Page name: CatchMy-Drift [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-01-04 17:09:24
Last author: Chimes
Owner: Chimes
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Under Construction - [Chimes]&[Duke Devlin]


'Have you ever been ignored because of your age? Have you ever been discriminated against because of what you wear or what you listen to? Have you ever been stereotyped in to something that you aren't? Does it annoy you? If so then you are welcome here, and you will probably find yourself intrigued by what you find here as you are like us. We look forward to seeing your responses.'

CatchMy-Drift is a E-Zine in progress, it is no where near complete in any way, but we feel that it is complete enough to be shown. We deal with issues that affect us as well as things we enjoy or like. We see it as a way to get our views noticed and hopefully grab the attention of others. We can't say that it will be everyones cup of tea but it is there for those who want it.

Though we do write for others entertainment and/or enjoyment we also write for ourselves, a number of the articles are things we feel we need to write about. Some of them can be very personal to us. Some of them may not be appreciated, but - again - we right for ourselves.

We are always on the look out for new talent, be it in graphic design or writing, or maybe something different altogether. If you are interested please feel free to fill in one of the application forms, we would love to make this a universal project, instead of having it just come from our relatively small town.

To visit the site:

- The CMD Staff.
Current Staff:
[Duke Devlin], [Chimes], [Sombre], [Mortified Penguin]


Username (or number or email):


[Rice]: Why was i demoted then?

[Chimes]: You did not contribute to the actual e-zine you showed no interest other than that one thing, you did not mention it at all therefore were demoted due to lack of interest or contribution.

[Rice]: What if i show interest and contributin.

What has everyone else done?

[Chimes]: Steph and I write articles and do the general running of the Site, Raz joined our team today, and is making us graphics and possibly a layout and she will possibly contributing an article or two. We have had an interested writer and another graphic design person, who is currently seeing what she can do with freewebs before she decides to apply for a position or not.

[Rice]: Can i write articles on books, since thats more my calling?

[Mortified Penguin]: ...*eats ramen*...

[Chimes]: It all depends what they are, you'll have to write one and we'll see. There wouldn't be much point if you are not willing to be somewhat commited to it, we decided staff members must make regular contributions instead of just the rare one, if you are more of the latter then you are probably more suited to guest submissions.

[Rice]: Well you never mentioned that to me, it's the first i heard of anything like that. If i had been informed about it i would of contributed more.

Besides, i thought you, me and Steph were the ones who came up with this idea, but then i guess that has been kicked out the picture now.

[Chimes]: Well, it kind of goes without saying that if you do something you should be committed to it, it is common sense

If my memory serves me, on the bus you merely agreed to taking part, were active for a couple of days then we heard nothing more from you. I suggested it, Steph put forward ideas and continues to remain active on that and every other front.

[Rice]: Steph merely agreed to taking part as well, if my memory serves me. I went on the forum, posted some stuff, movie reviews and what not, but i didn't really see anything else for me to do to be honest. You were doing the page and i did ask if you wanted me to help but you simply said you could deal with it.

What is common sense? I didnt know this EZine thing was some sort of mandatory cult now, where you get demoted and deleted randomly without even a word. You never asked me to do anything, i am not a mind reader.

[Chimes]: Um, actually she has submitted an article to the actual e-zine which is on the site, she gives tons of ideas and she did so on the bus and she helps me sift through applications and such. And if you read the page, you would know what the e-zine was - you would know how it differs from the forum - and if you paid attention to anything I said to you during that time, you would know that it was designed for writing articles and that was genrally what you would be doing.

Common sense is that you would have to write for it more than once, it is in no way a mandatory cult, but aknowledging it's existence wouldn't go amiss. That is common sense, it is just like being part of a wiki, except on a different site.

You did not seem interested for months, therefore we figured you would not care if you were deleted, and seeing as you have not spoken to me lately I would assume you had some problem of me at which point you wouldn't want to be part of something that would mean you would have to interact with me in some way.

From the site:

'We reserve the right to effectively fire any member of staff we accept, this will occur if you:

-Do not contribute in any way for more than a few weeks without any valid or expressed reason why
-Purposely cause problems within the site

If you do not contribute for months, we will not see it necessary to inform you, if you happen to stumble across this website again and remember that you were once part of the team and wish for a reason for your deletion then we will not hesitate to tell you.

That may have sounded unnecessarily harsh, however we are nice people, we just do not want people who have no interest in the site cluttering up our space, which we are sure you understand. Please be informed that if you just want a position so that you can say you have one, you will be deleted with or without reason.'

[Rice]: It's hard to pay attention to you when all you ramble on about is yourself and other pointless stuff, sometimes, strike that most of the time, it makes me want to kill you thus i ignore you. I don't want to go to prison for murder.

Just to clarify, i am not 'atempting' to scare or threaten you, i am simply telling you why i ignore everything you say. ^^ I am sure you do the same to me.

[Chimes]: Well, that made me smile. However seeing as we have strayed from the point of this wiki, may I suggest we take this conversation else where?

[Rice]: I smiled to.XD...they are fanastic arn't they.

I don't really see a point in it, but if you want to then send me a message or whatever. Otherwise go ahead and delete all these comments, as i know you want to, they ruin your wiki.

[Chimes]: I might delete them when I can be bothered, or if Steph wants me to. Otherwise until I can be bothered to do so they can stay here.

[Rice]: For everyone to read :D and marvel at yes?
Well everyone who bothers to come on this thing so..4

[Chimes]: They can read it if they want, but I can't really see anyone wanting to sit down and read this for the sake of it to be very honest.

[Rice]: I would...if it was another person and another person.

[Chimes]: Whatever floats your boat.

[Mortified Penguin]: ...poor little critter never made it...

[Duke Devlin]: *Shrug* Life goes on.

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