Page name: Chapter 11: Battle 3 [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-03-25 22:35:04
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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Rika and Hiei scowled furiously as they saw Atamis grinning with his hands crossed behind his back. "Well hello Rika, and...Hiei. It IS nice to see you again, isn't it?" He said walking toward the ring. "SHUT UP YOU BASTARD! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ALIVE!? HIEI KILLED YOU!!!" Rika yelled in disgust. "Well, I guess he isn't as strong as you think, now is he." Atamis answered looking at Hiei as he finished saying it. Hiei had a most furious look on his face. Then Atamis giggled evilly, "Well, we didn't come here to gawk, now did we? So why don't we get down to the fighting." "FINE! Just as long as I can kill you for good!" Rika agreed unsheathing her double elbow swords from her back. "I want his head!" Hiei said with his sword in his hands. "Only if you can get it first." Kurama said with his Rose Whip out. "Man, I'll make him cry all the way back to his mommy!" Kuwabara said with his fist up to about his chest. "He'll regret the day he ever messed with us!" Yusuke said cracking his knuckles. "Well, normally five against one wouldn't be fair odds. But I think I can take you." Atamis said.

They all rushed at him and started to TRY to hit him with everything they had. But he dodged each time. Then he punched Hiei, kicked Rika, jabbed Yusuke and Kuwabara in the stomach, hit Yuniko, and hit Kurama in the face. Rika, Hiei, and Kurama had been thrown to the side. Rika sat up, "Are you guys all right?" Hiei leaned up and his hands and knees, "Yeah..." "Yes." Kurama agreed. "I'm fine." Yuniko said. Then they stood up. "I don't think charging at him will work. We need a different approach." Kurama said. "Yeah, I agree." Rika said. Yusuke and Kuwabara had already restarted to attack him. "Those two will keep going till they die....." Rika said with her arms crossed. "They'd be good as a distraction." Yuniko said. Kurama looked at them, and they looked at each other, then smiled. They huddled together to form a plan as Yusuke and Kuwabara remained as distractions, though it was unknown to them that they were distraction......

Hiei ran to the left, and Kurama, to the right with Yuniko. Rika stood where she was. Then she slowly walked forward. Yusuke and Kuwabara were then hit outside the ring and into the walls. Atamis looked at the now approaching Rika. She had a wicked smile on her face. She got about two feet away from him then stopped. "Rushing to your death are we?" Atamis said, then reached his hand to her neck. Just as he was about to grab her, Hiei came down from above and nearly sliced him. But Atamis dodged to the left. Kurama came up behind his and kicked him. Yuniko made plants rise up from the ground and knocked him harder. Rika disappeared, then reappeared in front of him as he was still falling. Then she punched him into the ground and he slid into the wall. Hiei then made the ground come up and fly down into Atamis. Then Rika came up in the air with her swords and began to come down where Atamis was. But the smoke covered him. Just as she was about to come down on him, Atamis hit her in the stomach. His hand still hit on her stomach, she looked like she had the wind knocked out of her. The he looked her straight in the eye and said, "You will die here. So none of your little plans will-AHHH!" Hiei hit him before he finished and held Rika. She coughed, catching her breath and breathed hard for a minuet. Kurama ran at Atamis and tried to slash him with his Rose Whip. But Atamis dodged, having some trouble though. Then Yuniko tried to hit him. "KURAMA, YUNIKO, GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Yusuke yelled, "SPIRIT GUN!" He shoot his Spirit Gun at Atamis and Kurama and Yuniko jumped back. Atamis barely dodged it and his leg got cut by the shock of the spirit bullet. Rika saw this chance and ran at him. Once she got close enough she slice her swords at him, He jumped back, only getting deep cuts on his right arm and left leg. Rika smiled in satisfaction. Then Atamis smiled and started to laugh. Rika frowned. "You are so weak." then a powerful, orange, ora surrounded him. Then he shot beams at the whole team. The crowed went wild. Rika was buried under pills of dubrie from the stands. "RIKA!" Kurama and Hiei yelled. Atamis laughed and they all glared at him. His energy was amazing, and kept growing. He shot the team more. Just as Hiei was about to fly back into the wall he made giant thorn vine rise up from the ground and try to wrap around Atamis. But his ora made them burn and turn into ashes. Hiei hit the wall hard as the same with the others. Kurama recovered and had a fearful look on his face as he looked up.

He saw what looked like soul carriers. White streaks of light that slithered in the air like snakes. White glowing orbs were being held by the 'head' of the thing. The heads didn't have a face or where shaped like a head. They were more like a oval bulge with little grasps to hold the orbs. There were a few of them swirling around and circling the stadium. Kuwabara came up to him, "What are they?" "I-I'm not sure." Kurama answered almost stuttering, "But I have a bad feeling..." Yuniko came up to him had put her hands on his shoulders.

Hiei staggered to his feet with one arm around his stomach as Atamis slowly walked toward him. "Your such a fool. You stand to fight knowing I'm going to kill you. You fell in love with a girl that's going to die, and get you killed as well. If you stayed down I MIGHT have spared you. Do you want to die?" Atamis stopped walking as he asked the last question. "You won't kill me, or her!" Hiei argued. Rika, who was still under the ruble, was hearing and seeing everything through a small crack in the giant pile. She was pinned by a big, heavy rock jabbed in her back and legs. So she couldn't move. She propped up her front with her elbows with her forearms on the ground. She couldn't talk or yell, but only got out a whisper, "Hiei....don't.....please don't........I can't.....don't want you to......" She began to remember when she met him and everything that happened after then between them. Tears started to roll down her face as she saw Atamis continuing to approach the injured Hiei. She reached her hand forward toward him.

Just as Atamis got within a few feet of Hiei, he stopped and looked up. The soul carriers were making strange noises, like a creature from under the sea. They started to swirl in smaller circles and come down more. They seemed to be 'looking' at Atamis.

>> Chapter 12: Rika's full demon form

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2005-01-26 [Lady Alaina]: WHOA! CONTINUE,CONTINUE,CONTINUE!!!!!!!!

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