherit Dikora. That the standards among fey shall deteriorate further, that the courts will grow decadent and vulgar.
Likes: Rules. Unicorns. Regulations. Decorations. Curtains.
Dislikes: Urg (f), because she represents all the influences he detests. He also has a rather active dislike for the new friends his son associates with.
Habits: He always rides the unicorns under the full moon. He makes a strange clicking noise with his tongue when he is annoyed or irritated.
Occupation: Treasurer of Mrriv, keeper of records of all that is bought and sold.
Tresured posessions: His wedding ring, a lock of his son's hair.
Quote:  "I must inform you that although your craftmanship is exquisite, it is against house policy to import goods from Mortigia and its environs."

Image by Marianne

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