Page name: All my faults [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-08-31 13:31:43
Last author: iippo
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All my faults

Image of me, with things pin-pointing to parts of the body.

Complain about and define

-Data-processing unit:
Handles two languages and simple mathematics.
Very slow to reprogram.
Decision-making unit frequently offline.
Creative and capable of independent thinking, but more often than not these features can be useless and even damaging to its running program.
-Sensory devices:
Non-recording cameras, not very sharp (frequently need replacement lenses) and can't zoom. Audio sensors selective, non-recording and playback is not accurate. Smell and taste mediocre, over-sensitive to strong smells and flavours. Sense of touch adequate, sometimes even has to rely on it, although can't make physical contact with some substances without damage.
Usually instantenous when coming from the sensory systems to data-processing, but sometimes offline when going from data-processing to audio playback.
-Rotation of sensors:
180 degrees, at any given time there is a blind side.
-Central structure:
Well designed, but fragile. If broken, replacement or repair takes at least two weeks, sometimes damage unfixable.
Substance used to cover the unit is vulnerable to acidic substances, radiation from the Sun, insect bites and some plants.
Gas, liquid and solid forms.
-Pacing centre:
Constantly broken, yet irreplaceable
-Gripping units:
Nimble and delicate, do not function in extreme heat conditions (too cold nor too hot), vulnerable to damage.
Quite agile, becomes overwhelmed by terrain only in the most extremes of conditions
Generally well-balanced on a delicate system of intricate design that uses arches for weight support.
Unit is foldable to about half its usual size, but it is not operatable nor storeable while folded.
5-6 usual leaking spots, plus any rough treatment to the covering will also cause it to leak.
Average fuel consumption in quantity, but fuel highly versatile in quality.


I'm not quite sure how to do this.
It coud be interactive, like the buttons-thing. So clicking on the image would reveal all these pointers. It could also be animated to show everything in sequence, but that could be a little boring...

Image evolving:

Early animation

Future planning
-at some points dim the figure and show a splash-animation of the topic in question on top of it (animating hands, for example, independent from the figure) This means I'll have to:
-re-faff the frame-stuff. Text as slow as it is now, splashy animations on dimmed bg with th regular framerate.
-sound. Music or the text read out loud or something. Or something else. Woman talking? Woman-sound not speech? Woman talking and laughing and living but heard so unclearly that is just mumble?

These are about the topic that the text speaks of.
-Data-processing unit:
Fade in an image of the brain, bring it up to zoom, rotate and highlight different parts of it (langauge center, logic, learning, creative etc...)
-Sensory devices:
Splash arrows about the eye, nose-mouth and ear (cross-sections) No dimming.
Like in the book, oranges flowing across the figure. No dimming.
-Rotation of sensors:
-Central structure:
Fade in a skeleton on top of the figure, and fade out. No dimming.
-Pacing centre:
Fade in a heart (heart-shaped, not organ) on top of the figure, a few pumpings. No dimming.
-Gripping units:
Dim and animate some hand action. Same as in "Cyber" entry?
Just highlighting the leaking parts (eyes, nose, nipples, crotch, mouth?)
Fading images of food in and out?

Bits that need attention:
- Brain-splasher (it doesn't even exist yet x_X)
- Nose-mouth -splasher also doesn't exist
- Nerve-system. Need to reconsider original idea. Maybe some flashy lines will be enough?

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