Page name: Andor: The Moments Between [Exported view] [RSS]
2017-10-05 01:15:27
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
# of watchers: 2
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With all of the hustle and bustle in the chronicles of the Ravenwood struggles and exploits, its hard to find a place for all the other people not directly involved in the tales.

The next morning Conner was up early and set to getting some equipment together, Vex had something planned and he had no doubt it was some sort of test. Opening his door he almost walked headlong into Linlesse, "Good morning miss Linlesse, your up rather early. Anything I can help you with?" he asked.

"Oh, good morning, I was looking for the dining room or is it too early for breakfast. Or perhaps I should go back to bed or maybe a walk in the garden, I'd hate to be rude and eat before everyone else. Is that rude? Do you think?" Linlesse was dressed in a pair of pants and shirt that mother had scrounged from Lily's room.

"If you're hungry it is not rude, come along I will show you to the dining room and even eat with you until Vex appears for whatever she has prepared for me." he said leading the way downstairs.

Vex in fact was just finishing her own breakfast. She was still uncomfortable using the table like the rest of the family but it wasn't as bad at breakfast when it was less formal. She did however suddenly realize why everyone in this family was grouchy in mornings. No coffee, so sayeth the Duchess Ravenwood herself. Vex was in standard pants and shirt of the Blade's after all it had been her uniform longer than any other clothing she had worn. Vex also had a hard time letting servants clean up after her. She had gathered her own plates and cups and was begrudgingly letting the serving girl take them into the kitchen when Conner walked through the doors.

Linlesse smiled broadly at Vex when they entered, "Good morning!" Conner shook his head and looked at what Vex had for breakfast, "No coffee? tch, I figured you'd have asked at least." Conner went into the kitchen and when he came back out he had two cups of coffee, looking at Vex he offered her one. "What my mother doesn't know keeps the rest of use from overthrowing society. there is sugar over there if you like, and cream right beside."

"Is it common for all the children to hide things from the Duchess?" Vex asked taking the mug and sipping it plain, appreciatively. She sat back down. "Morning." She said then to Linlesse who seemed one of those bright perky morning people. "Your mother was finishing her meal when I entered, so I should think you are safe from being found out just yet." Vex said to Conner, just in case he hadn't known his mother's where-about's. In fact vex knew Lady Ravenwood had finished her payers out back and then eaten and was now in her study working on the financial's and had kept the babe's with her. Vex also knew where Arten and her child was, Lai the grandmother, Elsa and Fael and their children. In General Vex was keeping track of the entire household all the way down to the maid and guards.

Conner waved the comment away, "I find it easier not to know too much about their movements. But in some cases it is all predictable. Father wakes and eats with mother before going to the practice ring or range for a short time. He then heads up to wake the young and get them moving. Tani and Lucas rise before the sun and head for the temple and morning prayers." he finished as breakfast was brought in, "Thank you Cirsi." he said to the maid who set the plates before him and Linlesse.

"The paladin and his angel are on one of the ships. As are your Drow sister and Human cousin. I imagine it'll be another week before we see them." Vex reminded Conner quickly. She was almost finished with her mug, and about ready to get dressed for their trip.

Elsa rounded the corner. "Careful Xeph! Slow down!" She was holding her newest born to her chest bundled safely and was herding a walking Xeph into the dining room. She left her other sleepy not morning kitten to her father. "Morning Conner! Vex... uhhh sorry I don't think I got your name miss?" Elsa said grabbing Xeph by the back of his little shirt before he ran headlong into the table. toward Vex of all people.

"I'm Linlesse, Mistress Elsa." she said sheepishly.

Xeph giggled and squirmed until he got to Vex and grabbed her leg into a hug. Fael had entered with a fussing Caitlin who wanted down and not in her shirt all at the same time.

Vex grumbled but picked up the Felid child and sat him on her lap. Then promptly ignore him again. In favor of the last of her coffee of course. she still didn't like children, or feel comfortable around them, but she was giving in it seemed to simply please the little one's.

Elsa smiled sweetly at Vex and then sat in the chair next to her to be handy if Xeph was being too much. Which often happened. "It's a pleasure Linlesse, Conner grab the strap chair for Kaitlin would you? Wanna switch Feal?" Elsa asked with a giggle at her daughter's antics. She motioned quickly to the maid to bring food for them. The sooner bellies were full the better behaved they tended to be. Elsa only had so much milk after all.

Xeph's tail wrapped around and began to gently slap Vex on her hip, Conner had to hide his smirk lest Vex beat on him later. With Kaitlin secured it left now only the little one who already had a tummy full of milk so he was content.

Linlesse watched the small family interact and smiled wistfully, then she looked down into her plate. Cirsi came out from the kitchen with her tray and set a mug of hot chocolate in front of her then took tea to Elsa and Fael. "Mistress and Master, what can I bring you for breakfast?"

"Mashed eggs for the babe's and my usual, Fael?" Elsa knew what some of Fael's favorites were but she never chose for him. Elsa readied her tea with both sugar and cream however and sipped it appreciatively. This was one of the first few times they had left the room with the children. Elsa was determined not to need the servants anymore after what happened, but she seemed to be together today, freshly washed and all the babe's were as well. Dressed in a fresh dress, her hair put up in a familiar way even.

Vex scowled at Conner over her cup. She just knew he found this funny... though his face was carefully neutral at the moment. While she didn't mind the child anymore she wasn't entirely comfortable with him yet either. Plus the tail was... always interesting.

Xeph sat on Vex's lap and looked around at everyone for a few minutes before snuggling closer to Vex and yawning. Kaitlin growled and fussed at her twin who didn't have to be in the chair, until their food came. Some more family members including the twins came in to begin their mornings.

"Elsa!" shouted Riss excitedly running over to her sisters seat and giving her a big hug, being careful of the new baby of course. "Fael!" Shouted Sam who was always more excited to see the fighting member's of the family. After those two got bigs hugs and I'm happy you are out of your rooms, they kissed the babies and said good morning to everyone else. They then sat next to Conner at the table.

Vex had uttered her good morning to the new arrivals and prompty picked up Xeph got another strap chair and deposited him in it next to his own twin sister. "I'll meet you by the front gate in an hour Conner." She said handing over the empty mug to a servant and excusing herself.

Elsa had smiled warmly at her little sisters. given hugs and kisses in return and then quickly strapped in her better behaving but no less wild boy. then she got to the task of trying to feed them both without them getting absolutely filthy.

Fael followed suit and did his usual warrior's bow to Sam who always beamed about receiving them. Conner looked at Elsa and grinned, "I think Vex means to teach me some grand lesson about life....apparently she never asked mother and father about teaching me anything." He stood and offered everyone good wishes for the day and headed to get his things prepared.

Linlesse felt a little alone, except for the twins she didn't know really anything about all the people in this room. She was taking small bites and to Elsa it seemed there was much on her mind and she just couldn't speak it.

"It's okay... To feel afraid sometimes." Rissa said softly next to Linlesse. "Expecially... if you just don't know how... to be yourself yet." she finished not knowing the words to use to get across her message. Like Linlesse Rissa couldn't fully control her powers, and it was scary. It was also scary to be in a new place, Both the twins knew that as well. she then said a small prayer over her food and began to eat with enthusiasm.

Samantha didn't add anything to Rissa's thoughts because she didn't know. Not really. She knew she was always afraid something would separate them. but nothing else, besides she was totally non magical. A dud, in the magical way of things.

Elsa smiled at the girls and left them be. Perhaps the young girl would find good companions out of the girls. Besides she had to concentrate on feeding her two raspcallions, who kept trying to either grab the food or the spoon and smear it over... everything they could possibly touch. "you keep getting so dirty you'll have an extra bath I swear it!" Elsa scowled softly at her babes. Trying to seem imposing and daunting.

Conner, after a long half hour of debating what he might need during this adventure with Vex exited the house and headed for the gate. He was humming one of his more impressive songs that got him high marks from his teachers and praise from the dowager queen before her death. "Twas, serpent against serpent as brother against brother in the skies above Andor. And twas an ignoble death for one who tried to claim the throne of Andor." he sang a little until Vex came into his view. "Hello my teacher? Or should I say companion in arms? I like that much better than babysitter." he said standing before her.

Vex was dressed in her plain armor. She had a simple sword at her side and a small dagger. She had a small pouch on her belt and a rucksack across her back. "Companion in arms is fine. You ready? we have to hit the market on our way out. Supplies before you ask." Vex said with a nod of her head at him in acknowledging him and his snark. She hadn't gone out in a while and she wasn't sure anyone would recognize her. It didn't really matter though because this was to show Conner a truth of sorts.

Conner nodded but didn't say anything, he wondered if she noted nothing he was wearing denoted him as a Ravenwood. Although he still had his ring on him, Alehial would throw a fit if he didn't have it with him at least. As they walked along to the marketplace Conner finally asked, "So, these supplies is this going to be an overnight lesson? If so we should let my parents know unless they raise the army to find us."

"None of this is for you. You are just supposed to watch... and hopefully understand. Maybe even dare I say learn." Vex said. Stopping at a bakery to buy day old bread and burnt unsellable goods. She made Conner carry that sack. Then she went to the butchers and bought all the small bones and knuckles from him. The ones he would normally pitch or feed the dogs. After that it was the produce stalls, where the half rotten food or wilted greens no one would buy, she did. She didn't pay much for all this... but by the end they each had two sacks full, hers being the heavier, and she was down ten silver. She had also bought material scrap and old flour sacks. Once they were burdened she led them to the biggest gate of the city. She went right through without stopping. About a quarter mile if that far from the gate was... hovels. Mud huts. And people. People of all kinds, and races. People who were being watched from the wall, and guards by the gate entrance. People who weren't welcomed into the city. For Various reasons.

A group of dirty children in not much clothing ran forward to great the newcomers. Once close however they screamed with delight. a few children ran back to the group of 'houses'. They obviously recognized Vex. "VEX!" "Vex!" "Vex you cam back!" "Hi vex!" "Vex I lost a tooth" "I got taller!" The children were all talking at once and it was clearly an uncomfortable experience for Vex. Until a half orc male emerged from a mud hut. Obviously taking after orc more than human. "AWAY! LEAVE HER!" He growled in a guttural voice, his half tusks slurring his words. He loomed over Vex and Conner both, and the children ran screaming with laughter. They obviously had been teasing Vex much to her Chagrin.

"Greetings Grell. It's been some time. You look well... new scars I see?" Vex said smiling in a relieved manner and relaxing. "I've brought what I could afford, that wouldn't be missed." Vex said lifting her filled bags and gesturing at Conner too. "I brought a helper this time." She said simply not introducing Conner by name or any other thing.

"New battle'sh. You shpoil ush. Shpoil the little'sh, Come. It will be gud to talk." Grell gestured towards the middle of the area where a large fire burned. He was a formidable fellow, standing almost seven feet tall. His grey skin was green hue'd, he was broad as two men, heavily muscled as well. Clothed in home stitched pants, and shirt with sleeves ripped off. He was covered in scars and some had ink put in them as well. when he turned there was a wrap around his back holding an infant that was sleeping. He gestured for them to place their spoils near the fire.

Conner had said nothing, but took in everything about this place and had questions for their host. Although his first concern is why they were not allowed into the city, as of yet he had not seen a weapon of any concern. And of course the changing weather would not be kind to the old or the young. He watched the children more so than the adults, he already knew before they left to use a great deal of his magic to help those who needed healing.

Conner would notice one thing about everyone here. They were all half raced, or more, or injured in some way. One female child running around was at least half elven by her ears and slim features, another was so mixed he looked similar to Vex herself but was missing two fingers on his left hand. Another older child was at least one fourth orc and was sitting just watching the other's play, he only had one good eye and a scar ran over his other and down his cheek.

that was when a few more adults stepped out to greet Vex and say their hello's. One used a crutch because she had no leg above the knee. Another was missing an arm entirely. Vex it seemed was more comfortable here in this area outside of the city than inside of it. She was laughing and joking. Saying hello's and sharing her 'loot' she had bought from the city. Grell however was watching Conner. The child woke on his back and he deftly pulled the sling to the front and held the child in one large hand and rocked the babe gently, even as his hard flinty eyes never left Conner.

"I did come across a unique item in my mission recently that would help Grell. If any of the women here would like to help with the children that need it." Vex said before pulling out the ring she had bought with Conner's money, the one for breastfeeding. "It will help on cost savings for the group. Moria! It's so good to see you again! I brought you this! I have a spare now and I thought you might like it!" Vex said excitedly rushing over to another 'house' as a man struggled to push a woman in a wheeled chair out. It was an older woman, who had at one point bore the plague and clearly had no true healer to help survive it. She had all her limbs but was unable to use her lower half. Vex handed said Moria a pretty jeweled hair piece and a fancy comb and small mirror. "Vex... you need these! To find a young man!" the woman whispered harshly from a more than likely scarred throat. "I told you I don't need a man Moria, no offence Geoff." Vex laughed looking up at the slightly younger looking than Moria, who was pushing her out of the hut. Vex ended up helping bring her to the fire. Moria the whole time marveled at the pretty things and before she could ask Vex brought a chair over and began to gently brush out her shoulder length hair. "I brought a little soap and such for every one as well." She said towards Grell in particular.

"You Don't need to keeb helping out like thish, you know. How doesh your bosh feel about all thish?" Grell asked, something he asked every time she came. He looked the ring over and though she didn't explain what it was he seemed to know. Which made him look at her more harshly. Vex shook her head. "Not me. Like I said for a mission. Anyways commander Rand knows about it. If he had a problem he would have told me right away. I'm actually fairly certain he's the one that made the guards stop harassing you guys, though I haven't gotten any real proof of it. It has stopped right?" Vex asked looking at the children and the people with a little concern. "Yesh, it hash shtopped. Tell me of your current mishion if you can." Grell said handing the again sleeping child off to another person in the camp. When the babe was passed Conner could see the bundle was smaller than it should have been. By almost half as well on the bottom. Grell then began to prepare food, he would make a stew with some grilled veggie's. fresh food was rather sparse here it seemed.

Conner waited until Vex was busy with others to approach Grell, "Grell I have to ask, why are you all out here? I mean the church of Pelor gives food and healing from sun up to sundown." He found it was easy to talk to the half orc while he helped cut and get things ready for the stew. As he waited for the answer he knelt down by the boy with the scar, "Excuse me, can I look at your eye, I might be able to help you." Indeed, if the damage wasn't a curse then a simple curative spell would restore the young man's sight. "Alright, now I need you to watch my nose and wait for something special okay?" he said before casting his serious curative spell and passing healing warmth through his hand to the damaged side of the boy's face.

"The Schity doesh not welcome ush. We can get phood and a bed onshe in a while. But the people will not hire thoshe that can't work. Or work well. Many of theshe woundsh are old." Grell had been fine with the questions being asked, even unknown hands preparing the food while he watched. But when this unknown boy talked to one of the children and clearly began to cast. Grell grabbed Conner by the hand that was healing and hauled him away from the child roughly. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!" HE yelled angrily hauling Conner up to his face his a hand entwined in the front of his tunic.

startled by the scene not even half and hour since they got their Vex looked up and jumped to her feet running over. "What did you do?!" She asked very angry but mostly concerned at Conner. "Grell! Grell wait! Please! He doesn't know anything!" Vex said her hand gently placed on Grell's arm holding Conner off the ground. she spoke soothingly and was trying to get eye contact. "Grell he is my new mission! His safety is paramount! Set him down let's talk!" Vex said urgently, trying to stop Grell from falling into a Rage. It happened. fairly often. Not that Conner knew.

Grell glanced at Vex sidelong and pulled Conner in much closer to his face so Conner's hair got tousled by his breath. "Do Not Touch The Children!" He growled out before simply dropping the boy. Grell then went to the child still sitting in the same place and knelt down in front of him. While he was a little older it was clear he didn't understand what was happened. When he looked at Grell's face... realized he could see with both eyes. The child screamed. A blood curdling sound and began to clutch at his previously scarred face and eye. Grell grabbed the boy's hands to keep from him hurting himself. "Hurk! Hurk! Breathe! Boy just Breathe! Close your eyes! Lishen to Grell! Lishen! Breathe Hurk, breathe." Grell said pulling the child close to his own enormous body making the child look much younger and smaller. Tears were streaming down the child's face, but now his eyes were closed and he was breathing. But large shuddering breaths.

The entire community watching until Grell had Hurk in hand. Then they all turned to look at Conner and Vex. Mostly Conner. The other children came forward to offer feather light touches to Hurk, which seemed to help calm him further and let him breath easier. Moria was brought closer to Hurk and she began to sing an old folk song of an origin from the very far north lands. Though her voice rasped harshly she sang in a whispered tone, Other adults came and pet his head or said their names and his.

"You dolt! What did you do? Why in the hell's did you do anything?! I told you to come and watch! Watch! Was that request too simple?!" Vex was livid. Her normally calm (slightly pissed) face and voice was replaced by full blown anger. She had brought him here. Told him what he needed to do to learn, and the first things he did were to mess with things and upset people. Vex's pupil's were dilated and her face was red with anger. Each word she spoke was pronounced very carefully, and she was trying not to speak up loud enough to disrupt Moria's song and Hurk's breathing. She was crouched over Conner on the ground. "You have no idea what you have just done! To them... all of them." Vex said sounding defeated in her last words. She stood and looked down at Conner still. "We are leaving. Now. Before anything else happens." She said pulling her emotions back in check and smoothing her expression. She was pulling herself back into what she was in the city. A Blade. A highly skilled professional, a guard hired to watch over Conner.

Not far outside the camp Conner grabbed Vex's wrist and halted her, "I tried to help, give that little boy a chance to play like the others. Why watch people be held down or kept from living a better life because I can do something? Why should I allow them.." he pointed to the gate, "to keep those people out? They came looking for safety or a place where children shouldn't have to bear marks like that. And before you assume I did it for some praise or them proclaiming me a wonderful person, I did it because I could and it was right to use my magic to help another." he finished before letting her go.

He walked in the direction of the gate with purpose leaving Vex behind him, now that he was angry he wanted answers from someone. At the gate he picked the guard with the stripes of being in charge and stood right in front of him, not really realizing he didn't look like a Ravenwood in clothing or how he carried himself. Just another mixed blood human, standing before them and wanting answers. "Guardsman, those people down that way, why are the denied entrance to the city to look for employment or healing at one of the churches?" he questioned in measured tones, wanting an answer on what was happening. Two of the guards looked at him and the guard in charge then back towards Vex, unsure how to handle this outburst.

Vex let him walk ahead of her. He didn't understand and he didn't trust her to ask questions, and give real answers. So much for comrades. she stood a few feet away while he harassed the guards. She was curious as to what was going to happen to him. While the guards knew she was a blade, and they recognized her because she visited semi frequently. Conner however without an obvious Ravenwood family sigil or even clothing of a nobleman, he was just one of the mixed raced people from the camp.

With a glance towards Vex and no clear sign from her, the Lieutenant Conner had begun addressing so rudely looked the boy straight in the face and sneered after a once over. "All are welcome to Bearlon. Even boys like you, unfortunately. 'Sides what you all have can't be cured even with magic." The Officer sneered again in disgust at Conner. The private on the other side of the gate walked over hand near his sword just in case. "Anything wrong over here sir? New worm from the mud perhaps?" The new guard sniggered at his own 'joke'.

Conner looked at both and smiled back, "Oh, I do apologize for being a half breed to ones whose family doesn't believe in mating outside the family." Turning back to the one who called him a worm, "A worm, probably better than a fly fresh from the local dung pile. And you two must be close friends, I smelt your dung on his breath as soon as he opened his mouth." These two needed to be taught manners, and given their standards Conner had no doubt he could handle them even without Vex.

Vex sighed, this boy had no clue. Vex wondered if the Ravenwoods even took their children outside to places they weren't known. Probably not... the duchess seemed over protective at best. She would let this continue a moment or two longer though... Conner needed a real lesson in how the world really worked. Not his rose glass version.

"At least my family know's where they are sticking it. Unlike some bastard like yourself and the others. Do you even know what race they are? No. Can't even name all the whore's they slept with to make those mongrels I bet." The lieutenant laughed. "No wonder the parents tried to kill them all. Even a drunken night can't explain that to the world!" the Lieutenant elbowed his companion guard and they both sniggered.

"I bet this one is fresh to the mud pit... look's like he's self righteous too, probably has a normal bitch mother, a good beating would help him learn to respect the true citizens of Bearlon, eh sir?" the guard sneered and cracked his knuckles intimidatingly.

Conner shot the man a look that spoke volumes, "If you wish to try to teach me a lesson, I suggest you find someone to finish your shift." He then looked to the Lieutenant, "And after this is over, I will hear you apologize for everything you've said about my breeding." He then glanced back to Vex, "This is mine and I expect you to stay out of it." Growing up with the older brothers and even sisters, Conner knew how to handle a fist fight and hearing those men say such derogatory things about people of mixed races.

Before Vex could say anything a voice came from behind her, a small old, very old elf stood watching what was going on. "Tis a shame, he is as wild and hard to reign in as his parents. I think you'll need patience to know when to suppress him and when to let that side out to keep him balanced." She looked up at Vex and winked, "If you respect the leader of the blades, you need to see that Conner is a wondrous mix of his parents and uncles both blood as Rand, and family as Lyle the halfling." She then turned and headed towards the camp where they had come from.

Vex quirked a brow and watched the old elven woman make her slow way back to the pseudo village they had left behind. How did that woman know of Conner's blood? and the family friends? she dismissed it as something to follow up later, after this. she remained where she was but crossed her arms over her chest. If they took it too far she would step in. Otherwise... well Lord Ravenwood had given her permission to take him out of the city. This shouldn't take long either way seeing as it was a brawl.

"I think I've had enough of your lip boy. You either head into the city or back to the mud, with the rest of them." The lieutenant sneered down at Conner. His hand resting on the hilt and his fingers rubbing the hilt of his standard issue sword at his side. The other patrolman however was clearly itching for a fight with Conner and had his thumbs hooked into his belt. If they were to fight this man liked to do it with his hands clearly. "Sir... I do believe this boy is causing troublesome mischief and might be dangerous to the city. I should turn him away before he starts something me thinks." He offered to his superior.

Conner watched the one who liked to fight with fists more, if the lieutenant pulled his blade then he would hear it. "Mischief? Oh, you don't know the half of it, but dangerous only to enemies of Andor and people who can't protect themselves." Conner said. "However, I do ask if you teach me a lesson then lets do it as men and not me and a guardsman or guardsmen. You know no hard feelings." he but just enough of his bardic talents to use to make this fight about the people and not titles, that would come later. Reaching into his pouch he slipped a small emerald into his hand, "If you beat me then I will give you this and if I win, I get a simple apology and promise not to mistreat those people."

Before anything else could happen the lesser guard lunged forward with a fist aimed right for Conner's Jaw. After the blow landed the guard guffawed loudly. "Enough talk boy!" He barked out in his laugh. before kicking towards Conner not giving him time to recover from the first blow. It was clear this man was used to brawling.

Vex watched and snickered when the guard took initiative, Conner talked to much. Wanting to prattle rather than act. Insulting the man with the emerald had been especially nice. She watched and didn't move a muscle. Neither did the lieutenant, because she had held his gaze a moment. No matter his Rank other than General or Commander, she outranked regular guardsmen just by being a Blade. They knew her as one, what she wanted they would follow. "Don't flap your lips, actually use your fists now." she offered dryly to Conner. She too had been getting bored of all his pompous talk and no action. Stalling was another great Ravenwood tactic. One Even Commander Rand used often on the King himself. but it did get aggravating.

Conner had been ready for the punch, and deftly caught the man's leg and smiled before kicking his other leg out from under him. The man landed on his back and when he sat up, Conner calmly rammed his knee into the man's nose with a loud crunch breaking it easily. Being honorable and wanting to make sure no one snuck up from behind Conner moved so he could watch everyone except Vex. There was little to do now but wait to see if the downed guard got up for round two or someone else would come forward.

"Son of a whore!" The guardsmen on the ground clutched his face and swore. He rolled to his knee's and staggered to his feet, blood dripping from his gloves as he attempted to hold his broken nose. Not a foot from Conner an arrow landed with a thud and a vibration filling the area with the noise of it. from the wall was yet another guard. However this one had bow with arrow notched and at the ready. The lieutenant also not an idle man had his sword drawn. That was when Vex stepped forward.

"Enough! This... pissing contest is over. Now. Men back to your posts, And you before you make anything else worse... again. We are taking you home and we are not coming back. Ever." Vex said showing her Blade badge to all parties, the Lieutenant waved off the man on the wall and put his own sword away. "Why protect him and none of the others? Even though you clearly favor the others?" He sneered clearly unhappy but not really able to directly go against Vex, even as a lowest ranking Blade.

"My mission and my time are none of your concern Karlson. But I will have you know that this boy, is no ordinary mixed child. I'll leave it at that." Vex said before roughly grabbed Conner's tunic and forcefully pulling him along through the gate and into the city. She had hoped the fight would go the other way. Now she hoped they continued to be peaceful toward those outside the walls. She let go once out of sight of the guards. But she didn't look at him, and she didn't say a single word. Clearly everything had worked out like she had hoped for the day... seeing how wonderfully rigid she was, and how she kept the Blade badge displayed now.

"Racist pricks." Conner commented under his breath after she let go of his tunic. Those guards gave others a bad name and made people not trust Andorians. And her comment about never coming back wasn't happening, in fact Conner already had plans to be back soon, if nothing more than to make some amends with Grell and his people.

Vex said nothing. Not a word until they reached the gates into the Ravenwood manor. "I honestly thought... You know what? No. I don't know what I was thinking. Forget it. Forget this whole day even happened. Forget that group. Forget that boy you terrified. Forget those guards." Vex said turning and looking at him. Instead of the semi easy going-esk attitude she had had with Conner recently she was back to being rigid and her tone of voice was also back to the tightly controlled one she had used before the whole kidnapping debacle. she turned away from him then and gave him a push through the gate, nodding at the guard's posted there.

"Thought what?" Conner said grabbing her wrist, "How about you quit trying to be some vague seer and talk to me rather than do this stiff collared guard routine. You had no trouble talking directly to Grell, so I assume the problem is trying to talk to me as a person and not an assignment." He watched her eyes, wondering if the words he spoke made it to her or if nothing would change.

"Thought that maybe if you learned about the real world and not the fancy safe one your parents raised you in... You might calm down a little bit. Not try so hard to be them." Vex said shrugging off Conner's hold on her wrist. "Learn that you can't fix everything and sometimes being broken is exactly what is needed. Or that maybe the people you meet, Don't want to be saved or healed by you." Vex said staring him in the eyes as she spoke her eyes narrowed and her whole body tense, it was clear she was holding herself back from anything that might get her in trouble. "Racism is rife in this city. Maybe not against those of pure blood, and maybe not against nobles as much. That old elf was wrong. I don't see any of Commander Rand in you." Vex said clenching her jaw and frowning. She was done talking and instead she grabbed Conner's arm tightly and pulled him alongside her headed up the road to the Manor house properly. It would be a few minutes walk, but it was clear Vex was upset. It wasn't clear if it was just anger though.

Again he stood firm, "Why wouldn't Grell and his people want healing or some sort of help? What didn't I know before we arrived in their camp? Did you know about the guards harassing them about their bloodlines? My uncle has had to deal with racism and he overcame it to his position as the Master Blade, tell me about where we are going rather than let me find out by trying to help. I didn't see a healer, so I assumed that they didn't have one." His eyes softened a little, "Vex was it so wrong to want to help one little boy? Let him play with his friends, see a sunset or the face of his parents as he did once before? Why is it then that Lucas and Tani go to the temple and offer the same thing I did, does this world hate help or compassion so much?"

"Lucas and B'Tanni offer it! You thrust it upon others! It is a world of difference!" Vex snarled releasing him and looking to the ground. She was silent a moment, her fists clenching and unclenching before she let out a deep breath. "They don't want healing and they don't have parents. Everyone there was found by Grell. The boy you healed so graciously is one fourth orc. He was born without his mind being there completely. there was an accident when he was young, anything new scares him, he can't balance properly and doesn't like falling. His name is Hurk, he's twelve and Grell took him in, named him and raised him. Like all the other children." Vex still didn't look at Conner but she did continue to speak. "They don't want to be a burden, and they don't want any trouble. Commander Rand... is a great man, he does much for the entire city. More than his sister, even." Vex did look up and looked at his face. In a thoughtful way. She began to walk towards the house then. "What you don't know, young master. Is that I'm one of them. Grell's Father Trask, found me in his travel's. Grell is just doing what his dad did. Helping lost people find ourselves, in a world that would rather see us dead." vex finished with a shrug as she continued to walk toward the house. She was done talking now. Very done.

Conner let her go, he was silent as he headed to the house but his mind was not. He went to his room and quietly began going over what Vex had told him then he moved about the house. Finally, he knocked on the door of his parents den before entering to find his mother at the desk looking over missives, "I need some help mother and you're probably the best one to talk to." He took a seat across from her and waited for her to acknowledge him.

"You can always talk to me about anything you know that Conner. I'll help if I can I promise." Alehial said with a soft smile for her son, she put the papers she had been working on down so she could focus on what her son was saying. Though Conner could be ruse and crass and annoying he was her son and she loved him and wanted to help whenever he needed it. She folded her hands on top of the desk so she could wait until he arranged what he wanted said in the right way.

Conner then laid everything out for his mother, the trip to the hovels and healing the child and the anger of Vex and Grell. Then about the racist guards and the brief scuffle before he fell silent, "How is it I know the right thing to do and still wind up doing it wrong? Those people need help, safety, food, and a place to live without worrying about death and how to keep the evil things away."

"I understand what it is you are having trouble understanding dear." Alehial said with a complex look on her face as if she were trying to pick a proper face to show her confused son. She picked caring. She stood and walked around the large desk to sit beside her son and take his hand in both of hers. "the problem isn't knowing the right thing... the problem is knowing when to do the right thing. But did you ever consider... that where they live right now... is the safest they've found? Or that living this close to a proper city means there is food and less death? If they are all wounded but no one was dying... was it really a problem? You said the children were running and playing except for the one you healed? If they were starving and fearing for their lives... would children be running around and playing?" Alehial said skipping right over the racist issues. She was well aware of them. They were still rife in the nobles and she faced that every time she went to court. things were better in the city than it had ever been, but that didn't mean it was perfect. She chose to raise her children indifferent to race, only time would fix a problem like racial purity. She patted his hands. "Not everyone wants someone else to save them. Sometimes they want to save themselves. But it does sound like Miss Vex took you somewhere important to try and help you... and instead you pulled a classic mouth into foot action, just like my brother when he first came to Bearlon." Alehial chuckled softly.

"That brings me to two requests I was talking about." Conner said with one of his trademark smiles. "I know it is the annual blanket replacement and I want the ones we are getting rid of to take to the group as peace offering to my apology without Vex. Second, safety for them is important to Vex and to me, the warehouse father bought that just hasn't found the right use might with a little work be perfect for them. But only if they want to move in, then I can use the Lyre of building and Vex's help to make it perfect for them." His requests weren't for any glory to himself or the Ravenwoods, it was wanting to do something good for someone else.

Alehial was silent for a moment and thoughtful before she looked in her sons eyes and smiled softly. "That building was bought for the trade business, and while we may not have found a perfect use for it, it is still useful. As for the blankets, we usually give them to charity anyways so I see no problems giving them to those outside of the city walls instead. If you want that warehouse... or one similar... you might just have to come up with the money to buy it yourself." Alehial said before holding up a hand to stop him from speaking. "I know that technically it belongs to your father and myself, however there are at least six captains and three business that we offer our warehouses to. Whoever has interest pay's for the use." she explained, also she wasn't going to just hand her children anything. "Also it cannot be with money I have given you in allowance or travel fare. Perhaps you should discuss this with your body guard?" Alehial asked as a suggestion. she wondered just how badly Conner did and how badly Miss Vex was taking it.

Conner eyed his mother, this was a negotiation and he felt he might have a unique edge. "How about if you cover for me with Vex so I can take the blankets by myself and gauge Grell's interest in moving into the city. Then if he is amicable I turn over my ship to you and father for the warehouse? The well there is dry and with a little magical help I can fix that then I just need the Lyre of building from the vault to make it livable for their group." He leaned back in the chair, "Vex is angry enough that I acted without thinking and I'd like to show her some of her words got through to me." The ship was worth probably a little more than the warehouse, but the site was perfect for the amount of people in the hovels and without stairs for Moria or the others who had problems getting around. It would also keep Conner in the city and not seeking adventure or trouble, just letting him roam outside the gates tomorrow without Vex.

Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.1

Alehial looked her son over for a moment in silence before patting his hand. "A good foundation is how you build. Speaking with Grell is a good start, but the whole reason for a bodyguard is to keep you safe when you are not with the family. So no. I will not run interference with Vex for you. As for the vessel Linlesse was the one who ultimately took care of the chips master, however she didn't want it. so it was taken in the name of the Ravenwood trading corporation. So you will have to figure out something else." Alehial patted his cheek then stood. she rang the rope that summoned Bowers and stepped to the desk. Quickly organizing her work and clearing a space she then pulled out parchment and fresh ink. "you can write the missive's to the coalition of traders under our name and ask for their earliest convenience so you can talk to them about the warehouse." She said looking up at him over the desk.

Conner clucked and handed his mother a roll of paperwork, "I bought the ship while she was in dock here in Andor and got the paperwork rushed through the harbourmaster. And I know the coalition takes it's cues from you and father, I do read the papers you leave on the desk. And I just ask for one day, have her take the twin terrors on an adventure. I know Samantha wants to learn more weapons and Vex is good."

"Your father and I will begin working with the girls shortly once we have decided all the detail. Vex is your bodyguard Conner because you need one. Unless you have forgotten there are at least three people alive that want me and your father dead and I'm fairly certain you children would be a bonus for them. Just because they take cue's on us doesn't mean we tell them what to do all the time." Alehial said, her hands going on her hips and eye's becoming sharper as she looked at her son. "If you want to do this, then you take guards. You take four minimum or Vex goes with you. You do not go out unattended to." Alehial said using the I'm almost done talking about this subject voice.

Conner looked at his mother, "Gee, out myself as nobility with four guards or convince my bodyguard to take me back to the place she refused to ever take me back to....? If she maims me I hold you responsible." he said with his usual smirk and hugged his mother before leaving the room. He passed his father who patted him on the shoulder and smiled at Alehial, "should I be concerned?" Altair took a seat on one of the couches and winced slightly, his shoulder had been aching as of late when the weather began to turn.

In no time Conner found himself at Vex's door and he figured it would be best to tell her he was going back to talk to Grell and apologize. And that they were going to give the camp the blankets to replace the thread bare ones for the winter, he would however hold back the offer of the warehouse from her. It was business that needed to be between him and Grell until everything was in place. Conner then straightened himself and knocked on her door.

"That boy is more Rand than I care for!" Alehial huffed. Of course she had hugged her son in return but he frustrated her so. She saw the wince though and sat down beside him on the couch he chose. "Does it hurt?" She asked softly, worry in her eyes and voice. Her hands were folded in her lap. she knew better than to just grab him. Besides healing spells didn't work on aches. Altair and Alehial had both tried. His body was simply becoming worn down from so many battles and reckless adventures. Meanwhile Alehial hadn't seemed to age a day. Or rather the aging Alehial had done... had made her look just a little more mature and beautiful. she was now an adult by Elven standard's. She hadn't been when they had first met.

There was a pause and some noises as things were put down before Vex opened the door. Her plain armor was put away out of sight again, but her Blade armor was out laid out carefully on the floor and freshly oiled. Her badge too. It was clear she intended to wear it more than her plain armor from now on. "Yes sir?" Vex asked She was wearing her under armor clothing, just the britches and the black shirt with full sleeves and tall collar. There was a black padded tunic that went under the armor itself and over what she was wearing now but she left that off. At least while she oiled her armor. She was a little surprised Conner was at her door, but he was going to do two things she was certain, feign beg forgiveness or try to 'fix' things. she was beginning to pick up on his patterns. She also had the book the Duchess had given her on the family background. She had read it once, but now she was reading everything from the Rand sections and that involved similar situations to how Conner acted. there were many bookmarks in it.

"I am going back to see Grell in the morning, I want you with me but not to speak for me. And not in the armor of a Blade, I'm not seeing Grell as a Ravenwood, simply as Conner." he was sincere but his tone also said he was firm on this route. "I have questions, but after today I doubt you'll want to answer them, so if what happens tomorrow changes your mind then we'll talk then." he turned and headed towards his room.

"Unfortunately for you after your tussle with the guardsmen, I will have to be in uniform for your safety. Also you are Conner Ravenwood whether you like it or not." She said to his retreating back, she was literally across the hall and down one room from him. He might not like facing reality but she wasn't going to let him run into harm running from it. All he had to do was be a little humble and actually ask. But he was stubborn and in her opinion stupid to boot. Young men were so difficult. she sighed.

Conner stopped and turned, "No, if those guards are harassing Grell and his people because of their race a visit from a member of the Ravenwood family might push them over the edge to something worse. Mine is a mixed blood family, not just a noble family with ties to non-human's of great renown in this kingdom. Going back as a no name mixed blood with his traveling companion will be easier and less dangerous to those we want to meet with. Tell you what, we'll borrow some horses and leave out through another gate and ride to Grell's camp, easier and safe. But, I value that insight Vex, I really do." He then went into his room and closed the door.

Vex watched the closed door for a moment before she silently snuck up to the door. Stopping beside it rather than directly in front of it and she listened. Making certain he was staying in for the night. After all he was already a confirmed flight risk. She would wait until she was certain he slept before she did as well.

Conner opened his door and stuck out a scroll, "You are too predictable Vex. Goodnight." When she unrolled it, it was a short letter. Vex, I am sorry how things went with Grell today. If I'd have known that any help might anger them I'd have sat on my hands until help would have been accepted. Please agree with my instructions for tomorrow. Conner.

Vex took the scroll and read it too. She smiled despite herself, boys really were stupid. She sat in the hallway where she had been standing. Leaning against the wall. She'd listen for a while. Just to make certain Conner wasn't going to do something stupid like run off. After a while however Vex nodded off propped against the wall.

Altair had went to bed earlier and now was Alehial's time to join him. When she left the den though she saw Sirrian crawling upstairs with his blanket. Originally, he was gong to go sleep with his twin sisters but when he saw Vex he changed his mind. He walked over and laid down resting his head on her leg and covering himself with hisblanket.

Alehial was exhausted, after her nightly prayers in the glen she had retired to the den to scry on all missing members of the family. She did so every day and would continue to do so until they were all returned home and safe. Even Lily, though her letter said she would stay where she was and that she was safe. Alehial had followed Sirrian quietly so he wouldn't notice her, and she smiled when he snuggled down to sleep. Alehial had looked into Vex a little, and while the woman didn't really like children they seemed to instinctively like her, she also was very gentle with them. After a moment Alehial went into a supply closet nearby and pulled out another blanket to cover both Vex and Sirrian with. Then she retired to her bedroom to hopefully join Altair in sleep. Or toss and turn all night. She never could figure out which would happen.

The next morning Vex woke up laying on her side with Sirrian tucked in against her, his thumb in his mouth and sleeping soundly. Also somehow they had gained a blanket while they had been asleep, it was early and she could barely see the slow rise of the sun out the east windows.

Vex blinked awake quickly and wondered who had put the blanket over them. Or when the child had joined her. She didn't really know what to do with the child. Someone should be aware of where he was... or know where he was supposed to be. Vex carefully got up making the little boy move as little as possible so as not to disturb him before she stood and stretched. Sleeping in odd places was never comfortable but this had been less awkward than usual. Vex then was at a loss, should she pick up the child? Move him somewhere? Surely she shouldn't leave him sleeping on the ground. She decided Conner would know, and he was closest. She didn't knock on the door, she simply opened it and walked quietly inside. Intent on waking up the young Ravenwood Lord and making him help.

She was a little surprised in what she saw, Conner was asleep in his bed he wore no top and his blanket was down to his waist and one hand over his face. The room was darkened and the fireplace was still offering heat, the room itself was nice without using tons of coin to make it garish. Over on one of the desks was a violin, still in pristine shape and well cared for, but it did not look like anyone had played it for a while.

Vex ignored the room and furnishings. She had seen it before and put up some basic tracking traps in case he got frisky and decided to sneak out of the house. She hadn't pegged Conner for a naked sleeper though, or to be as toned even in sleep. Though it made sense seeing as the Ravenwood's drilled all their children in combat from a fairly young age. Vex then decided, she turned around and carefully gingerly picked up Sirrian with the blankets around him and deposited him in Conner's bed. Just as gently and carefully placing him on the bed next to Conner. Then she turned to leave the room. This way no one would be the wiser and she would have time to get prepared for the day before Conner got up or could get ready before her.

A little while later Vex was in the dining room and could hear the maids shuffling around and Bowers instructing them to take everything into the drawing room and leave it there. Conner popped his head in to give her an appraising look, one if she was in her normal armor or Blades and if she had left the tiny terror in his bed. "Is there anything the encampment might need today?" he asked as he snagged a mug of tea from Bowers and thanked him.

Vex had worn her plain armor, but had left her badge on her shoulder, so it could clearly be seen. "Not from you." Vex said, she had been done eating for a while now, and her tea finished as well. she had just been in the way of the maids and Bowers. Vex was sort of surprised at all the good blankets being moved about. There was nothing wrong with them, they were clean, no holes and only a few had some staining. she was certain despite Bower's and the maids best efforts the stains were somehow either birth or magical related. She was still sore about yesterday, not to mention he wanted to go back again today. She just hoped Grell didn't want to kill him. She also hoped Hurk had calmed down and was doing alright.

Conner sighed and came to sit across from her, "Then tell me, Grell brought most of them together. What is something he likes or perhaps sacrifices doing so that he can look after the others? Or is there someone who I could approach to offer some sort of assistance to?"

"Grell's whole life has been helping others and doing mercenary work. He likes what he does." Vex shrugged her shoulders. "Grell like's looking after the children, most of the older one's were picked up by his father. He likes Beer, the drink from the eastern continent, he likes Ale fine but really likes Beer when he can get it. Grell is the speaker for the group... unless he is away on a job then it falls to Drew, he's the one with black hair and green eyes. Grell is lonely a little I know that but most Orc women, human women and even half orc's don't want to take on the responsibilities he does." Vex shrugged again. There wasn't a lot she could tell Conner, because those people lived their lives very simply. Something Vex still did as well, though Vex had more of a past then some of the people from the huts.

"So, all you can tell me is beer and he is lonely..." Conner said slowly. "Well, I can get him a cask of beer from Leopold's he trades with most of the brewers and taverns. So, a short stop before we head out the other gate to head for the camp, and I promise this trip will be better than the last." He then went into the drawing room and some ten minutes later came out with an old haversack on his back, "Times wasting, if you are ready than so am I."

"What's in the bag?" Vex asked curiously, she was a little worried honestly about what he might be up to for real. She didn't really trust him now for going out and about. "Grell is a good man. There are few like him." Vex said getting to her feet. She had left her own sack near the door. "I asked Bowers to have the stableman to have two horses ready. It'll take a while to travel to the huts from the other gate." Vex said.

"Always travel prepared." He answered with a smile. "And the travel doesn't worry me as much as those guards, I was thinking about asking Uncle Rand to split them up or send them to a different gate. I believe you are right about Grell, which is why I'm concerned about him and the camp's safety." They got to the stable and found the horses were ready for them, Conner took his reins and walked with the horse towards the gate. He'd walk him through most of the city, he always felt it wasn't fair to ride too long when they were leaving the city.

"There are roads for a reason. Mount up." Vex said a little exasperated with Conner. This family was odd, there was no other way to describe it, or explain it even. "Commander Rand isn't in control of the regular military, only the Blades. He can suggest or request, but there is no guarantee." Vex said checking the saddle and bridle of her own horse. She knew how to ride but it wasn't her favorite thing to do. She was a city girl after all. She however did mount her horse. Even walking the horse would be faster at moving through the city.

Conner resigned to her order and mounted his horse, "Well, perhaps then I should see if the General would talk to those in charge." he suggested in a veiled reference to his father. It shouldn't take them long to get to the gate and then only a couple hours to the hovels.

Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.2

Lunch time around the Ravenwood house always was interesting for Bowers, helping the mothers get children into the dining room and ready for their meal. Today was especially difficult because young Sirrian smelled his most unfavorite food and decided staying at the table was not an option. As lady Ravenwood was stopping him for the third time there was someone at the entrance door. He went to the door and opened it to reveal a man dressed in black coat, but his eyes were a dead give away the man was a psion and an older version of Darryl. "May I help you sir?" he asked not at all afraid but prepared for anything that might happen next.

"I am looking for my son or one of the Ravenwoods." was the man's stoic reply. It was obvious that he wasn't going to chat with the butler, he had other business.

"Sirrian! Get back in there and eat!" Alehial spoke exasperatedly as her toddler ran from the dining room and out into the main area of the house. Alehial was right after him and she scooped him up when he had stopped just outside of the dining room. "For God's sake child." She muttered before turning to look at the door and what Sirrian was looking at. "Well..." Alehial said softly her eyes wide and her expression was one of surprise. This man at the door... looked so much like Darryl Alehial was scared for a moment he would take him away. She had to shake herself a little, Darryl wasn't a baby anymore, he was fully grown with a wife and babe of his own now. She knew though that this was his father. There was no mistaking it, the resemblance and the shade of the eyes.

It had been years since Megryl had set eyes on Alehial Ravenwood or she had seen him. He continued to wait at the door step for an invitation inside, he was nothing if not formal. "Darryl?" Sirrian asked no longer squirming to be released from his mother. "Still bringing new children into this world Lady Ravenwood?" he asked looking close at Sirrian and then his mother.

"M'Lady?" Bowers asked still between the lady of the house and this new person.

"It's alright Bowers. Please bring tea to the sitting room. No baby not Darryl. Go play." Alehial said setting Sirrian down gently. She was willing to let him loose now. If Darryls biological father was showing up at her door something was going on important. Alehial gave sirrian a pat on the butt to dismiss him. She stood up and smiled graciously at Megryl. "Please forgive the delay, come in please." Alehial said. Why was everyone so surprised with the number of children she had? She couldn't understand. "I am in fact still in my prime." She responded to his words.

Bowers shut the door behind him and bowed low to Alehial, "Of course m'lady." They walked into the sitting room and Megryl unbuttoned his coat and sat at the chair offered. "I know my son and his wife have had a child and I am here to see the child. I am of course less interested in the mother than just the child." He was never one to mince words and got right to the reason of his visit.

"Yes they had a child. A daughter in fact, her name is Karina. You might be surprised by Darryl's wife, Megryl." Alehial said. She had wondered when he would be coming around. Honestly she thought he would show interest earlier in the pregnancy. "I can send a missive and see if they would be willing to receive you today? If you like?" Alehial offered. Darryl didnt really connect to Megryl at all, and hadnt been vdry interested in him either. "They are a little occupied at the moment." Alehial said wondering if he would know something aboiut Linlesse.

"It matters not, my son will see me and I will see the child. And if she has the power's we believe she does we will take her to the Enclave for formal training." Megryl told her. He realized that Darryl's potential was wasted because he embraced a life like his adoptive parents. But the child could truly have limitless potential and with the right training could do things he only dreamed about.

"I'm afraid that is up to her parents and the child herself Megryl. Perhaps you can convince Darryl to finally go as well. You made a compelling case to me in the past. I would advice against speaking of kidnapping Karina around Darryl and Asper however." Alehial said trying to be diplomatic, Megryl was quite the man... that never changed his mind about things and did things forcefully most of the time. But polite.

"The Enclave is in agreement this time, the chance for a child this special to be left to be raised without our supervision has passed." Magryl said. "I wish you to help me in convincing them to agree to let the child come if my inspection turns fruitful."

"I don't care what the Enclave is in agreement to or not. Abduction is out of the question. They will go willingly or not at all. If I recall I specifically asked... though I would use the term begged, for you to come and teach your own child. You refused. Then when it turned out he was stronger than anyone thought suddenly you were very interested indeed. If the enclave has issue's it should be with you for turning up your nose at the infant you deemed unworthy that you all desire as well as his offspring." Alehial said coolly leveling Megryl with an even and unwavering look. "I tried to convince Darryl once he was older to come to you for more training, but whatever words the two of you had." Alehial shrugged elegantly. "I can only do so much at this point, especially because Darryl is totally and completely devoted to his wife. When she says no, so does Darryl I'm afraid." Alehial sighed softly and rubbed one temple with a very slightly shaky hand, for just a moment she looked tired, then she smoothed out her expression again and looked back at Megryl. "I will come. I will try to talk to them both. But the Enclave keeping the babe will be completely out of the question. Coming for training however is within the realm of very possible." Alehial said folding her hands on her lap. One would think, with her being powerless against a Psion that Alehial wouldn't speak harshly or admonish, But having raised one, and being true to who she was, Alehial never backed down if she believed she was in the right. Even against impossible odd's or those of such strength as Megryl.

"I spoke once with Asper and my discussion with Darryl long ago will remain a topic between us." Megryl said. In truth he knew that to move against Darryl's adoptive mother would bring the psion in a heartbeat, and mean his demise as Darryl would bring the full scope of his powers against his father. "As a child his upbringing with such affection was a hindrance to his training. The Enclave decided it would not be prudent to train him as any other child with his abilities."

"Giving affection is not a hindrance to anything. However never giving affection only brings about cold heartless killers of all breeds and training." Alehial said folding her arms unhappily. She stiffened suddenly when she felt the spell and then heard Conner begging for help. she shot upright instantly. "Excuse me... I... have to cast a spell a moment." She apologized her eyes wide with concern as she looked to Megryl. She didn't question her son and what he asked of her. If he had truly been in trouble he would call for Darryl. To quench a fire meant something else had happened. The spell she was going to preform... wasn't local and it would have repercussions on all weather for a few days to weeks ahead but. It was the only one she had prepared along with others for the day. Alehial left Megryl for a moment before going into the den (temporary war room/scrying) she gathered the things she needed to cast and quickly put upon it. Once she was done she went back into the sitting room calmly and retook her seat. "Forgive my rude exit." She said bowing her head toward Megryl. She wasn't certain if he had heard Conner's spell or words, Darryl could, but that was the whole reason for this visit. "Shall we schedule a day to visit or is today when you are wanting this discussion to happen?" Alehial asked, she looked more pale now than she had just moments ago speaking.

"I am going to see him now, with or without you." Megryl said standing up and buttoning his coat. "You may believe rejecting affection makes one cold, but affection and emotion block focus and that stops one from finding true power. Good day Lady Ravenwood, I hope whatever you are going to is successful."

"They won't receive you unannounced Megryl. But good luck to you as well for what it is worth." Alehial said softly getting to her feet. "Just because we don't believe the same doesn't mean either of us is right or wrong." Alehial said Leading the way to the door. Megryl would tower over her if they stood side by side, but Alehial was never intimidated by height or size. she held the front door open. "I'm sorry I couldn't accompany you, If it wasn't spur of the moment, I might have been able to. I also... apologize for the rain." Alehial said as when she opened the door the previously sunny sky just went dark with clouds and let loose a downpour of rain.

Once Megryl had left Alehial's calm demeanor turned dark. She returned to the dining room to see her husband. She didn't know where her son was and what sort of trouble he was in to need such a spell at such a time. But she was going to find out.

Altair was finishing up with the twins lunch, Samantha had again asked for more training with a sword and Orissa justed wanted time to study. He had seen Alehial leave to speak with someone and waited to hear what it was all about.

"Please dad! I'll be really good! I've been practicing a lot!" Samantha begged yanking on his arm repeatedly. Orissa huffed and had her arms crossed, after Elsa had told her she couldn't study with her she had been upset. Then grandma Lai needed time to prepare for the baby and couldn't help her study either.

"Your son had me cast an extensive weather spell. Where is he? What huts? I know Vex took him out but where exactly? If there are fire's and danger he needs to not be there!" Alehial said rounding on Altair quickly. Samantha looked at her mother then to her sister and they both scattered into the kitchen and out of view. No one wanted caught up in storm Alehial.

Altair looked at Alehial with a look of a man who was unafraid of the storm, "My love, Conner told you where these hovels were not me. And do not forget he is with Vex and she is very capable of watching out for him, if you wish we can go to the hovels and offer our assistance."

Alehial grumbled and folded her arms. "Oh yes... by the walls...Vex isn't you or I!" Alehial practically snapped after begrudgingly accepting Altair's words. She spun on her heals and hurried up the steps to the room. She would suit up and head out. Altair didn't understand and it only upset her. She quickly armored up and strapped on her weapons. She was only moments before she stalked back down the stairs. Intent on grabbing a horse from the stables and rushing out.

Altair stopped her, "Darryl is going to move us to the gate and we will look at the situation before becoming involved. Conner will need to stand on his own at some point as he did in Sildea, even having Vex beside him. Us not letting Lily stand on her own or be part of the world outside our door is what caused her to run away." He knew how upset Alehial had been with the children going missing and not being able to protect them, but she had to learn they were getting older and needed to stand without their parents all the time.

"How dare you!" Alehial looked at him, her eyes wide. "I've been trying to prepare them! Their entire lives! Every lesson, every drill!" She said pulling harshly away from him. "I wanted to take them on trips outside of the city! I wanted to be there when they had their first kill! You said fifteen was too young! You said the girls needed more lessons! Conner is seventeen! He keeps making bad choices and he keeps getting into all these situations! Lily running was not my fault!" Alehial nearly growled out the last part. She was enraged. She had been trying to be a good wife, but she was raised elven, everything she did was at the behest of Altair and the human women (the queen and others), to raise the children in a human society she knew little about. "Stay here. I'll go alone." Alehial said her voice tight and controlled, her elven accent a little bit stronger in her anger. Her cheeks were red from her anger and her eyes shiny. "Darryl, please take just me to the gate." She said out loud, knowing her son was listening in.

Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.2

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2017-09-17 [Sheamus Finn]: missing yer post....

2017-09-17 [Nuktae-tal]: the ships haven't arrived yet. It was going to take them two weeks to get back I thought. and how could he buy it if it was already in his parents name?

2017-09-17 [Sheamus Finn]: he bought it when he left for Xeph...

2017-09-17 [Nuktae-tal]: oh lol I thought he was talking about the other vessel! there were three, one he somehow rode to Illian -bought? (with what money?) the one the other crew/prisoners had and the third one.

2017-09-17 [Sheamus Finn]: The one he took to Illian he bought with some gems he had on him. He doesn't always spend the money given to him...and he gambles just a little....

2017-09-18 [Nuktae-tal]: a little lol? buying a boat would be quite the amount of money but okay. Now I understand.

2017-10-01 [Sheamus Finn]: Feel free to toss Alehial into Grell lol

2017-10-01 [Nuktae-tal]: She doesn't know where they are. altair does though.

2017-10-02 [Sheamus Finn]: Conner did tell her where the hovels were.

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