Page name: BSS Goodies [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-02-28 06:02:45
Last author: Silver Moon
Owner: wicked fae mage
# of watchers: 6
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Username:[wicked fae mage]
Name: Nami Jennings
Age: 18
Description: Nami’s hair is naturally reddish brown, but she dyed it black, her eyes are dark blue with a hint of grey. Naturally, as a goth she has pale skin and constantly wears kick ass black clothing. She is slender and still relatively short with her ears and belly pierced as well as having an Eye Of Horus tattoo on her lower back which is decorated with a black thorn vine.
Gender Female
History:She was the target of mild bullying in her middle-school years, but since she met Nagi she overcame her shyness (save around Nagi who she’s been pretty much in love with since she met him), even still despite her boring home life. She grew up in the middle class and thus gave herself a work ethic and a want to be something less boring than an accountant and a secretary like her parents. This inspired her to study hard (earning her the teasing) and figure out a way past being average which eventually leads her to take college classes while she’s still in high school.
Personality: Nami is the usually quiet type, unless she’s around her friends (just about everybody on the trip are her friends to some degree or another) in which case she is just calm and serene as well as incredibly self-conscious, but a lover of wine and to relax, with a tendency to take things too far when she is intoxicated.

Username:[wicked fae mage]
Name: Nagi Williams
Age: 18
Description: Nagi has shorter black hair and golden honey eyes. He is athletic and still on the short side at 5’8. He usually wears comfortable clothing and the silver heart necklace Nami gave him.
History: Nagi is a jock, but then again, isn’t. He’d always been naturally athletic and he’d channeled it in unusual ways such as martial arts, fencing, track and meditation. He learned to channel his aggression and…lusty…emotions into other activities and thus, after meeting Nami took up mostly meditating and dropping his other activities. Raised by two hippies, he grew up understanding chakras and other off-beat ideas and took to loud music in his teenage years to avoid hearing them calmly talk to him about his sexual energies since that makes him feel the need to meditate to get his usual thoughts about Nami out of his head.
Personality: Nagi is a calm man with a very long fuse. He’s easily embarrassed while put on the spot despite being decently popular. He has a habit of making smart remarks when he sees an opportunity present itself, which gets him a few scoffs from Lulu, his usual target of mockery.

Username:[wicked fae mage]
Name: Ame (Uh-May) the Protector
Age: 1503
Description: Ame has golden eyes and semi-long black hair. He has an athletic build and stands at 5'8 and wears "The Armor of the Protector" which includes a cape, a one-handed sword, a mask and a silver heart-shaped necklace.
Gender: Male
History: Ame is Anoka's brother. After trying for many years he finally gathered the courage to ask for a beautiful young woman's hand in marriage. Her father approved and she was given to him. His brother was given her sister. After trying for many years Ame and his wife managed to conceive a child as did Anoka and his wife. When he heard of intruders in his home during a time of his absence he fled home immediately, finding Ryushi who killed him nigh instantly.

Restless and willing to give anything for a chance to protect his beloved and all others from Ryushi and his evil companions, his spirit lived on in his prized armor which was left in his final resting place within a pyramid.
Personality: Ame is over-protective and sensitive. He is charismatic and admired...with a sharp tongue when he is angered..though that is difficult to do since he is so naturally calm.

Username:[wicked fae mage]/[Ravendust]
Name:Lulu King
Age: 17
Description: Lulu has long strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes. She is taller and slender with a graceful figure and a sharp tongue.
History: Lulu grew up rich and thus sees money as something easy to come by and she wastes it constantly. She clung to Anka and Nami since they were the first two to deal with her haughty attitude.
Personality: Getting laid is usually her number one goal with her shallow thoughts and barely tangible morals. She is very cocky and quick to reprimand advice and suggestions, but she tends to be quite affectionate and generous.

Username: [Ravendust]
Name:Anka Vang
Description: Anka has shoulder-length dyed black hair and beautiful green eyes. She has a slender build and stands at about 5'2" and has light complected skin. She enjoys wearing mostly blacks as a goth and has a tattoo of an ankh with tribal designs leading out from it.
Gender: female
History: She's had a lot of troubles in her past due to the differences between herself and her family and has often sought to change herself to please them. Eventually she gave up and adopted her own personality and befriended Nami and Lulu. Since then she's worked hard to do as she dreams and entered college early while still finishing her high school courses.
Personality: Generally quiet and reserved Anka is an intelligent girl, who often only speaks her mind with her closest of friends, most of which are on the trip with her. Like anybody else she loves a good drink and relaxing. When she drinks too much, however she becomes highly amusing and talkative, and can be pretty damn convincing in her points.

Username: [Ravendust]
Name: Yaryck
Ferret form: As a ferret he's small and white with patches of brown and black along his face and back. He has a black tuft of fur in the shape of a star on the back of his ear.
Human Form: He stands at about 6'6" and has a sinewy form with a light layer of muscle. He's got long silver hair and a pair of fuzzy ears atop his head and he has beautiful golden eyes.
Gender: male
History: A long time ago Anoka led a peaceful life. He and his brother had married a pair of sisters who both became large with child. While on a hunting trip they were approached by a servant who told them of intruders in their home, and upon returning home it was to find their servants slain. Anoka's brother was shortly murdered, by none other than Akra and Ryushi, and Anoka left to survive all of his loved ones. He settled himself to death, laying by them for nine days. At last he was rescued by an old crone who gave him an ultimatum- become immortal and hunt the demons or live out the remainder of his life with no purpose. He took the potion.
Personality: Thoughtful and generally quiet, Anoka has had many years to settle his temperament and become the overprotective guardian he is today.

Username:[Ravendust]/ [wicked fae mage]
Name: James Valentine
Age: 26
Description: He has shaggy black hair and and deep brown eyes. James stands at about 6' even and has a lightly muscled build. He tends to wear a trenchcoat, lined with whatever comes to mind, usually products to keep his students of of 'trouble'.
Gender: male
History: James grew up in an ultimately serious and dull household. Eventually he broke free from his parent's tight reign and created his own existance. He graduated high school and went on to college, studying long and hard to become a teacher. He has a close relationship with his students and enjoys 'being a kid' right alongside them.
Personality: Wild and unpredictable. 'nough said. :)

Username:[wicked fae mage]/[Ravendust]
Name: Akira Williams
Age: 20
Description: Akira has long messy black hair that he doesn't brush and that falls to the middle of his back. He has Nagi's family's expected golden honey eye color and pale skin. He's 5'8 and 160 lbs.
Gender: male
History: Akira is affected by whatever the hell is messed up in Nagi's family's gene pool, and thus is a complete pervert. He does have morals, as loose as they are because he was taught about karma at a young age. He and Nagi were close before he hit puberty and changed from a rough housing young boy to a sex-craved man.
Personality:Akira is laid-back and open to having sexual relations with any beautiful woman he sees, including and especially Nami, just to make Nagi jealous. He is sex-obsessed with twisted morals and even more twisted ways with making the right outcome of a situation happen. He does have a personality, it's just difficult to understand him at first.

Username: [Fearathress]
Name: Nikita Stalin
Age: 18
Description: Nikita has strawberry blonde hair that is layered to the middle of her back, with curled bangs, icy blue-green eyes that if caught right in the light look gray, very white almost pale skin covered in freckles. She is very fit, and weighs about 124 pounds and stands at 5’1½. She is usually seen wearing business casual clothes, including high heels, yes even in the desert she doesn’t forget her since of style.
Gender: Female
History: Nikita grew up as a military brat, so when she transferred to the new school she had already accumulated 42 hours of college credit and decided for once in her life she was going to take a class that was at least simi fun and got her way from her parents. So she ended up in Claudia’s class. She loved history, most especially world history, and possibility of digging up bones was a plus for her. She also spoke Arabic and a small amount of Egyptian, which she picked up when her mom got stationed in Egypt for 2 years when she was 10.
Personality: Nikita can be very nice and sweet, but she can also be very political and bitchy at the same time; it’s a plus for wanting to become a lawyer. Having moved around a lot Nikita finds trust very hard to come by, but when she gets with a group of people like those on the trip who have a lot in common she is very laid back and loves to party. However, unlike most teens her age she never drinks too heavily and prefers German alcohol or wine over anything. With her love of the law and sence of justice, Nikita believes she is like the Goddess Ma'at.

Username: [MyAlterEgo]
Name: Accalia Harlow
Age: 17
Description: Accalia has light caramel skin, black hair that reaches mid-back, and dark purple eyes. She loves piercings and tattoos, proving it by having snake bites, as well as her ears pierced six times on each side, and an eyebrow ring. She also has three tattoos, which are a skull on her ankle, wings on her back, and a star on her wrist. She wears a variety of different clothing, ranging anywhere between her beloved lolita skirt and combat boots toa brigh rainbow hoodie. She alternates between being quiet and shy, to being loud and outgooing. She loves to party,her favorite alcoholic drink being Bicardi Raz, and never passes up an oppertunity to do so.
Gender: Female
History: She's from a small town that she never likes to mention. Her parents are rich and snobby, constantly trying to force her into being someone she's not. Her mother hates the whole gothic thing, and never passes up an oppertunity to force pink and frilly things upon her. Accalia hates being rich,and tries to hide the fact that she is. She wanted to get as far away as possible from her town, the result being her enrolling in a far away college.

Username:[wicked fae mage]/[Ravendust]
Name: Jewel Cunningham
Age: 17
Description:Jewel has short black hair and caramel skin. She has almond eyes and wears whatever is comfortable.
Gender: Female
History: Jewel transferred from schools a lot, never really befriending anybody until she met Nami, Nagi, Anka and Lulu. She started taking college classes as a way to get away from home and school.
Personality: Jewel is quiet, observant and shy. She follows orders and is never one to give orders.

Name: Julian Hauge
Age: 21
Description:Julian is 5’7, slender, white, green eyes, short black hair, and gay.
Gender: Male
History: Julian moved around a lot when he was young and “came out of the closet” his parent’s disowned him and left him to fend for himself. At the bright age of 16 after school Julian was an exotic dancer by night. Upon graduation and the saving up his tips Julian enrolled in college full time as a Anthropology major. 
Personality: Julian is very easy going and loves to party. Having been an exotic dancer he doesn’t mind giving a little show to whoever wants it.

Username:[Silver Moon]
Name:Kyo Nagamii
Description:Wears baggy Goth clothing which makes his slender stature seem even more small. He is a little short for his age. He has long red hair that comes to his waist with black highlights. He has a slender more feminine face and is sometimes mistaken for a girl. He has unique violet eyes, the only indication of his American mother's heritage. He has a scar shaped like a cross on his chest.
History:He was born the youngest child to a Japanese business executive and an author. When he was two there was a terrible car accident and his family was killed. He was in critical condition and nearly died. When he recovered he was placed in foster care. There he was treated poorly and ended up becoming more shy and withdrawn as well as rebellious.
When he was ten he was adopted by a preacher who was convinced he would get rid of his rebellions streak. When he persisted to dress like a goth and sneak out the preacher was convinced he had the devil in him and had his sons hold him down. He carved a large cross deeply into his chest, he still has the scar today. He was hospitalized due to loss of blood. After he got out he tried to tell a social worker but they claimed he did it to himself for attention. The preacher grew tired of his continuous rebellion and returned him to foster care.
Over time he has been adopted ten times but each time meets in failure due to his rebellious nature, and poor choice in foster families. He studied hard with the aim of going to college because he hopes it will make him more desirable for adoption.
He met up with a group of people that were like
him...outcasts and rebels. He discovered they played music well and they discovered he sung well. Soon they formed a band called "Shadows Rising" which has gained in popularity and has received some public attention as well. His band are his only friends and the only ones he is able to open up to and trust, they have formed a family.
He was adopted recently by a family that puts up with him but doesn't love him. They want his inheritance money which he will inherit when he turns 18. His father amassed a decent fortune and he will receive it on his 18th birthday. They pretend to love him but they intend to kill him after he receives the money and they get it from him.
Personality: He pretends to be cold and distant because he is afraid of more heart ache and hurt. In reality he is caring and sensitive. He longs for love but believes he is unworthy of it. He is shy and quiet but passes it off as indifferent. If someone were to look close enough they would see his sensitive side.

Username: [The Last Dragoon]
Name: Jared Bryant
Age: 17
Description: Jared has light tanned skin, and a medium build, short spiky sandy blonde hair, and a black flame tattoo on his left arm, he wears a black sleeveless vest and elbow pads, black fingerless gloves and often carries a katana that he uses with surprising skill
Gender: Male
History: Jared grew up in the same town as Accalia, they had been very close since they were very small, he was also from a very well off family but was the third of four identical boys, he hated feeling like his whole life was to be part of a matched set so he was often away from home, he learned Japanese swordsmanship during his time abroad, he would often take Accalia with him on his trips.
Personality: rarely open unless with his friends, loyal to those precious to him and kind to those whom he believes deserve it.

Username: [Gypsy Mystik]
Name: Ciarine Rayne
Age: 19
Description: See Image
Gender: Female
History: Ciarine was the only child of proud Irish parents. She loved reading and her parents encouraged her to dream all the time. She learned to write at a very young age and even started to write down her dreams, being told that she could be an author when she grew up. At 14 years old, she was allowed to get a job, and has been saving up her money for the future. She is on this trip to travel and to gain ideas for stories.
Personality: Kind-hearted, generious, quiet, loyal to the friends she has...

<img:> Back to- Bitter Song of the Sand

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2010-01-29 [wicked fae mage]: Thank you [moira hawthorne] for a lovely sign!

2010-01-29 [Silver Moon]: I don't remember all of his back story *cries* I will work on a new one when I can. It's ok I am not upset with you I am upset that it did that

2010-01-29 [MyAlterEgo]: Love the sign. And love Julian as well =)

2010-01-29 [wicked fae mage]: Lol he can work at the club mentioned in the Background story's winter holiday special! (For those of you not informed, [Ravendust] and I are working on many stories up to the day of this trip with our characters and if you'd like to read them let me know and I'll link you all of the info.)

2010-01-29 [Silver Moon]: I was thinking of my chary being a singer in a goth band

2010-01-29 [Fearathress]: lol sounds great what was the name???? *goes back to read* *huggles silver*

2010-01-29 [Silver Moon]: Kyo Nagamii

2010-01-29 [wicked fae mage]: the background story
the backwards holidays (Halloween is their senior year, the rest are their junior year and still under construction)
Background What If Stories

2010-01-29 [Silver Moon]: My character isn't done...

2010-01-29 [wicked fae mage]: It's okay. You can edit and such later, too.

2010-01-29 [Silver Moon]: there

2010-01-29 [Silver Moon]: are we allowed using pics?

2010-01-29 [MyAlterEgo]: nik, you dont mind if i change jewel's description a little do you?

2010-01-29 [Gypsy Mystik]: damn it... I was posting and lost everythign

2010-01-29 [Fearathress]: oooo thats the second time tonight thats happened

2010-01-29 [Gypsy Mystik]: yea

2010-01-29 [Silver Moon]: so we are allowed pics?

2010-01-29 [Fearathress]: yes

2010-01-29 [Silver Moon]: I know the pic shows the cross on his hip but it is on his chest in the game

2010-01-29 [wicked fae mage]: No, Cara you can change it so long as she's still shy and quiet.

2010-01-29 [wicked fae mage]: And pics at 300 please. Preferably uploaded to ET so there are no broken links.

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