Page name: Bot Character creation [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-02-07 08:49:48
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Character Creation

Please fill this out and send your character information to [Project Elysium]. Remember, you are playing a human character that lives on our current planet Earth. You may choose to play yourself, however if you prefer to play a fictional character that is also acceptable. I also ask to try and keep things realistic as possible, so try and play something you think you would find easily enough in the world. Some leeway may be given, if a well enough reason can be presented before character creation.

General Information

Player username:
Character name:
Alignment:(How do you view the world? Please check BoT Alignment) This is not rigid and is more of a guideline of how your character would act in certain circumstances, and isn't meant to be followed rigidly. But more so to add depth to the character. I realize as well as others should, that though a person is a certain alignment circumstances can make them act out of their alignment and sometimes there will be consequences of those actions.


Brief History:


Rate your character in each area. You may rate them between 1 and 10, where 1 is very poor, 5 is average and 10 is very strong. In total, you may only put down 40 rating points. For more info follow this link: More information about character skills. This is taken from [Mira Ravenheart]'s old RP and think it does a pretty accurate job of portraying where each point would fall on the scale.

Strength: How physically strong is your character?
Dexterity: How agile and coordinated is your character?
Constitution: A measure of how resilient a character is.
Wisdom: How much worldly experience does your character have?
Intelligence: How intelligent is your character?
Charisma: How attractive and persuasive your character is.
Luck: How luck is your character. Is she a black cat and the proverbial black cloud follows them? Or are they the slick-dealers that have unbelievable good look and almost always have circumstances fall in their favor?


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Username (or number or email):


2012-02-08 [Evolution X]: We need to add Luck to the "more information about character skills." page

2012-02-08 [Project Elysium]: That is a link to Mira's old one so don't think we should just jack her page. Figured that was the best and easiest to show a scale.

2012-02-08 [Evolution X]: Ah, suppose... but she hasn't been on for over a hundred days...

2012-02-08 [Project Elysium]: If you want to take a copy the page and give reference to her, then make a similar format table for 'luck'

2012-02-08 [Evolution X]: Maybe.

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