Page name: Generation-X [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-12-27 02:51:41
Last author: shadow of darkness
Owner: Ravenclaw
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Mutant acceptance was just around the corner. It was so close you could taste it. It could be seen in the schools, the police departments and even the armed forces. All that was needed where a few more years of the X-Men fighting the good fight and showing the world that not all of us where bad. That was until they disappeared.

A low level teleporter by the name of Spot was wreaking havoc in the city. His powers had grown unexpectedly and he couldn't control them. By the time the X-Men arrived the recon team had already been sucked into his black hole. At the very last moment Beast was able to fix a collar around Spot’s neck to block his powers. At the last second Beast too was sucked into the vortex.

After that, with the X-Men gone bad guys like Magneto, Apocalypse and the Genocian government decided it was last call on all activities evil.

The rest of the teachers (all three of them) tried to hold the school together. Teacher is a loose term considering that educational microbes where planted into each of the students. Basically downloading educational information into our brains once a day for twelve weeks. Most of us where college graduates by 15. But most of the kids where taken out of the school by their parents. Those of us who remained had no where else to go.

Any way with the teachers gone and the X-Mansion willed to the remaining students the best we can do is carry on their work.

We are what’s left of Xavier’s vision. We are X-Men.

Generation-X News


The School Entrance Hall
The Rec Room
The Danger Room3
The Food Court
The Lower Level Locker Room
the school garden
the school kitchen
Lower level Infirmary
Eliza's Lab

St. Matthews

Persional Rooms:

Waya's Room
The Twin's Room
Rhydian's Room
Eliza's Room
Junior's Room
Veronica's Room
Kale's Room
Jeremy's Room
Phinagin's Room
Maribel's Room
Penelope's Room

The Team:
Waya Smith
Jayden Relman
Jaden Relman
Rhydian Novak
Eliza Burd
Junior Relman
Jeremy Marks
Phinagin Carlyle IV
Maribel Aiton
Veronica Darling
Kale Tashino
Merril Himura
Antimony Bennett

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2013-05-04 [Evolution X]: Jeremy's basically a skeletal green man with long hair, red eyes and coloured green. Thing a banshee, or a ghoul, something that looks like it lives underneath the bed. He's also really skinny, so stuff that he wears, typically brows and greens because of his skin colour, is really baggy on him.
Eliza's a normal girl with long naturally blue hair, she wears whatever she can get her hands on, though nothing that would be risky to he in a lab environment. So usually jeans and plain t-shirt she can throw away if overly stained.
George is... a large robot. Right now, because of Mojo, imagine him as something that Apple might produce, trying to make it look macho and cool. Very sleek and white and fake muscles molded into plastic.

2013-05-04 [Chel.]: Penelope has bright magenta skin, black eyes and stark white hair. Her hair is just past her shoulders and straight. She is very well kept and fashionable with a smaller sized bust, but with a slight hourglass figure.

Maribel on the other hand has mutated from a cute, quiet French girl into a spider lady. Her fingers and toes are blackened and elongated and the rest of her complexion has greyed. There are little spider-like arms that stick out of her neck and retractable fangs that shoot out from the inside of her mouth. They are slightly visible when she smiles. Her eyes are also, but instead of one dark iris, there are several that are clustered together.

2013-05-05 [NOOOPE]: I think the last person I need to know about is strawberry, unless there are more bioless people than penelope, george and rex.

2013-05-05 [Evolution X]: rex isn't around now, he was a villain.

2013-05-05 [NOOOPE]: alright

2013-05-05 [Ravenclaw]: MOTHERFUCKING WRITE YOUR FUCKING BIOS! Quit posting them here and fucking write them!

2013-05-05 [Evolution X]: She asked us to describe not in the bios...

2013-05-05 [Ravenclaw]: I told you all to post bios like two weeks ago.

2013-05-05 [NOOOPE]: No, I needed people to describe the bio-less characters, because without bios, there are no descriptions. I would love for everyone to post completed bios.

2013-05-05 [Ravenclaw]: everyone should already have bios up, but we seem to play with a bunch of lazy motherfuckers.

2013-05-05 [Evolution X]: That I am.

2013-05-05 [Chel.]: Yus.

2013-05-05 [Ravenclaw]: DO IT

2013-12-19 [Chel.]: Can someone archive? I did it the last 2-3 times and kind of don't want to. :P

2013-12-19 [Ravenclaw]: I msged sod about it. he's not had any time yet

2013-12-20 [shadow of darkness]: as soon as I get a chance I shall...may not be til saturday after work though.

2013-12-21 [Chel.]: ...

2013-12-21 [shadow of darkness]: if you dont like it, do it yourself.

2013-12-21 [Ravenclaw]: we've been crazy busy

2014-09-09 [Evolution X]: sooooo... who's turn is it?

2014-09-09 [Chel.]: Everyones?

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