Page name: Antimony Bennett [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-02-18 11:33:41
Last author: Pnelma Tirian
Owner: Pnelma Tirian
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<img:><img100*0:><img200*0:><img:>Courtesy of [Chel.]! <3
<img100*0:> Courtesy of [shadow of darkness]! =D

Name: Antimony Bennett

Alias: Qilin

Mutation: Four eyes, three horns, pointed ears, long, four-jointed fingers, talon-like paws for feet, and a horse's tail. Mild transformation and telepathy, along with the ability to create portals by absorbing matter. (Note: she can only make portals to places she's been.)

Age: 15

Description: Antimony is short and fragile-looking with extraordinarily fair skin with a short, soft layer of light blue fur. Her eyes have grey whites and amber irises, with a pair located in the normal place, and a pair just below. From the top of her forehead stems a long, curving horn about six inches long, white with a pink tint from the bottom. Peaking out between locks of hair are two small, devil-like horns on either side of her head. Her fingers are much too long, with extra joints, and her legs are inverted like a horse's, with cloven hooves. She has a long, crimson and white horse's tail.

Hair Color: passionate red

Eye Color: The whites are grey, the irises amber.

Relatives: Her mother, supposedly Casey Mander. Otherwise, none known.

Ethnicity: Most likely alien.

History: Minutes after she was born, Antimony was sent as far away from her mother as possible. Casey tried to send her to Xavier's school, but she was simply too young, and so suffered through peculiar social services and circus acts until her mother had found enough money for the ticket to New York. While she attended the school, she became quite enamoured with Lajoya Robinson, better known as Mime. They were together for quite a while until they broke up due to technicalities. She headed back for the coast, having saved enough to see her mother again, and had just opened a portal on Los Angeles soil back to New York when everything went to hell and she missed her target.

Any serious physical or mental conditions:

Personality: Antimony is pleasant and kind, not at all like her mother, although sometimes her genetic-bred cynicism slips out on accident. She tries her best to make sure everyone is comfortable around her, perfectly conscious of how strange she looks and the rumors that come along with her heritage.

Any Pets: A very small amount of blood mercury.



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2008-11-21 [shadow of darkness]: other: PHWAAAAA??? lol

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