Page name: Aruna'la Tarr [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-08-13 20:42:55
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Aruna'la, Jedi Knight

Username: [Lady of Lore]


Name: Aruna'la Tarr

Sex: Female

Homeworld/Ethnicity: Ryloth - Twi'lek

Master/Padawan: Previous master- Shaak Ti, Padawan-none currently

Age: 25

Status: Knight


Hair Colour/Style: Skin color yellow, style, lekku held by a sumple headdress.

Eye Colour: Brown

Height: 5'9"

Build: Lithe, with lean muscles but a tall figure.

Clothing Style: simple jedi master garb with an ornate necklace she wears under her tunic.

Background:. Aruna'la was born on the twi'lek homeworld of Ryloth where she was raised by her mother. The two of them lived happily until slave traders captured her and killed her mother. Intending to sell her to a toupe of exotic dancers, the slave traders kept her locked up with several other twi'lek women and girls on thier vessel until Jedi Master Shaak Ti and a few other jedi came across the craft and freed the twi'leks. Aruna'la was only four at the time but showed great promise in the force so the jedi brought her back to the temple for training. There she served under Shakk Ti as a padawan until gaining the rank of knight. Since then she has always felt very strongly for the oppressed.

Personality: Aruna'la has a very patient and serene manner. All of her movements seem deliberate and by so she posesses a gentle grace about her. She strives to view things rationaly and serves well as a mediator in arguments. She has a deep love of all lving things and cannot help but be ever optomistic and happy. In a fight her movements become dancelike and she is skilled in bith lightsabre fighting and hand to hand combat.

Weapons: Saber color is green (can dual weild), only other weapon is bare hand.


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